Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's Blind Items

Another don't look me in the eyes film set experience. Unlike yesterday when our actress indicated she didn't like don't look me in the eye notices, this former A list action actor and Academy Award nominee/winner who is now a struggling B- list loves having the don't talk to me and don't look me in the eye notices put up on set. During the most recent movie he filmed, the notices went up and a crew member said, "I don't think anyone has to worry about looking him in the eye because he is o damn short." After that remark, random crew members would point to the notices when the actor was around and everyone would start laughing. The actor had no idea the entire time that everyone was laughing at him.


Anonymous said...

Tom Cruise - Knight and Day

lindsv said...

Tom Cruise!

allisonshine said...
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SkittleKitty said...

Agreed. Tommy boy.

Stacy said...


Pookie said...

short nominee/winner actor who's clueless...i love the tc guess!

MISCH said...


Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Notes like that are truly sad and pathetic. Who thinks that highly(ba dum dum) of themsevles? I mean, really.

Hilary said...

What about Russell Crowe?

JW said...

I'm going with Sylvester Stallone.

Lady J said...

Tom Cruise

RocketQueen said...


nancer said...

crowe isn't B-. his career isn't in the toilet and i wouldn't describe him as an action star. that would be pretty insulting to his career.

this screams tommy to me.

Merlin D. Bear said...


Linnea said...

is tom down to b now?

otherwise my guess is on willis, for some reason

Ellen said...

What about Bruce Willis? I don't know if he is short, but I always hear that most actors are short and I remember hearing a long time ago that he is a jerk.

The thing that makes me laugh about all this is that I really think that the actors are such a tiny part of what determines whether a movie is good or not. There are plenty of great movies with so-so acting and plenty of horrible movies with great actors. I kind of like movies with unknowns.

GladysKravitz said...

It's probably just me, but if no one at my place of work ever looked me in the eye, I'd think there was something wrong with me. It would never occur to me that it could be a GOOD thing. Whoever thought of this is a freak.

And of course, speaking of freaks, I'm sure it must be TommyGirl. GMD.

TinselSass said...

While Tom is first and foremost, a crazy couch-jumper to many in the States, around the world he is still one of the biggest stars and of his generation, eternally A list.

Who else?!

Anonymous said...

Gay Cruise LOL.

Cecilia00 said...

Stallone. I hear he has the "no eye contact" thing in place for household staff as well.

nancer said...

i don't think cruise is A list anymore. 'valkyrie', anybody? he's made some SHITTY movies. i actually liked him in 'tropic thunder' but he wasn't a lead and i doubt people saw that because of him being in it.
i think he's unlikeable and nutty and i don't consider him a top draw anymore, but that's just my opinion.

tflamb said...

I hope this one gets revealed. Personally sick and tired of the primadonna behavior of stars and where I used to not care, now it does factor into my entertainment choices as it makes it useful when setting on the fence about a purchase.

RocketQueen said...

Damn. Linnea and TinselSass have a point - I think Tom is still A list.

Unfortunately, I'd be surprised if Stallone is as HIGH as B-list.

Willis has never even been nominated for an Academy award.

According to his IMDB, Crowe is 5'11 1/2. (could be lies)

What else we got?

Andrea said...

I'm insanely out of the loop. I didn't know these types of notices existed until yesterday's blind. What. the. f?

Hendrix said...

Absolutely Stallone. He still thinks it's 1985 and he's a super celeb. It's hilarious.

Miranda said...

I'm throwing down JCVD, not because I think it's him but because he is a teeny tiny man. I still don't think it's him though :)

Err said...

I could look this up I guess... but has Stallone ever been nominated or won an Academy Award??? I just don't see it. Although I'm no Rocky or Rambo fan...

My guess is Stallone.

annie said...
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trinnean said...

I'm all about any Stallone guess. Wasn't he the blind about having to take off his enormously high lifts at airport security? He's also got a couple of films in the works. He was nominated for an Oscar for Rambo, but didn't win.

califblondy said...

Erin, I think Stallone won for writing Rocky; I know he was nominated.

He's my guess.

Pinky said...

Stallone was nominated for Rocky. He was the first person to come to mind for me.

Miss Bitch said...

Tom is all about recruiting for his cult, so I doubt he's rude to anyone. My bro-in-law has met with him (lunch meeting) and found him to be very personable and engaging (eye contact & all that).

I like Stallone for this.

Melody the First said...

About the "no eye contact" thing, I am reminded of what Paul McCartney said to another rock legend on this matter, "Who in the hell do you think you are? You think Jesus wouldn't look people in the eye? Who are you next to him?"

I'm an agnostic but I always loved that quote (and Macca because of it).

And I think Stallone. As big a jerk as Cruise is, Sly is a bigger one.

hunter said...

I totally agree with Stallone. Former A list action actor? Stallone. Struggling B- list? Stallone.

