Monday, February 08, 2010

Jessica Alba Talks About Cash & Lindsay

Jessica Alba gave an interview this month to British Cosmo and they asked her about Cash warren and Lindsay Lohan and to Jessica's credit she answered. She said the whole thing was ridiculous and that, "Everyone has to live their life, and that's what people forget when you're in this business – she's really nice. We hang out and chat for hours about girl stuff." Really? I can't imagine Lindsay talking about a subject longer than about 20 minutes, but whatever. Hours? Really? Jessica and Lindsay? I don't see it. I think this is just some made up crap from someone in Jessica's camp.I want to know if she actually sat down with UK Cosmo or just provided a bunch of answers to questions.

In the interview or whatever it is, Jessica also said she is not into the whole soul mate thing for marriage and that she thinks it should just be about finding someone you don't mind hanging out with for the rest of your life and to introduce to your family. She didn't care about the whole princess thing and having a special day on your wedding. When you read it, it almost sounds like she thinks of it as a business thing or is very clinical and detached about it. Of course if you were marrying Cash you might not want to think too deeply about what you were doing either.


  1. Obviously what she said about lindsay is total bs but it was the right way to handle it. It is a lot better than say it was "uncool". I don't really care for Alba but Lindsay isn't worth the ire.

  2. Yeah, agreeing with what Alice wrote.


  4. Maybe being clinical about it really works for her and would work for more people instead of (or besides) the whole 'finding your soulmate' thing.

  5. I agree with Alice. Total BS, but way classier.

  6. I don't want a princess-y wedding either, however my man is Italian, so I can forget about running away to Vegas.

  7. I hate the whole princess for a day thing. I eloped. My Mother was furious.

  8. When I hit my mid-30's, I decided my gameplan was to go to city hall during lunch ,then have a big party aftewards. I don't wanna miss out on the presents! I'm still waiting for some guy I don't mind hanging out with for the rest of my life and to introduce to my family.

  9. When I hit my mid-30's, I decided my gameplan was to go to city hall during lunch ,then have a big party aftewards. I don't wanna miss out on the presents! I'm still waiting for some guy I don't mind hanging out with for the rest of my life and to introduce to my family.

  10. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Small wedding for me with dinner in a restaurant, BUT a nice long honeymoon (10 days).

  11. Yeah, I totally get not wanting to make a big deal out of the weeding. I'm not exactly the princess type myself, but if a poofy dress and lavish church wedding is what you want, I say go for it. It's your day.

  12. ditto, alice.

    as far as weddings go, i've never wanted a big one. i also hate brides who feel entitled to be a "princess for a day" grow up! it's not YOUR day. it's a special day in the life of you and your partner and you've chosen to SHARE with the close people in your life. this so does not make you a princess.

    ugh, rant over. sorry, i just think weddings are out of control these days.

  13. Yeah, I have never wanted a big wedding either. I am just a regular person and don't need to feel "like a princess" or any of that crap. To me, it's about me and my husband, and our comittment to each other, not throwing some expensive, stressful party for a bunch of people that I probably wouldn't enjoy anyways (I am not a people person). I am not knocking those who do want a big wedding and all that, but not all women care about that stuff, despite what the media and wedding industrial complex would have you believe. So even though I am not a fan of MiserAlba, I totally understand where she's coming from.

    What I DON'T understand is being friends with Hohan. She is one of those women who don't know the meaning of the word (like all women in my experience), and why be "friends" with someone who you KNOW you cannot trust? That is what I find strange about this, not the wedding thing.

  14. I wanted my reception down the shore at a beautiful Victorian, but my parents said, that's too far for the relatives to travel to. They were paying for the wedding, since all of my money was going towards a down payment for my house. So I had the usual "Jersey wedding reception". I regret it to this day, because that's so not me. I KNOW the parents and the relatives wanted that much more than I did (large Italian families on both sides).

  15. I can understand the "no big wedding" thing, but why no mention of you know. . . love. Plus, it is really shady to make up that friendly-with-Lohan crap. If some crack ho publicly flirted with your husband, would you act like everything was awesome????

  16. @amandarae

    A lot of women don't know how to be friends with other women. It must be a competition thing, I dunno. All I know is that I avoid "girly girls" like the plague and Hohan seems like a super girly girl. Ugh.

  17. @Lioness

    No one wants to break their nonna's heart...

  18. Ditto what Alice said...Alba took the high road on that issue.

    As I got older, the size of my ideal marriage ceremony got smaller. When I finally did marry, we paid for most of it and had @ 100 people, one bridesmaid and one junior bridesmaid, and a budget of @ $3000 for wedding, reception and honeymoon. If it wasn't for my honey and I feeling we had to invite certain people, I would have been happy with 10 people and bring-your-own-food reception...but definitely same honeymoon. ;-D

    @lioness - Maybe you can have a recommitment ceremony on your own terms and wherever you like.

  19. I sound like everyone else here. When I got married, I just wanted to be married to my husband. I didn't care about all the other crap. My parents did so we didn't elope but we had a simple wedding in my parents' yard with about 60 guests or so. It was very sweet and family-oriented with an awesome band for dancing later on.

  20. I have to agree with Alba on the no soulmate thing. This soulmate bs has been nothing but trouble.
    For me it's right up there with princess for a day and the wedding is all about me attitudes of some women when they get married. Grow the eff up. You're not an 8 year old putting on a play dress. But the wedding industry makes tons of cash on woman who want to act like little girls. As someone else here wrote - the wedding day is about two people; not just the bride.
    As a dear friend of mine said to me years ago "it's not about finding someone you can do things with. It's about finding someone you can do nothing with".

    I have a huge Uke family so I know my wedding will be big but it will still be low-key and non traditional. Just a great party for friends and family and not one poofy dress in site.

  21. As a dear friend of mine, who is a priest, used to say: "It's not about the wedding, it's about the marriage."

  22. Well I guess I am in the minority here, but I DID want a big wedding and decided against eloping. We didn't have a lot of money to do an extravagant one and my husband and i paid for the majority of ours. I don't think that makes me superficial, I just wanted a big party with my friends/family and that was what we had. I was a nervous wreck all day so I learned being the center of it all was definitely NOT my thing.

    I will say that upon reflection we realized that I had put way too much time/energy/money planning it and saw that while it was a fun day, we both wish we had just spent the money on our house or paying off debt. I've never talked to another person in my group of girlfriends who have not said the same thing but yet we all made the same mistake. Oh well live and learn.

    On Alba, I don't see the two of them hanging all.

  23. Dang what happened to the good ol' days when having a wedding was romantical? I didn't have a quincenera so I flippin owe it to my family and I to marry it up fancy style. It'll awesome fo sho

  24. Sue Ellen Mishkey-

    Yeah, I think it is a competition thing too. I would like to be able to have female friends, but all the women I have been friends with in the past have backstabbed me, so I generally stay away from women on a social/friendship level. It makes me sad, but I'd rather have no female friends at all than have a bunch of "friends" who resent me behind my back and talk shit about me. I'm sure that there are women out there that aren't like that (after all, I'M not like that) but I just haven't met one yet. Maybe one day...
