Monday, February 08, 2010

The Letterman - Leno - Oprah Ad

I think the whole world was pretty shocked that Leno and Letterman even were in the same room together, let alone film a commercial for the Super Bowl together. Apparently it was Letterman's idea and Oprah was the go between.


  1. I like Letterman but thought this promo sucked.

  2. We don't watch any late-night TV so we were kinda in the dark when this one came on.

    Hubby said that, with the magic of CGI, none of them were probably even in the same room together during taping...

  3. This one went totally over my head. What was it supposed to be about?

  4. i wasn't surprised, Leno will do anything to get his fans back.

  5. still doesn't make Oprah likeable.

  6. It was a take off of Letterman and Oprah's ad from when the Bears-Colts played in teh super bowl

  7. Apparently Jay canceled last Tuesday's show to fly in to NY to film the 15 second commercial. No splicing needed!

  8. I found it pretty ho-hum, too.

    @ selenakyle - There's an article in the NY Times this morning about how they snuck both Leno and the Ope into the Ed Sullivan theater while Letterman was taping. In fact, Leno snuck in wearing a hoodie, sunglasses & fake moustache.

  9. I was shocked Letterman agreed to do this let alone came up with it.

  10. Not sure what kind of reaction they were going for, but my GF and I looked at each other and said "What the fuck was that?".

  11. "Leno snuck in wearing a hoodie, sunglasses & fake moustache"

    so he went disguised as the unibomber?

  12. Jax is spot on. I was going to say that too.

  13. I read somewhere that Conan was approached to be in the commercial, but it wasn't the right time or something, so Oprah ended up in it instead.
