Thursday, February 11, 2010

John Mayer Wants Us To Feel Sorry For Him Now

After apologizing for using the "N" word in his Playboy interview but for no other comment he made, John Mayer wants us to feel sorry for him. Last night he was playing in Nashville and stopped the show so he could say this to the audience. "I think it's important that you know that everybody on this stage is here playing with me not because they condone what I say in any interview ... they're on this stage because they support myself as a possible future grown-up."

Then Mayer almost starts to cry when he said, "And maybe they see something that I don't. So maybe I need to take a break from trying to be clever and spend a little time looking at what they see -- because they've done an unbelievable thing by standing on this stage and standing by my side playing tonight. It's just not worth being clever. I quit the media game. I'm out. I'm done. I just want to play my guitar."

Uh huh. Again he left out any apologies to the people he slammed in the interview and just appeared to be apologizing for saying the "N" word and none of the other white supremacist garbage he uttered.


  1. " as a possible future grown-up."

    1. Youre twice my age, you shouldve grown the fuck up years ago.

    2. Stop trying to be cutesy about this situation

    3. Youre a major douche

  2. Did anyone hear a radio interview this morning in L.A. with Perez Hilton telling all kinds of crap on Mayer??

    I can't check the website.

  3. John Mayer is a jackass of Kanye proportions.

  4. Wow...he used THE "N" word?? In 2010? He is such an asshole. Why would he think that would be okay and did he seriously think he could just move on from it? No big deal?

    Uuugh...his interview, (what I read), was so lame. He was just trying so hard and saying "fuck" and "cock" a lot.

    Grow the "fuck" up then, John Mayer. What a loser.

  5. Sorry, Mayer, too late. At least he's actually RIGHT now when he says he needs to take a break from trying to live in clever-cleverland and shock us with his used-to-be-a-fat-kid-who-nobody liked bullshit.
    $10 says we see many more interviews to come from him. Many more. He's a textbook narcissist. He's not done by a mile.

  6. he needs to apologize to Jessica and Jennifer...actually he needs to GET OVER Jen..shes' moved on,you're a fucking dick that needs to grow up in a BIG way.

    "i need to be 32." don't act like its 21,its 32,get over yourself, you zitty faced teen with self esteem issues in a grown man's body.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This is what I heard in the clip: "Me, me, me ... myself, myself, myself ... I, I, I."

  9. "I just want to play my guitar."
    Oh you're so jaded John. You have been through so much . . . idiot.

  10. >"I just want to play my guitar."

    Wasn't that pretty much what he said in the interview?

  11. It's odd that both he and Megan Fox seem to think they're clever and delightfully shocking when they are saying the lamest things imaginable. Mayer ought to apologize to Jessica and Jennifer for exposing what should be very private stuff in an idiotic attempt to draw attention to himself (and unfortunately, he's succeeded). Why does he get so many dates? It must be true that 99% of the men in Hollywood are gay if someone like this can get lucky.

  12. DItto everyone else

  13. Just when we were starting to forget about him, he opens his black hole mouth and we're all talking about him again. I guess he truly believes that any press is good press. But, personally, much like Kanye, I'm just sick of hearing about him. His apology doesn't even ring true. It's all a bunch of "oh woe is me...feel sorry for me...have pity sex with life is so complicated...I'm so misunderstood...all I really want to do is play my guitar..."

    John Mayer please just go away.

  14. Douche.

    He needs to apologize to Kerry Washington as well.

  15. It doesn't make him any less douchey for saying it then backtracking for saying it, but is it horrible that I'm really curious as to what it is about Jessica that makes her "sexual napalm"?

  16. The N-word? That's his idea of CLEVER?

  17. but can i say how awesome it is that he said Jen wants it to be 1998 again? ok that is comedic gold, because it is SO true.

  18. Oh my god MadLyb, can you imagine?

    Fox and Mayer... what a frecking awesome combination. They would probably drive each other just as crazy as they drive us.

