Monday, February 22, 2010

Travis Barker Goes Off On The Paps

Apparently Travis Barker has a certain disdain for the paps. Supposedly over the weekend, Travis was on the way into a restaurant. He was stopped by several members of the paparazzi and they allegedly threatened him while he was with his kids. After he ate, Travis confronted brand new members of the paparazzi but decided they also had cameras so they were good for nothing more than being spit on, hit and having the tires to their cars slashed. Showing no remorse, Travis took to his Twitter and said the paps deserved it for threatening him when he was with his kids. I can't believe he spit on them. Well, actually I can believe he did, but it is such awful behavior that you would think he would know better. His kids are just learning the greatest life lessons from Travis and Shana. They both must be so proud.


  1. Bad as that behavior is, I really can't fault him, considering all he's been through with the plane crash and the deaths of his best friend on the plane and then DJ AM a few months later.

  2. Well I have seen for myself how the paparrazzi egg on celebrities with nasty evil comments/remarks just to get a rise and eventually a money making picture so I don't fault him either.

  3. Yeah, no love for the paps here. If he slapped the shit out of all of them, I wouldn't hold it against him.
    I especially don't like it when they mess with kids.
    They have no regrets & no morals, so I don't understand why they expect sympathy????

  4. Who spits on someone? Trash, that's who.

  5. I'm not a fan but I'm guessing he isn't quite himself after all he has been through. Can't imagine spitting on someone, though.

  6. I'm sure dealing with paparazzis can be a real pain in the ass. The interesting thing is that there are plenty of celebrities that are much more fanous than this asshat who never seem to have their picture taken by the paps. Because they stay away from places where the photographers hang out. Having your picture taken in the street seems like a small price to pay for the kind of life these people get to live, and when they bitch and moan about it, it just pisses me off. You want to protect your kids, how about not incluing them in your reality tv show? Hmm?

  7. I has mad typing skillz.

  8. I completely agree with Harriet.

    And, on a side note, all of you that sympathize with this piece of trash better not have executed Polanski for what he did cause breaking the law is breaking the law and spitting on someone is ASSULT!

  9. while i dont condone the behavior of the paparizzi, i can see why he would want the privacy. off the subject he always looks like he's strung out on something

  10. while i dont condone the behavior of the paparizzi, i can see why he would want the privacy. off the subject he always looks like he's strung out on something

  11. He looks like a fruitcake.
    I hate spitting.
    I hate people spitting AT people even more than regular spitting.

  12. I stopped watching after a minute and a half because I couldn't take anymore of the "Dude" "Dogg" or "Bro" nicknames, and it started to make me nauseous.

  13. No matter what the circumstances, I don't think it appropriate for this type of behavior to occur with children present.

  14. sue ellen....

    you really can't compaire spitting to sodomizing and drugging a 13 year old girl.

    NOt the same thing.

    If you do think it have issues.

  15. It's the same principle, Vanessa. I don't think it's the same thing per se, and I'll thank you not to insinuate that I have problems.

  16. Actually, TMZ has the first video too. This is the second one after he comes out from the restaurant. In the first one, he spits on the ground, not on the pap. The pap took offense to it and starts goading Travis to fight. He doesn't because there is three of them and He's by himself with his kids. It's when he comes out that Travis has people with him and that's when he confronts the paps out there.

  17. Way to take the high road.

  18. Yet you all watched the video.

  19. i didn't watch the video, he scares me. he looks like some kind of long neck lizard man *shudders* and if i wanted to see a temper tantrum, i could just watch my 4 kids

  20. Take everything you like seriously, except yourselves.
    - Rudyard Kipling

    I think Travis is a bit unstable after everything (I think he was unstable before too). I think everyone in this video displayed their immaturity & stupidity. But here's the thing: don't confront ANYONE while your kids are around. He walked up to the car with his kid in his arms. That's wrong.

  21. he gets a pass.the paps are nasty to him all the time.

  22. That clip was edited and from what he describes it was a very unpleasant threatening encounter and he had HIS KIDS WITH HIM. They are little kids and don't need to see their dad in fight with men who are doing nothing more than impeding them.

    Kids need to be off limits, and this must have been a scary upsetting experience for them. I think TMZ are a nest of confrontational predators.

    Harvey's kids aren't harassed are they? Oh that's right he's gay with no kids, maybe he needs to step outside of himself and realize this behavior terrorizes little kids and that upsets parents. Famous or not.

  23. I can only imagine Travis has some pretty horrible ptsd after surviving a terrible plane crash, being severely burned and losing DJ AM. Yes, he could use probably use help but, really cut the guy a break. He's been through events most people can only imagine.

  24. I don't doubt that the paparazzi are completely irritating, however, we all come on this site to view their work frequently enough and there are countless celebs whom I never see in the tabloids and gossip sites. So somehow it can be avoided and life can be lived privately, even celebrity life.

    I think Travis Barker is a scumbag who uses these kinds of opportunities so he can stay relevant. No that he is on someone's mind he will probably take the opportunity to bash his ex-wife on Twitter.

    I don't know him and he may be a wonderful person but if we're going on how he presents himself to the community, well, he's just a sorry asshole who needs to be ignored and forgotten.
