Wednesday, February 10, 2010

John Mayer Talks About Everything - Won't Have Sex With A Black Woman **Graphic**

Did you know that John Mayer prefers masturbating to having sex? Well you do now thanks to his Playboy interview you do. Oh, and if you do have sex with him, he won't be thinking about you.

PLAYBOY: Masturbation for you is as good as sex?

MAYER: Absolutely, because during sex, I’m just going to run a filmstrip. I’m still masturbating. That’s what you do when you’re 30, 31, 32. This is my problem now: Rather than meet somebody new, I would rather go home and replay the amazing experiences I’ve already had.

PLAYBOY: You’d rather jerk off to an ex-girlfriend than meet someone new?

MAYER: Yeah. What that explains is that I’m more comfortable in my imagination than I am in actual human discovery. The best days of my life are when I’ve dreamed about a sexual encounter with someone I’ve already been with. When that happens, I cannot lay off myself.

Now that he has all that out of the way he has lots and lots to say about Jennifer Aniston. The thing that fascinated me the most was that he thinks she wishes it was still 1998.

PLAYBOY: Did you send Aniston a copy of the CD after it was done?


PLAYBOY: Maybe she’ll download it from BitTorrent.

MAYER: If Jennifer Aniston knows how to use BitTorrent I’ll eat my fucking shoe. One of the most significant differences between us was that I was tweeting. There was a rumor that I had been dumped because I was tweeting too much. That wasn’t it, but that was a big difference. The brunt of her success came before TMZ and Twitter. I think she’s still hoping it goes back to 1998. She saw my involvement in technology as courting distraction. And I always said, “These are the new rules.”

In what will surely be the most controversial thing John Mayer says is that he apparently won't ever have sex with a black woman. He will make music with black people and rappers but he has this to say about actually dating a woman of color.

PLAYBOY: Do black women throw themselves at you?

MAYER: I don’t think I open myself to it. My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock.

Wow. Umm, I am sure the KKK can't wait to put you on one of their compilation albums. Seriously? I can't believe he said that. I guarantee you he will apologize for it. He has too. It's outrageous.

He also talks a great deal about Jessica Simpson. He says he was addicted to her sexually. Really? I always get the impression that she is pretty tame. Maybe that is what John Mayer likes about her.

MAYER: It wasn’t as direct as me saying “I now make the choice to bring the paparazzi into my life.” I really said, “I now make the choice to sleep with Jessica Simpson.” That was stronger than my desire to stay out of the paparazzi’s eye. That girl, for me, is a drug. And drugs aren’t good for you if you do lots of them. Yeah, that girl is like crack cocaine to me.

PLAYBOY: You were addicted to Jessica Simpson?

MAYER: Sexually it was crazy. That’s all I’ll say. It was like napalm, sexual napalm.

For the entire interview including more than you will ever want to know about his relationship with Jennifer Aniston, his feelings for her and everything else, click here.


  1. He is truly despicable, rude and disrespectful to women. Loathe. I didn't think I could dislike him any more, but here I am.

  2. OMGoodness. This guy - such scum. Why do women want to be near him? I agree with RocketQueen.

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I don't have a problem with anyone choosing to date or whatever within their ethinicity, but his statement is beyond words. He had better hope that his next album does not suffer.

    What the hell kind of question was that to ask?

  4. Good. Now the mass public will see what many of us have for some time now: John Mayer is an asshole of epic proportions.

  5. He claims throughout that article that he loves and respects Aniston - yet his dissing of her re: technology and her fame say the opposite. Argh - I can't STAND him!!

  6. Wow... what an interview. He really is full of himself. Maybe Jessica Simpson will get some dates out of it. I can't image what women see in him.

  7. I am appalled by his comment about not sleeping with black women. I understand that everyone has a preference, etc etc, but the wording he used is not something you say in a fucking interview. What a piece of shit.

  8. Keep fucking that chicken, John. *rolling eyes*

    He probably wanted to fuck black women, but they didn't want him. They're better don't want this douchenozzle inside you!

  9. I've read the gossip about John, so I'm not surprised that he's a jerk, but I'm shocked that he says these things in interviews! What an ASSHOLE!!!

  10. I dunno...seems pretty honest about who he is. Some people are like that. I mean the black female thing, that's his honesty. I probably wouldn't have worded it like him, but I'm also not a major douchebag. His answers seem to fit his personality.

    But, while on the topic, none of you has ever not slept with someone because of race or ethnicity? Like maybe an Indian guy with a turban and beard? Or a mexican dude in front of home depo?
    Or maybe you only sleep with one race cause you prefer it the most? Same thing, except in reverse.
    At least he admitted it in a public forum.

