Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day Proposal Gone Horribly Wrong

One of the things you always kind of hope to see but never do, happened this weekend. A man decided to ask his girlfriend to marry him. That he did so in front of an entire Madison Square Garden hockey crowd shows that he must have been really confident. I don't know if this was a set up or if the woman couldn't even pretend to say yes, but she said no, gathered up all her things and left the arena to a hail of boos from the crowd.

Real or not?


  1. Looks real to me. I always wonder why people do that

  2. Did buddy follow her out? Yes? Then it's real. No? Then it's not--or, he's too big a hockey fan and she shouldn't marry him

  3. I always thought it was pretty lame to take such a personal moment and turn it into a public spectacle.

  4. Not romantic. Guys. Women love romance. This would just humiliate me. Dolt.

  5. I always HATE watching these public proposals. To do it in such a public way is almost passive-aggressive, and puts an insane amount of pressure on the girl - if she says no, she humiliates the guy and looks like a bitch. And in any case, getting married is a serious, hopefully lifelong thing, which should be considered for longer than the three seconds it takes to whip out the ring and burst into tears.

    And that's my grouch for the day :)

  6. Agree sunnyside...I think I'd have to say 'no' on principle.

  7. yes how utterly humiliating a guy would want the whole world to know he loves you and wants you for his wife...sorry i think any women who gets up and leaves deserves to be alone.

  8. I was thinking that if it isn't a set-up, maybe they aren't even that deep and that's why she had that reaction.

  9. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Wow that's sound.

  10. I hope this is a fake for his sake, because I can't believe he could be so mistaken about their relationship that he would willingly risk humiliation in a stadium full of people. I also hope it's a fake because if he really did want to marry this woman, she told him quite clearly no, and that hurts whether it's somthing she tells you or shares with a whole stadium.

  11. So jax, you're saying she should have said yes just so HE wouldn't be humiliated?

  12. Public proposals make me think the dude is an attention whoring dick--it's 100% about them rather than the woman. I told my ex-fiancĂ©e (before he proposed) that if he ever mortified me in such am awful public way I’d punch him in the nose and leave him bleeding alone on the jumbotron.

  13. I don't know if it's fake or not. If it's not fake, the look on her face said to me "You've got to be kidding buddy. Not after all the shit you put me through!" Definitely some baggage in that relationship.

  14. This is a fake. It's two actors.

  15. I saw something this past weekend....from Fail blog I think where it was a montage of people getting rejected like this. I was wondering about the authenticity of all of them.

    I am WAY to nice of a person I guess, but I always think that the girl should just say "yes" and then break if off later if she is really unsure. That type of humiliation would never be able to be lived down.

    On the other hand, I find this type of proposal very obnoxious, unless the woman is a die hard sports fan and even then....i guess it depends on what you like.

    @Treesap - I told my husband the same thing.

    I also find it weird when people want to propose on television Ellen or Rachael Ray. Just doesn't seem that special to me even if I love the host!

  16. no,i'm saying its incredibly lame for someone to say "No" because he did this....if it's real he obviously loves her and isn't shy about...and woman are complaining? some people are never happy...big gesture or not.

  17. Ahhhhhh, I love this post. Made me laugh good and hard. Too funny.

  18. Anonymous12:18 PM

    i guess it would depend on the couple of whether or not the "jumbo-tron proposal" is appropriate. as a pittsburgh native, there are just as many sport fanatic girls as there are guys in this town LOL. i don't think those girls would mind in the least bit, in fact, i can probably name a few who would LOVE it!

  19. I would hate it. Much the same way I hate the staff singing Happy Birthday in a restaurant. HATE it.

  20. If you're at the proposal stage, you probably should know in your heart what the answer's going to be in any case, guys. If not, you're not ready for marriage.

  21. The guy didn't look crushed, so I'm guessing this is fake.

    A proposal like this is much better than "So, you gonna marry me or what."

