Friday, March 26, 2010

Jesse James Up To #4 - Latest One Ended Last Week

Let's see. Two days ago, Jesse James mistress #3 came out of hiding to get her 15 minutes of fame and yesterday mistress #4 kind of came out of hiding. She hasn't given her name yet, because she hired Gloria Allred and Gloria needs her own face time and lots of it before her client gets face time. Also, there will have to be a deal made with the tabloids, but if Jesse comes up with some money then this woman will probably fade away like Rachel Uchitel after a $1M Tiger Woods handshake.

Gloria says the latest woman is nothing like the other mistresses. Apparently this one has class and is gorgeous and a model. I guess Gloria doesn't like women with tattoos. I don't know how classy she is considering she supposedly was sleeping with Jesse right up until the first story broke. I think it is pretty tough to call yourself classy when you see Sandra and Jesse at the Academy Awards and then you sleep with him the next day. Oh, Jesse is a far bigger, nastier pig. I'm just saying that she should look in the mirror. Like all the other women, she has texts by the hundreds and e-mails and pictures too.


  1. I love Sandy but I'm bored to death of this story already. It's Tiger to a T.

  2. From the Los Angeles Times:

    "James, 40, would regularly post Internet ads looking for "hot, tattooed biker chicks with big boobs," and then invite the girls back to his West Coast Choppers bike shop in Long Beach."

    This whole story just gets classier by the minute.

  3. my question is why aren't these guys smarter - fine you're going to cheat - but why leave EVIDENCE in emails/texts behind. Its like asking to be caught.

    disclaimer - i don't think its ok to cheat !!

  4. this. is. so. sad. and. so. is. the. tiger. woods.

    when you really think about it.

    it's so depressing and sad.

  5. I'm bored of this already. I'm only interested in hearing from Sandra Bullock at this point.

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I want to know when #5 will come out hahahahaha.

  7. Since Sandra is still in hiding (in Austin) I get this feeling she is hoping it will blow over.

    I think Sandy is just as obsessed with Jesse as the rest of the whores are.

    I think she is willing to put up with the cheating as long as he stays with her.

    I really doubt she will divorce him and will go on the View and announce she "forgave" him and knew he was bad boy and he "changed" for HER! and can't leave Sunny behind. Blah Blah Blah. Bottom line Jesse is just another sociopath who enjoys women worshiping him.

    Sandy set up a whole ruse to meet him in 2003 with using her godson to the Monster Garage show.

    Since Elin isn't divorcing Tiger don't expect Sandy to divorce Jesse.

  8. Whatever Ms. Bullock decides to do, it'll be her choice. I hope she dumps him - I find it hard to believe anyone would be able to trust their partner after something like this. The difference between her and Elin is that Sandra is the celebrity, she has more money than JJ, and doesn't need him like Elin needs Tiger (I wish she was more independant than that but I really do think she stayed for the money). Also, they don't have children together.

  9. @Harriet,

    I recently heard that Jesse and Sandy have approximately equal assets. According to one of the tabloids they each are worth about $100 million a piece. We know where Sandy's came from but I heard Jesse's bike shop, restaurant and bike parts investments have paid off quite well.


  11. It really is Tiger all over again. Man has sweet, classy wife...likes trashy ass on the side and is stupid enough to leave LOTS of evidence of his cheating. Sigh. No wonder I'm leery of getting married.

  12. I'm so bummed with all this news coming out about Jesse. But then I've always had a thing for bad boys.

    I have to say that I fell in love with him the first time I saw him on TV. They always seemed like such a sweet couple and I always respected him when he didn't want to capitalize on her money and friends when he did the Celebrity Apprentice.

    But I also love Sandy (if I were to ever "switch teams" she would be the one that I would do). I don't deal well with cheating (my first husband cheated and was instantly kicked to the curb) so my first instinct is that she needs to give him the boot. But I'm not her and if she can forgive him (or if there were arrangements made between them) then all the power to her. I'm just so sorry for his daughter Sunny, because Sandy really seems to love her a lot and I have a feeling she is the most devastated about the possibility of losing her.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This story has gotten boring. I do not care to hear from bottom feeding whores about how they were poached by a married man. Let them crawl back into obscurity where they rightfully belong and allow Sandra the time to figure out what exactly she wants to do. I honestly don't know what she will do, but wouldn't be surprised if she stayed.