  11. I knew he was bad, I didn't know he was that bad.

  12. Oh, and I thought J.Simp was into ass play and scat?

  13. I can't stand John but he should not have to apologize for it. He can have sleep with who he wants. Heck black people say stuff about white people everyday in their rap songs.

  14. "At least he admitted it in a public forum."

    @trogdor, NO that's the problem everything should NOT be admitted in a public forum. Never admit to being a racist unless you're looking for trouble.

    John is a fucking asshole. End of story.

  15. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is an ignorant loser and his one-way ticket to doucheachusetts. say hi to chris and goopy for us.

  16. If I had dated him and he talked about me that way, I would be horrified! He is the douchiest douche bag on the planet! I hope someone sues his scum sucking ass.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I just read the entire interview. I need some brain bleach, thanks.

    He's definitely an obnoxious asshole, but at least he's not trying to pretend that he's something he's not. I don't read many celebrity interviews for that reason: I can't stand the PR whitewash. Boring!

    One thing that stood out was the "I broke up with JA because I had to be 32." WTF? How much longer is he going to get away with this man-child baloney? He and the hordes of men-children like him are why books like Marry Him: The Case For Settling for Mr. Good Enough are even freaking discussion topics.

  19. dont blame it on your dick, john. thats all you.

  20. MY EYES!!!!! OH GOD, MY EYES!!!!!!

    Put a warning at the beginning of that segment, Enty! 'Cuz once it's in your brain you can never unsee it.

    (Poking my eyes out with my letter opener now.)

  21. Lioness70, please pass the brain bleach bottle. I only understood about a 1/4 of what he says and was pretty nauseated by what I did get.

    And taking credit for his breakup with Jen to make it easier for her? WTF?

    Do the world a favor John. Make good on the intention to do less interviews. Lots less.

  22. "I broke up with JA because I had to be 32."

    Um, wait. Is 32 really that young? Not really. Sounds like he might be in denial about aging. (and I say that as a 47 year old)

    Any woman who would sleep with him now is out of her mind. And has no self-respect.

  23. Ladies, let's all stay away from him and let him masturbate. He's an ass who disrespects women and makes out with Perez Hilton. And Jessica Simpson needs better taste in men.

  24. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Forgot to say that John M. is more than likely NOT attractive in the eyes of women of any ethnicity. He's looking all Frankenstein-Hick in that PB pic to boot.

  25. You have to remember that most people who read Playboy are people who think posing in Playboy is empowering for women.

  26. He has the most enormous melon I have ever seen. It's no wonder he's almost always wearing a button-front shirt; his head can barely fit through a standard neck hole.

  27. Thats okay honey, Sistahs ain't calling for John Meyer anyway, y'all can keep him and his Valtrex lol

  28. And Ent..acording to some of Jessica's exes who always seem to blab, she isn't tame. As moosh mentioned, there were several non-blind item reports of poopy covered hotel mattresses after she and JM were done and friends to Tony Romo were saying that he was afraid during sex because she was into rough games and auto-erotic asphyxiation. I think JM is in to water sports and according to past blind items, he keeps gay porn as a screensaver. Could all be lies but that's what's out there.

  29. do you think this is for real? or does he just say outrageous stuff for the publicity?

    either way--can't stand him.

  30. He is vile. Maybe he's honest, but I'm not going to applaud him for it. These revelations are not about being honest and upfront, they are about generating publicity for himself and keeping all the attention on him. He wants people to talk about him, good or bad. He doesn't care. He's a narcissist. As long as it's about him, it's good.

    I truly hope Taylor Swift reads this article and reconsiders things. He's disgusting. Just being honest!

  31. Taylor Swift hittin' this? She needs to run. If he is interested in her it's only because she is hot right now and he'll be dissing her in his next interview.

  32. Sigh. . .I should NEVER read this blog while eating lunch. I never learn, lol.

  33. Like Cheryl, I too thought about the rumours about Jessica Simpson and her being into auto-erotic asphyxiation, among other things.

    I'm sure he is working on corrupting Taylor Swift as we speak.

  34. while I never begrudge an individuals right to be upfront and even totally blunt, there are really some things a decent human being should keep to themselves....JM is far from decent.

  35. Based upon His Assholiness' butt ugly face, I'm sure black women everywhere are breathing a ginormous sigh of relief and that Jennifer Aniston is wondering what the fuck she was thinking.

  36. I read another excerpt on D listed. He is unreal.

    There are plenty of things that go on in my head that stay there. It is called an inside voice. Is it wrong for me to home that John doesn't develop one and that someone will beat the living sh*t out of him? And you should have read that before I used my inside voice!

  37. I just read the full article and definitely feel dirty for having done so. Wonder what Jessica and Jennifer think of this article???

    Taylor Swift, hope you read this!

