Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lindsay Lohan & Calum Best Reunite

I haven't thought about Calum Best in forever. I wish I had not thought about Lindsay Lohan in forever, but unfortunately she is there everytime I look. The last time I thought about Calum was when he and Lindsay were hooking up and sharing drugs and Lindsay was who he was dating when that whole threesome sex tape of Calum and some hookers were released. Last night, Lindsay hooked up with Calum at a party in London. It is a sad, sad party when the biggest star at your party is Lindsay Lohan.

Of course also present at the party was Ali Lohan because everyone knows the best escort to a party in London is your older drug abusing sister. Maybe Ali wrote a report on her trip for school. Oh wait. That's right. The 16 year old doesn't go to school because she is way too busy with her career.


  1. Something's not clean in the milk today on CDAN.

  2. mmmmmm......i'm thinking you're right.

  3. Yep....what's going on?

  4. I'm so unobservant I havn't noticed anything going on...could someone please explain(running on little sleep at the moment, bit slow!)? Thanks!

  5. @Kait.

    For me, the oddness started yesterday when Ent didn't post random photos or a blind. It's like he/she/it just left in the middle of the blog.

    Now today, no explaination of why there were no photos/blinds yesterday (which has always accompanied something like that, to the best of my knowledge), the posts are really slow, the syntax is off and there is no one commenting. Just a weird vibe.

  6. omg lindsay kinda resembles me there.

    and yeah, its a weird feeling around here today..

  7. Lindsay--oh how I hesitate to say this--looks a little better than she has looked recently.

    Enty has left without randoms/blinds and offered no explanation in the past, but I do agree that something is a little off. Maybe he's having a bad week. Or maybe he's getting lucky and having a great week. Either way, I'm always grateful for whatever he shares. This is my favorite blog, without a doubt, and I wish Enty only the best.

  8. Thanks Sue Ellen Mishkey.

    I definatly noticed the lack of comments, but I hadn't noticed the photos/blinds.

    I'm not trying to stir trouble but the asking for money ages ago... I thought at the time that as soon as enough money was raised the blog would stop. 'Tis my inner cynic. It just seemed so off at the time. And as far as I can ascertain no one seems to have received their promised books either.

    I think maybe some commenters ARE "Enty" the person who writes this blog.

    Conspiracy theories conspiracy theories!

    Also, did Adrianna's blogging stop or am I imagining it?

  9. Having said all that, this is my favourite blog and the first one I read everyday!

  10. You know what else I find odd? (I forgot to mention this before) That it's 6pm (EST) and usually, by now, the blinds and photos have been posted already and the blogging is over for the day. As of now that hasn't happened. What is going on?!

    Also, @Kait

    Thanks for providing me with the answer to whether or not people got those books Ent promised if they donated to the cause. I have always wondered about that.

  11. @ Sue Ellen Mishkey

    I actually didn't donate and wasn't supposed to receive a book - I'm just basing my opinion on comments made on the site - about people not receiving their books and wondering if others have

  12. I've been here just a short while; not long enough to understand your "donations" and "books" comments. Can you enlighten?

    If Enty is really a bee-hived 66 year old (or tatt/pierced 26 year old) I don't care as long as the posts keep a-comin'.

    Color me shallow? Okay. :)

  13. @Kait

    I haven't seen any comments about it, so I am basing my opinion on what you've seen.

  14. Maybe Enty actually has some real work to catch up on???

  15. @Mango

    A few months ago Ent posted a plea for donations, I think he needed 6 thousand, in order to buy pictures for random photos. He said that if people donated 50 dollars or more, he'd send them a signed copy of Amber Tamblyn's new book. He got the money and I guess people haven't gotten the books thus far.

    There's a whole other site dedicated to outing Ent and they talk about this very subject.

  16. Also, if anyone attempts to get crazy with me for saying what I am saying let me just tell you that I AM NOT THE ONE! and will get just as crazy back, so don't even think about bashing me.


  17. @ Mango - As far as I can remember, a while ago, Enty announced that he was struggling with paying costs associated with photograph licensing fees, and he asked that people donate money to the site. If you donated $50 you were supposed to receive a copy of a book (I can't remember which one) with a personal note from Enty. He donated the excess money to a charity chosen by the commenters on this site.

    Apparently, a lot (if not all) of the people who donated $50 did not receive their books, although I'm not 100% sure of that

  18. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Uh Huh...

  19. Uh oh!!! Everyone who's questioning the validity of Enty is gonna get a verbal beatdown from Jax! ;o)

  20. i don't know what's going on but i don't ever recall not getting random photos and the daily BI without an explanation. there were none yesterday and none yet today.
    so something's not right. i've read every item here on other sites today. there's a lot missing here---like enty him/herself, for one. i'd just like the scoop, that's all.

  21. oh, add me to the list of those who didn't donate. yeah, i like to read but i don't want to help pay for it. so shoot me.

  22. let's just give enty a break. as i have been live blogging mens skating recently i now understand that keeping up a blog can be a b**ch. patience . .. patience . . .

  23. I'm pretty sure Enty didn't write this blind. Didn't he introduce someone late last year that would fill in for him?

  24. I always secretly half suspected Enty is actually the alter ego of someone already in the media, like Matt Drudge for example, churning out this gossip site inbetween the other 24/7 work. (And Drudge has always been the first that comes to mind because Drudge does have the gossipy entertainment/Hollywood side to him that gets less play on his own site but did on his radio show, and like Drudge Enty's not always the best basic speller etc either) :)

  25. I'm somewhat new to the site and a few weeks ago I started posting comments. I didn't know about the money issue,I read something about it but didn't pay much attention I thought they were just trolling

  26. $6000 raised for photos, and a story about Lindsey and Calum Best doesn't even have a picture of Calum and Lindsey together, or Calum at all?


    I enjoy the blog, but I think everyone who donated money got played.

  27. me too, a. been here since the blog started, and it's mosdef changed. still check in, but it's not my life. to all those who REALLY expected a book, or a personalized facebook bday message, get a effin' life.

    thank goodness to they good guy upstairs i didnt fall for the bs of sending $$. those who did, you are naive, to say the least. im with sue ellen. say whatcha will, who the f cares anymore? its a gd gossip blog for fucks sake.

    and to whoever mentioned drudge... thats my 2nd visited page in the morning.. right after facebook, of course :)
    sorry, couple glasses of wine, and the constant whining is getting a little old.

  28. i didn't get a chance to get over here too much yesterday but i just HAD to comment on the lindsay picture - is it just me or do her knees look like they could use a break? wink, wink.

    as far as the vibe here, i feel like it's been off for more than a couple of days...NOT saying that enty isn't the fatty we all love or anything, just yeah, the vibe has changed. it happens. hope everything's okay in baconland!

  29. oh yeah, i also wanted to say i never donated money or anything, but i'm ent's friend on facebook and i did get a happy birthday message. i must admit, it made me feel pretty awesome. :P

  30. Yes, ballyhoo, I noticed the bruised knees too,

  31. Do you think if EVERYONE stopped reporting or commenting on these pathetic losers...they might just go away? We seem to feeding them exactly what they want. And I include myself in this comment!

  32. Who is Enty? Where is Enty? Yawn.

    Anyway, totally agree with ballyhoo about Lindsay's knees - hilarious. I can't believe Lindsay's still making it out to party all the time - I'm surprised she hasn't hit rock bottom yet.
