Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Janine Missed Christmas

Lost in the shuffle of a hearing yesterday in the ongoing visitation battle between Jesse James and Janine Lindemuller was this little nugget from Jesse James. Janine never showed up on Christmas to pick up her daughter. The last time this battle was in the news was when Janine was all tears and explaining that she is a great mom despite her porn occupation and convicted felon for a boyfriend and that she really wanted to see her daughter for Christmas. The judge agreed and then Janine never showed up. Seriously? It is your child. It is Christmas. She is 6. I don't care how much money someone is offering you on your web cam you make time for your child especially when you went to court to get that right. Janine has apparently missed 4 of her last 5 scheduled visits with her daughter.


  1. What a class act!

  2. Yeah, sad that some terrible parents are able to procreate and others who would be good parents cannot.

    But semi-OT, back in the day Janine truly was the most beautiful woman in porn. And she was kinda special cuz she only *did* women IIRC.

    Disgusting what that industry does to (most) people.

  3. she fucks on camera for money.
    the end.

    custody granted to Jesse.no 6 yo should have a porn star mommy. this is 2010,get a real job if you love your kid so much.

  4. I just wish the judge would give her zero visitation rights. It's not fair to Sunny, Jesse, and Sandra to force them to continuously battle for custody when Janinie doesn't even bother to show up. Poor kid.

  5. Poor kid. At least she can rely on Jesse and Sandra.

  6. If she didn't show for Christmas and other scheduled visitation, crystal ball says she won't get custody. Doesn't sound like she really wants it. I smell an attempt to stay relevant.

  7. This is so sad and really unfathomable (spell? I'm not a good speller, sorry!) to me as a mother.

    I think that Jesse is probably a good dad. Despite the choice to procreate with a porn star.

  8. Poor little girl. I wonder what Janine's excuse is?

  9. regardless of what she does for a living, she's a shitty mom who doesn't deserve to be in that girl's life. you just don't do that to a kid.

  10. Wish people would think with their brains and not their body parts when they choose to make kids with people like this skank.

    The judge should just terminate Janine's rights if she keeps pulling this crap. Lady, don't keep getting your kid's hopes up for nothing when it's clear you're more worried about a criminal's feelings than hers. Loser.

  11. Saw J. James on Celebrity Apprentice a year or so ago and he actually seemed like a nice person compared to the rest of them. (Of course, that's why he didn't win.)

    My late husband was kind of like him -- almost too nice of a guy who procreates with a monster. At least Jesse has the $$ to take the so-called mother to court and fight for custody. In my husband's case, the poor girl stayed with her mentally ill mom and he just got visitation.

  12. I thought i read somewhere that she had lost her visitation rights.

    I am not sure I could be as gracious about being with a guy who has a kid with a porn star.

  13. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Am I the only person who thinks the Bullock/James match up is sort of odd?

  14. there will be people that say just because she's a porn star doesn't mean she can't be a good mother, which I gues, technically is true. HOWEVER, the fact that she makes these arrangements, than DOES NOT keep them, SHOWS she is not a good mother. That poor child. This is not going to be an easy road for ANY of the parties or relationships involved.

  15. I hope the judge pulled her visitation. Little kids should have to be yanked around waiting for their parents and then have them not show.

    Porn Star was on Howard Stern before Christmas playing the sympathy card and trying to spin this like she had been totally wronged. I'd love to hear her go back on now.

  16. My friend's dad, who is a doctor, used to pull that crap all the time when we were kids. She'd wait and wait, and he just wouldn't show up- and she would be devestated. Its crappy no matter what the parent does for a living.

    At least this child has someone who seems to want to be a good stepmom to her.

  17. I know some people think that "parents" like Janine are still better to have in the child's life than not. While I was blessed with two great parents, I've seen through many of my friends and others how this approach can really screw someone up more than it helps. If she isn't going to fully commit to being there for her daughter then she should just step out all together. This game she is playing is cruel and damaging to a child of any age.

  18. Clear indication of drug/alcohol abuse to not show up to pick up your damn DAUGHTER on Xmas. Take her visitation away for good until she's got her act together.