Cruise may be super short, but Stallone is super short too. And a dick.

Err said...

Thanks califblondy... i didn't think it could be for acting. Although Stop or My Mom Will Shoot was Academy GOLD!

ATP said...

This is completely and totally Stallone. As much as I might want Tom Cruise to be consigned to the Z list, he's still an A--if only for his gossip page ubiquity and constant controversy.

But Stallone? That's another story. And he's really short, Oscar-winning, and full of himself, with little actual juice to back it up anymore.

AuthorEdA said...

Im board with Bruce Willis.

I dont think Tom has fallen that far yet, and he does own his own studio

La Tanguerita said...

Cruise is still to win (not) the Oscar, so he doesn't qualify.

shakey said...

Tom has done this before, so I don't think it would be blind-worthy. Remember there was an item where he had someone fired because he spoke to an extra and the extra responded. So, maybe Stallone.

Was it Stallone or Cruise who had that crazy rule about the help not being allowed to leave the room with their backs turned to him? They had to back out of the room.

Island Girl said...

They're all crazy. but I feel like this is the GMD. Or maybe I just want it to be....

Unknown said...

Mel Gibson

Funny Girl said...

I'm going with Mel Gibson.

Funny Girl said...

@g-- we're on the same page.

Laura said...

TC creeps me out majorly, but apparently he is hypernice on sets. Everyone I know who has met him invariably says he is the nicest person and goes out of his way to shake your hand and introduce himself, etc. He also writes thank you notes to the cities he shoots in. As odd as his life may be off-camera, he seems to be pretty professional on set. So I don't think it is him.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to throw Jamie Foxx out there.

Just kind of seems like he would go primadonna after playing second fiddle to Cruise and Will Smith, especially with the crappy music he makes.

yolknkl; said...

a woman I worked with bumped into tom cruise as he was racing around on an outside set a while ago. she said he was super duper nice and gracious. I don't believe he would do that. xenu or no xenu.

I can't decide between mel gibson or sylvester stallone. don't know of any movies stallone has been in lately, gibson has one out now in which he stars that is doing badly. so, I guess I've convinced myself its mel.

von said...

I think it's Stallone. He is short and certainly fits the "struggling B- list" description well. Even with his diminished profile, TC isn't B- list.

Coke Mom Jr. said...

And, finally, the votes are in and Entertainment Weekly has chosen its Funniest Man Alive. And who is the Funniest Man Alive? You guessed it -- Sly Stallone! ... Congratulations, Frank Stallone, star of the silver screen classic, "The Road to Freedom: L. Ron Hubbard and Friends," you are now the second funniest Stallone, maybe even 3rd, if you include Jackie Stallone.

sunnyside1213 said...

Stallone is such a tool. My vote is for him.

Patty said...

I vote for Stallone. Mel Gibson's roles have been pretty diverse. Sly seems more exclusively an action star.

Amit! said...

As much as I want for this to be Tom Cruise, I am firmly on the Stallone train.

Maja With a J said...

As weird as Tom Cruise has become, I really don't think he is "struggling" in any way. I also think he will remain A for a long time, like it or not.

figgy said...

What does GMD mean?

Oh, and I vote for Stallone.

Robert said...

I quoted Jackie Stallone yesterday, and I'll do it again today: "[My son] can't write, he can't act and he can't direct, but he sure can make money!" Heartwarming.

Hordaz1_01 said...

Tom Cruise is not really considered an action star primarily and definitely not b- list still A list, maybe Mark Wahlberg

PotPourri said...

Stallone and his 5'2" body. What a joke.

Sidewalk Chic said...

As much as I can believe this being Tom Cruise behavior, I don't think he's struggling.
I like the Stallone guesses.

westward ho said...

oh so sly. ;D

Elle said...


I have had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Tom Cruise and while weird and down with the Xenu fuckery, he is so damn nice (and truly sincere about it) that there is no way this is him. He's nice to stars and celebs alike.

Stallone, on the other hand...ugh. Rude and has absolutely no social skills. Just such a little moron. Now his wife, on the other hand, she's pretty cool. Don't know how she puts up with such a microscopic piece of trash.

LauraM said...

WOW, this is one of the funniest BI's ever! But I'm torn between Tommygirl and Sly...

Meg said...
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Meg said...

Yes, as weird as he is, I have always read that Tom is a nice guy. There are so many other actors it could be but I don't have a clue.

I didn't even know that Stallone was filming ANYTHING - Until I read IMDB.

mooshki said...

Whoever it is, I LOVE IT! HAHAHAHA!!!

sunnyside1213 said...

GMD = Gay Midget Dwarf according to Lainey.

Lioness70 said...

Yup. Stallone. First guess.

F these stars and their entitled behavior. And F the studios for giving in to them and putting up those damn signs. Why did they even bother, when Stallone is a nobody these days?

Lioness70 said...

