Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Michael Ausiello Blind Item

You’re gonna like this: I’m leaving it up to you to decide whether this blind item is a case of denial or spite. What’s the story? An up-and-coming actress on a doomed hour drama was the top choice to headline a much-buzzed-about pilot — you know, the sort that could’ve turned her from a “soon-to-be” to an “is.” The series’ big-shot producer wanted her. The network wanted her. Everyone wanted her.

But… well, you knew there’d be a “but.” Even though it would take a miracle of biblical proportions to save her current show, its suits refused to release her from her contract. “We could be back next season,” they insisted. Uh, yeah, so could my humility.

As a result, the almost-leading lady got screwed. Who is she, and what going-going-gone drama’s producers were so deluded, or so nasty, that they wouldn’t give her the all clear? Sound off below.

Oh, and while we’re in blind item territory, I should tell you that I’m about to do something I rarely do: give you a major clue about an old blind item. This one, to be exact. But there’s a twist: The clue will be revealed via twitter at some point in the next 24 hours, so best start following me via @ewausiellofiles if you want to know the best-kept secret in Hollywood.


  1. My guess is Hayden P. from Heroes for the doomed show/up-and-comer.

  2. Ali Larter from Heroes would be guess

  3. Anonymous1:33 PM

    While I'd prefer it was Ali Larter, she's been a working actress making her own decisions for years. Hayden would probably be more "up-and-coming".

    It's definitely Heroes, though.

  4. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I'm thinking Katie Cassidy from the new Melrose Place.

  5. Hayden! She has a rep for being difficult, so it wouldn't come as a surprise that the producers would want to make things difficult for her. I think this was on another site, too... that they were grooming her for big things but dropped it bc of her nasty 'tude.

  6. Like the Hayden P. guess. Also going to throw out Michelle T. from "Mercy". Or has that already been canceled?

  7. Heroes was already canceled. Last episode was this week.

  8. I'm liking m's guess of Katie Cassidy from MP.

  9. can somebody clue me in to the Twitter clue? I'm too lazy to go add him. I never use twitter.

  10. Though it pains me to say this about Hayden, I think Hayden and Ali are too established. Someone from Melrose makes more sense.

  11. My guess is Katie Cassidy.

    Chaderik, was it formally canceled? I hadn't heard that.

  12. I think it's Sandra Oh from Gray's Anatomy.

    And yeah, someone please share the twitter info--I don't twitter either.

  13. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Heros has NOT been canceled, yet. It's a possibility but the rumors are that it'll be back for at least half a season. It was the #1 illegally downloaded show of 2009 and does make NBC money.

    Monday's episode was the season finale.

  14. That old blind was one of my favorites. I think it's Nathan Fillion and whats her name.

    I guess Hayden and Heros for this one.

  15. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I do think this is Hayden and reminds me of what NBC did to Pierce Bronsnan when he was up for Bond but they wanted to keep him for Remington Steele.

  16. 90210 did it to Luke Perry when he was up for Murder One. His contract didn't end with the fifth season (he signed onto 90210 a few episodes in), so he had to come back for a few episodes in season six. I thought it was pretty tacky of them not to release him or at least offer to shoot around his Murder One schedule.

  17. I'm also guessing Katie Cassidy, I think she is drop dead gorgeous and she can act, also you never hear anything bad about her so I hope she stays out of "trouble".

  18. And Tom Selleck missed out on Indian Jones because of Magnum, P.I.

  19. IndianA Jones. Sorry.

  20. What about Alexander Skarsgard and Anna Paquin or someone from Mad Men?

  21. what about the couple could be sarah jessica parker and chris noth? maybe?

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  23. This really sounds like Katie Cassidy from Melrose Place. Depending on how well the ratings do in the spring, I suppose it is possible it could be renewed, but to keep an actor from exploring other possible jobs on the promise of a "maybe" is pretty lousy. I mean, she would only be shooting a pilot, and they don't always get picked up, so let her do it.

  24. Holy cow! His twitter says that Rena Sofer is coming to 'Bones' as a love interest for Booth, so it's Boreanaz and Deschanel!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I'm going to throw out Blake Lively for the up and coming actress. There were some rumors about "Gossip Girl" being cancelled.

    For the second blind. I recall Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin being a favorite guess when this blind originally came out. There have been a couple of scenes where it seems that 30 Rock could be taking their characters in this direction. If they do, that show will def. jump the shark.

  27. Mad Men and True Blood aren't "doomed" tv shows, methinks.

    Grey's Anatomy is a possiblity, since it's slid so much in quality and several actors have bailed.

    Maybe someone from Friday Night Lights?

  28. Momster:

    I was talking about the other blind mentioned here. Obviously True Blood and Mad Men would not fit the 1st one.

  29. Boo hoo, I don't know how to Twitter, pls someone do tell

  30. omg- its bones???!!! that was also a popular guess as i recall. hmmmm, that does make sense, they have been dragging the whole will they wont they for ever and Boreanaz and Deschanel seem like opposites in real life in many ways. She seems like she wouldnt get his whole macho, guy grunting thing and he wouldnt understand her whole prissyness.
    But i totally feel her on this more, i mean the guy has been revealed for being a skank before. He was sleeping with one of tiger woods' mistresses before him thereby cheating on his wife. Im sure emily could have known that and hated him for that also

  31. But how can it be Bones -- Ausiello said “Their characters are supposed to be having a torrid affair.” Bones and Booth are always in the will-they-or-won't-they stage. It doesn't fit. Also, hard to imagine Emily Deschanel hitting on Boreanaz-- or him objecting to it! There is still time for more to come out in the tweet....just hope someone reports it here as I don't tweet.

  32. The BIG clue is that the show in question airs on cable. Does this help anyone???

  33. someone from ugly betty?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Ausiello's twitter clue reads "THIS JUST IN: Blind item clue! The show in question airs on cable."

    The Bones tweet is totally unrelated.

  36. Jon Hamm and January Jones for the other one.

  37. Oops, my bad. I wasn't patient enough to wait the full 24 hours. Phew!

  38. Besides when you see Boreanaz and Deschanel in interviews you almost wonder if they have something going on. I mean I know they are good actors but the chemistry seems to be there. At the very least they are good friends.

    And the show airs on cable? That eliminates Castle and 30 rock and SVU

  39. Eddie I don't watch MM but I think Hamm and Jones are husband and wife on that show so I don't think the torrid affair part fits.

  40. Hamm and Jones are not only husband and wife, they are divorcing on the show. His hot affairs have all been with others, their characters had a loveless marriage.

    Maybe someone on Big Love?