  22. Totally fake. I was watching the game when this happened. Rangers' announcer Sam Rosen said he didn't know if she left to cry or think it over. But it was revealed rather quickly that it wasn't a real proposal.

  23. So some here think the woman should've said yes, or she's an ungrateful bitch? Wow. Sounds like the self-loathing females have checked in. I've been reading this blog for years and there is one person who posts here all the time that I absolutely can't abide because of her rudeness and unevolved viewpoints.

  24. true or not,i agree with .Robert,Syd and Sunnyside 1213!

  25. I hate public proposals! They are so about getting attention. I have no sympathy for him, because he was taking a risk doing that. He must be pretty dense not to know the direction of his relationship. Most people know when they are going on the marriage track.

  26. Well, I'm glad it's fake. BUT -

    I'll tell you what. I see something like this and it makes me wonder sometimes if a guy has tried, and tried, and tried to get a girl to commit - if they sometimes do a big public proposal thinking the woman won't possibly say know.

    I knew a guy that used to use his and my family to get me to date him. Didn't work but the pressure of making me say no publicly or caving in when he KNEW I didn't want to date him pissed me off.

  27. it's fake. real or fake tho, i don't get the whole public proposal thing. what a turn-off.

  28. So it's fake, cool. I always wanted a public proposal! Hubs did it privately, and that was pretty awesome too. I do know one man who proposed in front of Her family on Christmas day knowing she might say no and purposely pressuring her publicly. They got married, then divorced. ;-)

  29. I repeat, Hedrick's boobs look Anna Nicole huge fake, are they?

    Happy Birthday Kid Rock you big ole

    OMG thanks Enty for the Patty Loveless pic she the is the ONLY female country singer I have a CD of 'Only What I Feel' early 90's buy it.

  30. Anonymous4:43 PM

    These always turn out to be fake. Thanks for the update Pimp Named DaveR

  31. Glad to hear this one was fake, but why would you even pretend to do such a thing?

    As far as authentic proposals of this type, it all depends on whether the would-be groom is a nice guy or a "nice guy"--that is, a genuinely decent fellow crazy about his sweetie who's 99.9% sure she'd say yes no matter how he asked but just wanted to shout out his devotion to the world, or the kind of creepy passive-aggressive guy who hopes to use public pressure on a woman, and who always loudly proclaims that "women don't want nice guys, they want assholes"? (The 3rd possibility is that the guy is really & truly utterly clueless, but it usually seems to be one of the first 2.) The former, while over the top, is kind of sweet; the latter is unconscionable IMNSHO. (If you're still not quite sure what I mean about "nice guys", hop on over to and read what they have to say...and yes, there definitely are "nice girls" of that type, too; being a passive-aggressive wanker isn't limited to any particular gender or orientation.)


    Aww man, I ~love~ that site!

  33. So some here think the woman should've said yes, or she's an ungrateful bitch? Wow. Sounds like the self-loathing females have checked in.

    Thank you Mad Lyb for that comment. I agree. Why should a woman say yes? Because their guy took what a lot of women consider to be a very private moment and made it public? She should lie to make him look good?
    In regards to this moment it doesn't matter as it was fake.

  34. lol, I'm glad so many of you agree. I think that I, too, would've said "no" on principle. I would be pissed even if my man asked me in front of a bunch of friends and family. Of course, I am horribly shy like that.

    totally agree with littleoleme...this was completely fake.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. OK, well I'm one of the self loathing females that said that.
    Perhaps I should have worded that differently. When I watch a proposal on TV I always HOPE that the girls says yes b/c I hate to think about someone getting rejected and humiliated. I don't know these people from Adam so I don't really give a damn what the girl does then or later. Just making an observation. I guess if you are going to take the risk to propose in public you better be able to take rejection too. That is all.

    **back to self loathing** ;)

  37. question for the guys... if the guy is the big sports fan, and the girl puts the proposal up on the jumbotron, what would be your reaction? (as in, if your gf proposed that way, would you think that was cool or would you be pissed)