Melody, I've been a Beatles junkie for 20+ years, and I never knew Macca said that. As if I need any more reasons to love him/them. Who was the other rock legend?

Thinking some more, even with Tommy boy's string of flops, I doubt he's dipped lower than A-, due to that sham marriage and insane amount of gossip. Stallone hasn't been mentioned anywhere in a while.

Melody the First said...

Someone else (a McCartney roadie) recounted the story and didn't want to mention who the other rock legend was but I got the feeling it was Elton John.

Alice D Millionaire said...

I want to think this is Sly but it says he is around 5'9". That is not tall but it is not overly short either. I am also having serious problems imagining him as struggling B-. He seems like C list. That being said I can totally imagine him acting like this.

crila16 said...

Tom Cruise is still A list and filming with A list actors (Cameron Diaz). He hasn't dropped and still can sell out a theater by himself. Whether you like him or not, he chooses decent movies that people still flock to see.

Stalone used to be an A, but has definitely dropped to a B-. The only reason he'll stay a B- is because of his past movie credits, and he can still headline a movie by himself, though it's not a big draw anymore. He won't sell out a theater.

Definitely not Mel. Mel can headline and sell out a theater. His new movie will be a hit. He's also an A list director. Whether you like him as a person or not, he still can sell.

Stalone for the win.

crila16 said...

Stalone is not 5'9". They lie on their stats, just like Beyonce claims she's 26 and everyone knows she's really 35.

Stalone is 5'6". He's known for being short.

crila16 said...

One more guess...

Burt Reynolds maybe. He was filming the below: Not Another Not Another Movie coming out in 2010.

Geebz said...

Stallone and it was on the set of that action star extravaganza movie! What a douche!

ChristyC said...

Melody, I stayed at the same hotel in Australia as Bob Dylan once. The staff was laughing about how ridiculous he was for making all the staff sign a no eye-contact waiver as a condition of his stay. The staff was also not allowed to carry luggage in his presence (so if the bellhop was carrying a bag down the hall for another guest and Dylan came into the hall, the bellhop would have to put the luggage on the floor and look down). I wonder if McCartney was talking about him...

DoYogaFeelGreat said...
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DoYogaFeelGreat said...

I was on the Tom Cruise bandwagon at first, but now I'm going with Stallone. I have always heard he is a major douchebag.

slider1964 said...

Its Stallone he lies about his height, says he is 5"10 and he is 5"7.Janice Dickenson wrote in her book about Sly trying to pick her up (they were a couple for a while): "Who was this guy to go dissing me while he's standing there in his custom-made elevator shoes." and also remarked "I couldn't believe how short he was"

Cecilia00 said...

@Elle, I read Stallone's wife is a piece of work in her own way.

Nanny's not allowed to address Stallone or look him in the eye - everything with the kids goes through her - but she apparently is really nice to the nanny, befriends her, lunches out and the whole thing, then once she gets bored, or there is any kind of disagreement, nanny is fired and dropped like a hot potato.

S said...

Not to defend Tom, but I've met him and although he might seem a little intense, he was very friendly.

Phamos said...

It's Stallone -- I've heard this about him for years.

Sis said...

Ok I am convinced, it's Stallone, I really wanted it to be Mel or Bruce just for douchery alone though....

Melody the First said...

@ChristyC, it could definitely have been Bob Dylan. What an incredible douche. He walked up to the farmhouse where James Dean had grown up and woke up Dean's cousin/foster-brother and his whole family at 3 AM demanding a tour of the house. Jim's foster-brother told him to go away and come back at a decent hour. lol

Meg said...

@ChristyC & Melody- Man I LOVE Bob Dylan, so sorry to hear that he is such a douchebag! Yuck!

My dad saw Stallone out in Cali when he was racing horses out there at the track and also commented that he could not believe how short he was.
BUT at the same time I can't imagine him even being B list?

Simone said...

Tom Cruise is still A list, or A-... he's not a B- lister.

There are lot's of short actors, but I can't think of who this is.

Jennifer said...

Of course it's Tom Cruise!

redronnie said...

@Melody The First - When Dylan performed in Winnipeg, he went to Neil Young's former home and was extremely respectful and nice to the homeowners. The wife didn't know who he was at first and let her husband do the talking and the tour. He was amazed at how nice and unassuming Dylan was and after he left the husband said he kicked himself because he was so overcome he forgot to ask for an autograph. then he told his wife who the man was and she was speechless..they both say they were surprised at how nice he was..and no they didn't have to drop bags and look down at the floor..

ChristyC said...

RE: whether or not Bob Dylan is a douche, while I absolutely believe what the hotel staff told me about his demands on no eye-contact and no carrying bags, I supposed based on the previous blind that he may know nothing about it and his manager or whoever just put it in. I'm actually a bigger fan of his because of the situation -- my understanding is he rented quite a bit of the resort for privacy, which I got to enjoy as well!


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