Thursday, February 04, 2010

What Do You Think?

Gawker ran an interesting article today on how casually The National Enquirer outed Anderson Cooper. Did they actually out him? Although he has not come forward publicly and announced, "I'm gay," he hasn't exactly been hiding in a corner. Maybe The Enquirer sees it the same way and treating the fact he has a boyfriend and wants to adopt a baby with him is much better than a tabloid screaming out some headline that says, "Anderson Cooper In Gay Shocker!"

The one very good point made in their discussion is that although you and I know Anderson is gay, many, many people who watch CNN and his show probably have no clue he is gay. Next time they are in the grocery store this week they will see this cover and will pick it up because they will want to read about John Edwards beating Elizabeth and they will see Anderson down there in the corner. Then they will see the word boyfriend and it might force Anderson to talk about something he hasn't wanted to nor should he be required to discuss.

So, what do you think? Did The Enquirer out Anderson Cooper or was he already out and they just treated this like any couple story about adopting?


  1. Actually, I'm pretty happy this is the way it was handled (like any other celeb adoption story). Why should being gay be such a big deal? Even out here in podunk, I don't know many people under the age of 60 who find homosexuality that shocking. Even when people come out, the shock is temporary, and then people can go on with their lives.

  2. I seriously think that if a celebrity hasn't made a statement saying "yes, I am gay", then it is noone else's right to do it for them. Just like that piece of poo Perez Hilton is always bashing people who he says are gay, and outing them before they are ready. I could care less who Anderson is sleeping with, its not like I had a chance with him anyway. He sure is nice to look at though ; )

  3. Shame on the Enquirer..

    It's as bad as a Ted C blind.

    If he wants to be outed then he will out himself. Period.

  4. ya..they kinda did. pretty bold to put it on the cover. most times it's worded inside as 'gal pal' or 'boy toy' in a coy way when talking about gays or closeted gays.

    i hope it doesn't affect his career. as supportive as most people would be, he's not exactly on HBO.

  5. I'm more interested in the "Dr. Oz is a Fake" story. REALLY? A TV doctor who might not be all he claims? GET OUT!

  6. I think Anderson Cooper is handling the way he wants to. You can scream he is gay all you want he will never confirm or deny.

    He wants to report the story not be the story. He said if he revealed his sexuality that is all people would think about then. I mean if he was straight we wouldn't think twice about it.

    Leave him be. he is gay who cares.

  7. P.S. I mean that towards the National Enquirer not Enty.

  8. The Enquirer effectively outed Anderson Cooper. Not fair. It's not their place to do so. They will get away with it, then start outing everyone. No such thing as a right to privacy. Sad.

  9. I agree with KellyLynn. (Well, without having read the article.) The focus of the headline is on the adoption, not the "boyfriend" part, so good for them.

  10. Oh, and the Enquirer has had other stories about him being gay, so if you're going to be mad at them for outing him, you're late. ;)

  11. It's amazing that people have so much trust in the Enquirer

    I really don't care who AC sleeps with, I think its great if he's planning to adopt

    Why is homosexuality so damn shocking? What gives?

  12. I respect Anderson Cooper and his right to privacy. He's done nothing to deserve an "outing". If he was sleeping with underage boys then yes out him but he hasn't so there's no getting around the fact that this is just wrong.

  13. i'm with kellylynn too.

    also, is everyone totally missing jen's day in the sun?! finally, she gets to be the one doing the rejecting in all this, lol.

  14. Personally I don't care if he's gay or not, I'd still bang him IF i had a chance but he works for CNN and he has to be a pro. I'm not saying that he can't have a life, what I'm saying is that if he goes all the way on a cover story of "I'm gay and I don't care" people will talk more about it than whatever event he's covering on AC360. He's doing a good job keeping his life private and that's the way it should be, I didn't like that the magazine outed him like that.

  15. And I don't know if he's really planning on adopting a Haitian child. They could be lying on him just because he was so kind to the orphans during the CNN coverage and the telethon.

  16. Just the other day I matter of factly said something about AC being gay and broke the heart of a clueless, straight woman.

  17. I really could not care less if he's gay, but I know a lot of narrow-minded people will, and that's what bothers me about stuff like this. I'm always afraid for people who get outed like that. They really should just let the person in question handle it themselves. Badly done.

  18. Anonymous11:05 AM

    i love Michael K's "mah boo the silver fox" - i think it is nice if he is adopting. IMO, no one has the right to "out" anyone's sexual preference. i've been on the receiving end of it (on an obviously MUCH smaller scale) and it was extremely difficult to sort it all out.

  19. I like the way AC handles things. Bless the National Enquirer's pointed heart for the mention. Not.

    My new tabloid game. Remake the headlines.

    1. Jen rejects Brad and he runs to Anderson Cooper for solace.
    2. Angie beats John Edwards for beating his wife. Elizabeth finds comfort with Anderson's boyfriend.
    3. Jen and Gary Coleman adopt a baby with the blessing of Dr. Oz.

  20. Not on my dollar, I agree they most likely made up the adoption story.

  21. I think it's on the cover precisely because the Enquirer sees the boyfriend part as the real cover news.

    I don't think it would be on this already crowded cover if the headline were simply "Anderson Cooper Adopting Haitian Baby."