  38. JS is a gorgeous, meaty woman with low self-esteem. For a kinky guy, that's sexual napalm.

    I have no problem at all with the black girl thing. We all have preferences. I've never dated a black guy, because pasty really turns my crank. Some guys don't screw girls with short hair or small boobs. Who cares? There's someone for everyone.
    JM may be a douche in general, but there's no need to overreact to him being honest about the type of girl he's attracted to. It's not like that policy extends to anything other than his sex life.

    I think that statement about Aniston living in the past is spot on!

    And: She was pushing 40 when they dated, and was (unwillingly) divorced. He was a single alley-cat in his early 30's. Guys that age are just generally not marriage material, or even LTR sometimes.
    I'm pushing 40, and I've been there. I want a relationship leading to marriage, and 30ish always-single guys are definitely not ready. My experience, my opinion.

  39. He is the very definition of a wanker!

  40. WTF was that comment about black women? 'My dick is a white supremist'??? OMG, so he's blaming his dick, as if the NAACP will let this one slide because, you know, it's his dick. This guy is a piece of work. There's nothing as revolting as a man who leaves nothing to the imagination regarding his sexcapades. If you date him, you not only need all your STD shots, you'll need to hire a cleaner to mop up and disinfect the oral mess. Ugh. He's repulsive through and through.

  41. After reading that interview I'm pretty sure that he is a sex addict. Some people get addicted to the constantly beating off to porn-part of it, and he sure seems to be.

  42. Wow. I'm actually more shocked by the J.Simp stuff...I never knew! What rock was I under...sheesh. Re: Mayer. I have to believe half of the shit he says is created by him for perceived entertainment value. He says in the interview that he's reached a point of "fame" where he's just doing things for the challenge of them. I have to believe he pushes the envelope to see what he can get away with. I know he's a douchebag, but there's still a part of me that can't reconcile that guy with the singer/songwriter persona. Then again, isn't that what people say about sociopath serial killers? "He seemed so sweet and nice..I never imagined." Yikes.

  43. I was willing to overlook previous douchy comments from JM because, I'm embarrassed to admit, I like his music. I also like Kanye West's and Toby Keith's music, even though they're both asses. For some reason I tolerate a lot of idiotic behavior from my musical entertainers (I do draw the line at Chris Brown, though). However, I don't think I can look at JM the same way again, and I know for sure those songs aren't going to sound good. Just eww.

  44. Is this guy for real? I mean some of the shit he is saying is just so outrageous, it has to be just for shock value. Just to get a rise out of people and see how far he can push the envelope.
    That said, I do think he is a total sleaze bag and so damned conceited it is ridiculous. As soon as any of his music comes on, I turn to another station. I can't stand to listen to him. Never have seen the appeal musically or physically. Yikes!

  45. are you guys forgetting enty wrote that blind and is he says he thought she was tame..then it wasn't her to begin with...from what i remember anyway.

    John,you're a fucking DOUCHE. i hope even more chicks turn you down from this interview.

  46. "JM may be a douche in general, but there's no need to overreact to him being honest about the type of girl he's attracted to."

    I absolutely agree with this - we can't dictate who we fancy - but the way he said it was just awful. Awful. Part of me likes that he just opens his mouth and lets the next random thought come out, in a world of plastic over-rehearsed celebrities. The other part thinks he will sober up after some sort of rehab and look back at this part of his life in horror...

    And hey, he's certainly giving fair warning to any girl he goes after that her private life won't remain remotely private if she has sex with him. I shudder for what poor Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston must be feeling.

  47. ...and I thought I couldn't possibly hate him any more.

    I hope he gives interviews to everybody who asks for one.

  48. The only thing I liked is what he said about being half jewish on his dad's side and how ppl always say it doesnt count but he thinks it does.
    That is me to a T. Exact same situation and I thought it was funny the way he said he keeps the temp of his pool at 92' degrees so you do the math. HEHE, that was funny.

  49. but yeah, of course, he is a total mofo for this. Seriously? breaking up with someone because you cant relate about technology like TWITTER? lame and SO fucking superficial

  50. wasn't there an old blind item about jessica having really dirty sex 9as in having to change the mattress afterwards) with a musician and it was revealed to be john meyer?

  51. maybe john doesn't ever want to get laid again. because after that interview, the only women that should go near him are those who can't read.

  52. Oh yeah J Simpson is a total freak! She cheated on Nick with both Johnny Knoxville and Bam Margera and apparently loves the back door $ex.

  53. The fact that this ass feels the need to share his masturbation sessions & sexcapades, like it is something so revolutionary, is what really makes him a douche to me. Listen up little man, the whole world is having sex, not just you. Get the fuck over yourself.