  19. For califblondy:

  20. Idk..Perez comes off like a 12 yr. old kid in that interview to me. He even spelled out the word penis rather than just saying it. Wtf?

  21. i'm so glad he did this interview. i now feel totally justified in always being utterly annoyed by him.

  22. I still haven't heard an apology for his albums.

  23. I am relieved to have no pressure to attempt to appreciate him as an artist. I always found him mediocre & uninteresting anyway. (Ditto for his choice of girlfriends). I can kind of overlook his typical narcissist's need to make this mediocrity into some kind of superiority.

    But boy does that bleed over into general misogyny (I was truly offended with his comments about Jessica Simpson, for whom I have no love lost) and...if not racism...just a really embarrassingly shallow worldview. I thought the worst part was when he was trying to explain what "being black" was all about. That was worse than his sexual preferences (however incredibly stupidly he communicated those). There's much more to being balck than the negative, artistically-exploitable aspects. UGH.

    It's still annoying having people I assume I was offended because I am a brown girl and I feel some loss that this dude wouldn't want to sleep with me. Yeah, not a problem.

    But I would love to see us celebrate mainstream artists who can display a less shallow worldview than this. It's really a problem.

    Anyway,rant over.

  24. "John Mayer's dick doesn't care about black people."

  25. Why didn't the last post mention that he used the "N" word? I guess I want to know the quote but really don't want to click on that article.

  26. I hope his tour sales suck ass !

  27. Even I can't forgive using the n word, and I really like John Mayer, douchiness and all. You cross a line when you start saying stuff like that.

  28. He's just a weirdo. He lives in his own special little world, one that I do NOT ever want to visit.

  29. Well heck, he's into assplay, so he can stick his apology up there and get off on it. Douchebag.

  30. I read on another site that he and Jessica would sometimes shitstain the sheets at whatever hotels they were staying at, so he's probably into anal sex in a big way. I can totally see Jennifer Aniston saying hell no to that.

  31. Not a fan and I think he's an overrated douche.

    Other than using the "N" word, I would would love to hear "some of the other white supremacist garbage he uttered".

    @Lioness70 and Sporky: While I can't profess to being surprised, UGH!!!!

  32. I read the entire interview, what an idiot. I'm 32! I gotta be 32!

    I am not a Jessica or Jen fan, and I felt sorry for both of them.

  33. lmao - jax.

    This guy is SUCH a tool. Just stop talking, please. It just seems like a big phony act. I wish someone in his band would give him a smackdown or something.

  34. What's always confounded me, apart from his obvious and impossible to ignore douchebaggery, is - the guy is not the least bit good looking! He's almost ugly.

    I'm not being shallow - I totally get how a plain guy with immense talent and charm can be sexy (BTW - John Cusack I still love you), but when you combine Mayer's a) douchebag personailty with his b) mediocre musical skills and c) borderline ugly face - what the hell do all these hot women see in him?

    And yeah - today for the first time in a long time I am kindly disposed to Jessica Simpson. Cause I would love for one of my ex-boyfriends to think I was sexual napalm, and I would want to kill myself if he told the whole world. And the girl's suffered enough humiliation w/out having this shit added to it.

    Karma needs to bite this asshole, and hard.

  35. John probably thought he was paying Jessica Simpson a compliment by saying that because he'd love to have someone consider him the same.

    I'm still grumpy over the time I lost reading that article.

  36. Jerry Seinfeld on David Letterman didn't save Michael Richard's career.

    Mayer is toast and needs to STFU and leave now. Nobody is interested.

  37. Sporky - only cause Jen's is bleached and hairless.

  38. Maybe it's just me, but this apology seems like it might be a practical joke. It's so overwrought-not to mention the soul beat in the background. He said it right in his interview with Playboy: he's going to try to get as much publicity as possible this year. So far he's doing a great job, although this type of stunt strikes me as more Joaquin Phoenix than Andy Kaufman.
