Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Carli Weighs In On Luke Wilson

After reading my post about Luke Wilson, my father's favorite ex-wife of mine, Carli, sent me an e-mail about her own experiences with Luke. According to her, the only bad behavior Luke is guilty of is not using the phone company he should be using.

You know, Enty, sometimes when I tire of spending your money I have to come up with other ways to amuse myself. One such way is by visiting my actor friends on sets and trying to score with the director. While this hasn’t worked in my favor yet, (as you would know given the Amex bills you’re still receiving) I happen to have a bit of insider info on the Luke Wilson report today. I was on one of those AT&T sets once and calling Luke’s behavior on said set diva-ish would be as likely as me trying to hit on a production assistant. He was very quiet and kept to himself, sure, but not in a rude, stay away from me, nobody better look me in the kind of way, in just a way a shy reserved guy would. He followed directions, was talking to the kids in the spot on set, and just seemed like any other actor that was making the normal day rate instead of the oodles of money AT&T was paying him. Of course, this could just be him behaving himself while the client was around so I got the insider scoop from my friend who was in the commercial with him. My friend said that while they were in make up Luke was very nice, chatty, and showing my friend some pictures he had on his phone. He joked about how he may never make another movie again because the commercials were paying him so well. His only “diva” behavior? He had a T-Mobile phone instead of AT&T (when a celeb endorses a product as high profile as AT&T, a car, a booze, etc. the client often makes him sign a contract saying he will only use their product in public). Though having tried to launch my get rich quick phone sex line using my iphone and failing miserably thanks to dropped calls every 30 seconds, I don’t blame him for that!! Luke can ring my (non AT&T supplied) bell any time!!


  1. Awww, that's cute.

    Yeah, I always want to think/hope the best about/for the Wilson boyz cuz they're just so dang adorable!

  2. Soo I guess my little theory about him possibly being the answer to one of the blinds talking about an actor showing up drunk and beligerent to a commercial shoot was wrong then... I was sure it was him. I read that bling a few weeks before the commercials started airing. Then when I fist saw him in the AT&T commercials he looked "puffy" kinda like a "drinker" would be? So I was sure it's him lol. Guess not, that's ok tho cuz now I can go back to liking him again! =)

  3. Carli, you rock. Let me guess, you and Enty split up because that much awesomeness couldn't be contained in one household?

  4. Thanks to Carli for setting the record straight about Luke. Got to say that in the photo he looks like he has put on some weight -- not as svelt (sp?) as he was in those Reese Witherspoon "blonde" movies!!

  5. lol @ "tire of spending your money". Less blogging, more working, Enty! (no, not really!)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. He looks fine. Has he ever come out and said that he was the physical ideal, or that people with extra chub were gross? If not, I fail to see why anyone feels the needs to point out his physical imperfections. Jeeze, weight gain happens.

  8. AT&T service sucks. I think that's why those commericals get on my nerves so much. Who cares how fast your 3G is if you can't get a signal?

    And again, I reitterate - give me a man a little on the chunky side any day over some skinny-mini-man!! I want somebody I can drink beer and eat burgers with!!

  9. Yay for Luke! On a different note, I almost didn't recognize Andrew Wilson in "Whip it"

  10. Luke Wilson has always been my 'dream guy' - especially in the scene where he tries to commit suicide from the movie 'The Royal Tenenbaums' with 'Needle in the Hay' playing in the background ( I know thats morbid of me, but hey, it's just a movie !)

  11. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Amen, RJ!

  12. I like a little chunk to a guy too, but he still needs a redo on the hairdo.

    I just got AT&T iPhone and while I love it most of the time, service can be sketchy sometimes.

  13. This woman is a complete disgrace. Seriously, honey? You come bragging on here about how you spend a man's money while trying to bang a director? How about you buy a noose instead to occupy your time. I bet they take AmEx - Platinum preferred.

  14. Want to hear an awesome story?

    A few years ago I was at a lounge in NYC and was drunk out of my tree. Luke Wilson was there. Luke was joking with our group and we told him we were dying for some hamburgers. He convinced a bus boy to bring our group some hamburgers, and tipped the guy $100.

    I will ALWAYS love Luke Wilson.

    (And fondly remember the days when I was hot enough to get away with that kind of shit.)

  15. Shelly, she's joking.

  16. I'm sorry, but can someone tell Luke Wilson that the 80s called and they want their bad hairstyle back?

    Such a good looking guy should not be held captive by such bad hair.

  17. Shelly- tongue in cheek. it's a good thing. :o)

  18. Jax, I really meant no harm, but my words were harsh. Honestly, I am disgusted by the beginning of this post. A woman like that really infuriates me. I read this site for exactly what it is - entertainment. Sometimes, the reality of some people is upsetting.

  19. My favorite line in a not so favorite movie was Luke Wilson in Idiocracy.
    'I never thought I was going to die like this.'

  20. Shelly, it's a running joke on the site that Enty has to give all his money away in alimony, and that's why he lives in his parents' basement. She is just playing along. :)

  21. Shelly, I am pretty sure these ex-wives that Enty refers to by name are his (her) friends. They're just being silly, it's a joke.

  22. That's a relief and I'm not being sarcastic. I like Luke. Well, I don't know him but I like his aura.

  23. I agree with this, and I defended Luke yesterday. He is just a quiet guy. Not all actors are boiserous, cocky or divas.

  24. Treesap-covered Lady --

    I understand what you are saying re: comments made about his weight (including mine). I was just making an observation. IMO, if he was a she, there would be lots of comments about "her pudginess." However, because he is male, people are more accepting of him not being "action hero buff." Like many on this site, I like my men to have a bit of extra weight as I don't particularly like them thinner or lighter than myself!!

  25. Interesting. I can see why he would be stressed having to all of a sudden by a commercial actors.

    Did you see this pic of his bloated self? http://www.topstalker.com/app?cl=Photos&pr=photo_view&file_id=819

  26. Good. I didn't want to think that about Luke. I love all the Wilsons also.

    I just switched to AT&T and i haven't had AS many dropped calls as I thought i would but it def. it not as good as Verizon was.....oh well.