  54. I actually love that a celebrity had a brain vomit in a national publication. As repulsive as he now seems, at least we know who and what he is, and can decide if we want to help him financially by buying his music. Think of how MANY, MANY other lowlife celebs are out there hiding behind their perfect public relation machines. Maybe whatever possessed JM to just gush forth with actual truth is contagious and more of them will unmask themselves.

    It sounds like from some of these posts, that we can't handle the truth.

  55. I won't sleep with a black man, but my roommate is a black woman -- am I a racist?

    C'mon all you holier than thou people -- notice he said his heart is Benetton -- means accepting of many colors -- but he doesn't have to want to sleep with them all. I'm pretty damned sure that none of you will sleep with someone just because he/she is a minority. If you do, what kind of person does that make YOU?

    Yeah Mayer speaks his mind, and his mind may not agree with you, but it's still his right to say what he wants. If you think he's such a douchebag/asshole/moron why do you keep reading about him?

  56. RJ, what the CDAN folk are saying is the truth, too. You can't handle that?

  57. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I wonder if Asshole John has a PR that will come out saying that his words were taken out of context. Isn't that what every celebrity idiot say.

  58. Sure he gave a strange answer about black women, but it was kind of a strange question for them to ask anyway.

    I agree with you Trogdor and Cindy.

  59. On Twitter he is now apologizing for using the "n" word. That's it. Not for discussing his fucky times with Jessica or how Aniston is living in the past and technologically incompetent. Just that. Scum.

  60. he strikes me as someone who must have been a real loser in high school & is making up for it now.

  61. Anonymous3:08 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Some people are missing the point. I don't think many here are upset that he would not have sex with a black woman, but it's 'how' he said it.

    PLAYBOY: Do black women throw themselves at you?
    MAYER: I don't get much attention from black women.

    This would have killed that stupid question.

    And you know what...I don't mind people wanting to date/sleep with people in their own ethnic groups, it's only bigotry when you dictate what others should do.

    HOWEVER, I know firsthand that just because someone has your same skin color, doesn't mean that they will be right for you.

  63. Melody, I fully understand what you are saying and I agree that it is about HOW he answered it. His response was pretty crass. My point, is that the question was quite crass too.

  64. @lutefisk - totally agree.

  65. lutefisk said...
    he strikes me as someone who must have been a real loser in high school & is making up for it now.


  66. OMG, lutefisk - I love your conclusion to all of this. That seriously has to be the reason for this guy's douchetastic words, actions, beliefs. It totally all makes sense now.

    I mean I'm totally for the high school dork getting the girls in the long run, but this guy I just don't get. He seems so unmanly and so self-absorbed all at the same time. Ick nast.

  67. You know its funny that Enty didn't post the rest of Mayer's answer to that ridiculous question -- after the David Duke comment, Mayer said " I am going to start dating separately from my dick". That comment shows a lot about John Mayer that Enty didn't bother to show.

  68. His digs at Aniston tell me that SHE did the dumping and his ego is hurt...poor baby...Maybe it wasn't the technology but the fact that he can't keep his f@cking mouth shut. Wow..what a douche...I like..ahem..LIKED his music but man...he's talked himself out of another sale.

  69. saying "My heart is Benetton but my dick is David Duke"? those are the words of a racist. Sorry, but it is. To draw the line at sleeping with a person because of their skin color is racist. And what exactly does " I am going to start dating separately from my dick" even mean? He'll open himself to dating black women, but still won't sleep with them. WTFever John Mayer.

  70. Cindy said...
    I won't sleep with a black man, but my roommate is a black woman -- am I a racist?

    C'mon all you holier than thou people -- notice he said his heart is Benetton -- means accepting of many colors -- but he doesn't have to want to sleep with them all. I'm pretty damned sure that none of you will sleep with someone just because he/she is a minority. If you do, what kind of person does that make YOU?

    Yeah Mayer speaks his mind, and his mind may not agree with you, but it's still his right to say what he wants. If you think he's such a douchebag/asshole/moron why do you keep reading about him


    Im mexican and have dated nothing but white guys...does that make me racist? Everyone I know seem to think so or are they just mad cuz Im not attracted to them personally? Yeah thats it.

  71. i agree with trogdor. at least he's honest about his sexuality. he's not an asshole. he just doesn't have the verbal filters the rest of "polite" society has. he talks as though he's going to die tomorrow, and he needs to say exactly what he wants to say. who gives a s**t? if it offends you, don't read it. we live in such an "OH MY GOD" society, but how many people who posted those kind of comments actually have slept with somebody outside their race? he's not being racist, he's being honest. i have a ton of friends from a wealth of cultures, but if somebody asked me if i would sleep with an indian guy, i'd say "show him to me". if he's cute, yes, if he's not, no." same as people who prefer blondes. get over the race thing.

  72. He is so gross! Seriously. I've never thought he was attractive, but this puts him into the repulsive category.