  19. Hopefully they are now one step closer to having er parental rights taken away permanently.

  20. It's heartbreaking to sit at the window with your child waiting for someone who never shows-up.

  21. Better for the daughter really.

  22. @RocketQueen - You took the words right out of my mouth!

  23. linnea-

    I KNOW I couldn't be gracious at all in that situation. Hell, I may be a jerk for saying this but I couldn't ever date someone with kids, no matter what. It just seems like too much drama and trouble. I remember how I was to my parent's boyfriends/girlfriends and I just could not put up with that shit. I cannot imagine liking any man enough to put up with someone else's kid. I mean, I respect those who can and give them props, but for me personally, I just could not do it.

    I do hope that this poor little girl is kept far, FAR away from her gross mother. I don't think that someone who is CURRENTLY involved in porn, drugs, etc can be a good mother, but that does not mean that they can't change, or cannot be a good parent once they get out of that lifestyle. People do change, but I think until the mother gets herself together (if she ever does), she needs to be kept far, far away from that child.

  24. My "husband" did something similar this past Christmas. He is so pissed off that I don't have a job that he decided that there would be no presents this year. Despite his previous similar behavior, my daughter thought she'd get at least one thing. So the kids got up Christmas morning to NOTHING. My "husband" got up, srode into the living room, sat down, and stared at my daughter like she was crazy. She cried the rest of the day. Then my "husband" had the gall to tell me that my son was okay with it. No he wasn't. But he knows was a jerk his father can be. He's not poor - he makes 6 figures and has been penny-pinching for years. But that's not the worst part of it. I knew that he wanted his kids to feel bad, and then he would go ahead any buy them what they wanted. (Which amounted to a pair of shoes, a camera and a bass guitar.) I cannot wait for the day I have enough money so I can take the kids and LEAVE.

    Sorry, guys - rant over.

  25. mngddess- i am so sorry to hear that things are not ok with you and the so called husband. i hope that you will get your will and be able to move out and live a better life.

  26. Aw, @mngddess, so sorry to hear about that. Sucks.

    Your "husband" needs to spend a day chained to the metal chair I fantasize about when people pull this kind of shit, being familiarized with some sharp, rusty tools...

  27. mngddess - Sorry to hear that. Your husband and my mom sound like they're related. My mom would pull mindfuck games like that all the time. Pfft.

  28. I am currently in a battle with a biological mom. She has pulled out every stop over the last 6 months to keep my husband and I from taking custody of her son (who is still in foster care, btw). She can't get healthy enough to regain custody, so she is of the mind set 'If I can't have him, no one can'.

    Well, we finally got somewhere in court today and will be getting him on Friday! :) Of course this just means the beginning of dealing with her via visitation and court room drama. :(

    PS - did I mention she has another older child that her family still has custody of. She just keeps procreating and getting them taken away. But she will never give up custody so her children will never be able to be fully adopted.
    She is the worst kind of selfish.

  29. People like Janine and the person @GalFriday spoke of make me wish the gov't would put birth control in the water supply and make folks pass a screening and get a license to get the antidote and have kids.

    People who abuse children (and this sort of behavior IS abusive) are the worst kind of people out there.

  30. SJ...GREAT idea re: bc in the water.

    Just because you CAN have kids doesn't mean you SHOULD.

  31. mngddess, please start putting money into a mayo jar and bury it in the back yard. tell no one. there is no other way to hide money and if he is cheap now, wait. He will be a monster when you leave. take it from one who know.

  32. Sorry to hear that, mngoddess, and I agree with sunnyside. I have a girlfriend going through a HORRIBLE time right now trying to separate from a husband who's convinced (wrongly) she's trying to take "everything". Thank goodness she has an independent income.

  33. oh that poor little girl. :(

    still trying to figure out wth JJ was thinking when he fell in love w/ janine.

  34. i also read janine still gets to make daily phone calls to this child, and in them, jesse says she tells all kinds of stories to her about prison life that are TOTALLY inappropriate.

    so how 'bout this? you can't see her. you can't talk to her.

    is that so fucking hard?

  35. This story just disgusts me.

    @mngddess How awful! I am sorry you have to go through that. My heart broke when I read about your kids. I hope you are able to get out of what seems like a very unhappy marriage to a very selfish man. Good luck to you!
