Friday, February 05, 2010

Howard Stern To Replace Simon Cowell?

"Look honey, you can't sing, but if you get naked I will let you go to Hollywood." I don't think you would ever hear that sentence from Simon Cowell, but if the reports from the NY Post are true, you may hear it from Howard Stern. According to sources from The Post, Howard Stern is the first choice of Idol producers to replace Simon Cowell. Really? You have replaced Paula Abdul with a talk show host and now you want to replace a record executive with a shock jock. This is quite possibly the worst idea I have ever heard. If Idol wants to kill itself then by all means keep hiring people who have nothing to do with the music industry.

I rarely watch Idol, but even I know this would totally destroy whatever fabric they have remaining. Who thinks of these ideas? What I think they should do is to have a reality show amongst A&R people from various labels. They go through various challenges and America votes. That way people would have a vested interest in the new judge. I think you need to have at least one person on the show who knows what to look for in talent and not just be curious about what breast size a contestant has.


  1. I utterly, completely despise the sound of his pervy voice.

  2. That is such a bad idea.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nooooooooo. If that happens, AI will be dead to me.

    I certainly don't want to hear/watch the ugly comments come from that ugly face.

  5. i just don't think there is any chance in hell of this happening.

  6. You know what? I TOTALLY LOVE it. I hope it happens. But it's Fox, and Stern is not a personality for their audience. But the idea is fresh and edgy and completely unexpected, so it gets a thumb up from me.

  7. I love AI, but will not watch it if HS is on there. We watch as a family and I won't expose my kids to his pervy comments. Additionally, SC may be mean and sarcastic, but he's RIGHT. He knows what he's talking about and was the only judge who's sentences actually made sense.

  8. I wonder how long it will be before Randy Jackson jumps ship, too. If he leaves, who would they replace him with? Oprah?

  9. sterns too lazy, he ain't doing that shit

  10. where would randy go to get such a payday???

  11. I cannot stand Stern and his misogynistic shit that passes for entertainment and banter.
    I'm not a totally devoted watcher of AI, but I'll stop watching all together if he joins the judges.

  12. I think with Ellen and now Howard
    Stern the producers of Idol are trying to go with quick thinking humorous people who are going to shine in a live environment. However these people have no credibility as musical judges. So Idol becomes more of a gimmick and less of a musical talent show. I'll probably still watch it though.

  13. I agree RQ. I can tolerate or even enjoy sexist humor, but he's about degradation not titillation.

  14. Bad idea...find someone else.

  15. I don't think it would be a bad idea. Does anyone who has commented actually listen to him regularly? I think if you did you would realize that he can be very respectful, funny, and insightful. Sure, gross is part of the schtick with willing participants, but I can't imagine he would turn that on American Idol hopefuls.

  16. Worst idea ever if this is the slightest bit true. This is a "family" show - Howard Stern does not fit this image. So unless they are doing a complete overhaul of the show and it's now a stripping competition instead of a singing competition, there's no way he should be a judge.

  17. @Joolie

    My only problem is that little kids and young teens watch this show (some are in it), and what he does it not for little ears. I could just see him judging and saying a girls singing sucked but her tits(sry) are great. Um. No.

  18. Do I see a shark waiting to be jumped?

  19. Since the advent of 'reality' tv programming I have not watched one single solitary minute of that crap. Not being snobby, it just drives me nuts. And nothing I've seen over the years - including this - makes me tempted to change my policy.

  20. This show has the wrong demographic for Howard Stern. I'd be surprised if it were true. That said, if it is, I won't be watching AI anymore and I've been hooked for several seasons now. I can't stand Howard Stern.

  21. Ellie, that shark was jumped when they added a 4th judge, imo.

  22. I love Howard, but he needs to stay with Sirius.

  23. Only him and his fans (!) find him funny. This is a very bad idea & probably not much truth to it either.

  24. Not a fan of Howard Stern. I find him a grossly overpaid obnoxious windbag.

    Actually I'm not a fan of American Idol, either. What ev.

  25. It couldn't be more obvious that the comments - including Enty's - are coming from people who do not listen to the show. It sounds very much like people have heard "about" the show, and perhaps even a few sound bites, but they really have no idea what it is like.
    Too bad for you.
    Howard is a big fan of AI in the truest sense. He watches, comments, is invested in it and even votes sometimes. I agree, he is mot a musician/performer, but he certainly knows as much about music and what it takes to be a star as Ellen.

  26. I love Howard. He's way too controversial for a white bread show like Idol. I think Idol is just going to milk this whole who's gonna replace simon for all it's worth and as long as possible.

    The only reason Howard would do this is if they just threw tons and tons of money at him. He loves money.

    However, he doesn't want to just be that guy who replaced Simon. He's an innovator, he likes to be the first.

    Lastly,and most importantly . . . Howard absolutely hates to fly. To even imagine him boppin' around the country getting onto a plane every few days during auditions is ludicrous. His home base has to be New York because that's where his family is.

  27. I absolutely ADORE Howard. Those who criticize need to actually listen to his show, particularly in say, the last few years.

    American Idol is dead the moment Simon leaves. No one can replace him anyway.


  28. Add me to the list of Howard lovers. That said, I'll be surprised if he does it. I think for one thing, the schedule is too much of a pain in the ass for him.

    *giggling at Chasing Heaven's Bababooey reference*

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Yay Howard! I too thought of him as just some asshole who had strippers do humiltating stuff for money for breast implants but once I gave him a chance I realized that that douchetastic aspect of him is only 15 % of the show, lol.

    I totally agree that once Simon leaves that is all folks. The show has been dragging for awhile now and the dynamic of the original 3 judges is just too too important and with that gone, like the foundation of a house, the show will colapse without them there.
    Sometimes i tune in and see that replacement Paula and am thrown off and really just cant get into the show. Randy must be splashing in money right now, i bet the producers are BEGGING him not to go anywhere.

    That being said, would LOVE if Stern was on but agree the show is too family oriented for him. I dont know if he could maintain being 'pc' enough for the duration of the show without pissing off the june and ward cleavers of america who watch

  31. Maybe Rush Limbaugh would take the job since he doesn't have his Monday Night Football gig to fall back on anymore.

  32. Hello without Simon Cowell American Idol is going to die anyway absolutely unsavable. At least with Howard Stern on there it will be sure to go out with a BANG I'm all for it.

  33. Oh please, no! AI has a shred of credibility because Cowell actually works in the music industry. Get another tart tongued industry exec. I worked in that business, and believe me, there is no shortage of them!

  34. this is the best idea ever, u guys are prejudiced based on his old E! show which showed only the grossest and sexit parts ... Howard is honest and a good judge of talent, he has invented many concepts that became shows (The Osbournes, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader, etc) and also discovered and made many stars.