    And I also think it wouldn't be on the cover if it were simply "Anderson Cooper Has Boyfriend!"

    I think the Enquirer has probably wanted to do an AC IS GAY!!! cover for some time but has wanted to have a news hook otherwise it might look like, you know, the outing that it is for pure tabloid trash reasons.

  22. The real story is that Gary Coleman only has months to live!

  23. I've been reading about and looking at pictures of AC and his boyfriend(s) for eons on gossip websites.
    Hell, Michael K talks about AC and all his gay glory constantly.

    While I don't think anyone should speculate on other people's sexuality, because it is a totally private and personal thing - I also don't think that Nat Enq really blew the lid off a well-kept secret.
    And if putting in print that someone might be a gay or gayelle before said person has actually uttered those words is 'outing' - then Nat Enq certainly wasn't the first to do that to AC.

  24. I also want to add that Anderson Cooper doesn't have the 'sex' talk with the public because it is none of our business - not because he's closeted.
    He doesn't hide his relationship. He lives a relatively normal life, out in the wide open, with his boyfriend. If he were ashamed and/or didn't want the public to know he would probably be much more discreet.

    And - you can't 'out' someone who isn't 'in'. Anderson Cooper has been 'out' for a long time - he just didn't announce it in the headlines. But, neither did most of us for that matter - I don't remember holding a press conference or blogging a letter to my facebook friends to say I had meet a nice boy and wanted to let everyone know that I was straight for him.

    PS: I <3 AC, especially if he is adopting. There are children all over this planet that need loving and stable homes - what a good and selfless person he is for opening his heart and home to a child.

  25. I saw AC & his boyfriend shopping for pants the last time I was in NYC. I agree with those who have said he doesn't try to hide the fact that he's gay, but he doesn't announce it either. He's living like every hetro has the luxury to do without question.

  26. @ mags, too funny.

    @ Babs, I agree. I want more info on Dr. OZ.

  27. Until he officially makes a statement regarding his sexuality, no one can "out" him. Either way, I don’t really care—I’d still offer him the use of my uterus for an incubation period of 9 months.

  28. Yeah KellyLynn, I live in the Deep South and nobody here gives a shit if anyone's gay. We've got super flaming gays down here and the "redneck homophobes" don't give a damn. My obviously gay, super butch cousin moved back to our family's hometown in WV (a small, deeply religious town) and nobody cares there either, so I'm not really sure why everyone thinks these places are so intolerant, because I've never seen it. Maybe they don't want San Francisco level pride parades in the streets, but that doesn't make them homophobic or intolerant...

    Also, I kinda like how the Enquirer is just reporting on this without any fanfare, like it's no big deal that he's gay. Because it isn't. And the more it's put out there as just another type of sexuality, the more it will be accepted. Which is good obviously, because everyone should have someone to love.

  29. Re Dr. Oz...sounds legit to me.

    In 1986, he obtained a joint MD and MBA degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and The Wharton School.[4]

    Oz is Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Columbia University. He previously directed the Heart Assist Device Program and is a founder of the Complementary Medicine Program at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. His research interests include heart replacement surgery, minimally invasive cardiac surgery, and healthcare policy.

  30. Wow, I had no idea Dr. Oz spent time in HUP scrubs too.

  31. I think the sexual orientation of television hosts/journalists should be their own business, unless it's about finding out out some dirt about that douche Bill O'Reilly or that closeted woman-hater Ryan Seacrest.

    Not that either ass clown is in the same league as Mah Boo. <3

  32. Why do you think Seacrest is a member of the He-Man Woman Haters Club?

  33. While I don't give a rats ass about whether Coop is gay or not, I do care about him becoming a daddy. I was wondering if any of the reporters that are there covering Haiti would try to adopt a child. How could you not just want to scoop up one or two and bring them to a loving home where they are safe. Some of the stories that are coming out of Haiti are just heartbreaking. I think Coop has a big heart and could see him doing this.

  34. Oh, Mags! That's brilliant! it's my new favorite game at the checkout!!!

  35. He posted a denial on his twitter about adopting a baby. That's the only thing he denied though.

    Personally, I think he should be left alone as far as his personal life goes, it's a little different when you're talking about a journalist who needs to be able to freely go anywhere in the world. It could be problematic for him to get into countries like Saudi Arabia or Uganda and to actually do his job if he were officially out. I mean, in a lot of the Muslim world, homosexuality is an executable offense, and Uganda's trying to make it that way. AC has legitimate reasons to keep his private life very private.

  36. The fact that he hasn't hidden it nor confirmed it suggests to me that he'll continue to just live life and not worry about it. Sounds like he doesn't much care if people know he's gay.

    and at this point he has such immense popularity and credibility that even homophobes aren't likely to stop watching CNN if it comes out he's gay.

    Speaking of which, he is one incredibly hard-working guy. I once read an interview where he said he got where he is by never taking a vacation.

  37. Anderson needs to quit the CNN thing and become Kelly's permanent co-host BEFORE Regis croaks.
    It would be super fun to see the jealousy in Kelly's eyes as Anderson gushes about his kid.

  38. Thanks sunnyside & JustMe. It's a rather entertaining game while waiting in the checkout line.

    Anderson is awesome on R & K.