  15. "James, 40, would regularly post Internet ads looking for "hot, tattooed biker chicks with big boobs," and then invite the girls back to his West Coast Choppers bike shop in Long Beach."

    I'm heavily tattooed and have a bike, plus big boobs... *cries* why didn't JJ post an ad in my area???

    I'm so kidding- glad I missed out on the STD Trainwreck although I would do him in a hot second. I have enough trouble keeping my hands out the cookie jar here. I gotta WORK to keep from my shit getting put on blast.

  16. The only thing I don’t understand- and this goes in real life too- HOW can you be so damn lazy about covering up your creeping? Seriously. If regular, average people can manage it, then when you are worth $100 MILLION, you can afford to cover your tracks. Don’t lie down with dogs and not expect to get covered in fleas, for one thing. For another, USE SOMETHING- 3 KIDS IS ENOUGH FFS. He’s just trifling and that’s really, really sad because he’s hot as hell and rich, but still acting like a brokeass just starting out…

  17. @shazzzba I agree. If this information is correct than I at least give him credit for being a savvy business man, even if I hate him for behaving like a typical a--hole.

  18. @ not on my dollar - I'm quite surprised to hear that actually, but I guess it's not impossible.

    @ lutefisk - I never found him attractive either and I actually like tattooed men (and I don't mean "guy with a tribal tattoo around his bicep", I mean TATTOOED).

  19. I can't believe he was POSTING! He is such slime. I read she is canceling appearances and basically in hiding. This must be horrible for her. She gave him really good years of her life. And time is something you can never get back.

  20. @ Apple, I totally agree, I would not be surprised in the least if she stayed with him, after waiting for this to all blow over, because she is madly in love with him. I do think that she is concerned with her image, so she may wait and then quietly start reconciling if/when the time is right.

  21. I heard yesterday that Sandra told her sister that she may have made a mistake a few months into the marriage. She certainly did.

  22. ...I think her people are telling her to get away from him. He is career suicide.

  23. @lutefisk- I find him sexy as all hell. Seriously. Well, maybe not in pics from the last couple of days- he looks BEAT now. But before? Oh hell YES I would fight whatever knife fighter skanks he had climbing all over him for a chance at that azz...

  24. Just Another Blonde, that's interesting. I always thought he looked like he got beaten with the ugly stick. He's got a longish face and small, close-set, piggish eyes. I figured he must have been a sweet man with a good personality for Sandy to have fallen for him, given that she must have had her pick of more handsome bachelors. Now that theory is blown to hell.

  25. Look at the label for this post. Enty labeled it "Sandra Bullock".

    HA! Take that slimeball. Even when you cheat, you are not making a name for yourself.

  26. Question: Why do these bitches all have to get lawyered up when they "come out" about dating these skanky guys?! I mean seriously, you could deal with the asshole on your own and not have to pay fees to your attorney. I wouldn't be suprised to find the women do it just for publicity because they always hire someone famous to rep them, not Joe Blow down the street.

  27. Damn .. this is just horrible. I hope Sandra eventually nails his balls to a wall somewhere. This - I am feeling lately - will turn out to be so much worse than Tiger.

    @sunnyside1213 .. I wonder if he was threatening her is some way to keep her there? She seems so much smarter than to stay if she knew it was bad. But if he was threatening her .. I guess I could understand why she would stay. All through his shows run on Discovery I got a scary, white trash thug vibe off this MF.

    Feel just horrible for her either way .. threatened and forced to stay or crazy deluded in love with him and blind to all this shit. Bad bad bad.

  28. sprinkles, I disagree. The unnamed mistress just wants a very tidy sum, very quickly. Gloria Allred loves to be on camera, and has a perfect rep for being loud and relentless and famous enough to get sound bites played daily on the news. WITHOUT revealing her client's name. Gloria loves to be on t.v, this particular mistress wants money fast: It's win/win for everybody except the Nazis.

    I'm a middle-aged woman. I think most people really need Sandy to kick him to the curb. She's just so much better than this, and doesn't need him to tarnish her image any further. The 'White Power' shit and Nazi photoshoot(s) are a nasty taint. Children or not, I would be pretty disappointed if she stays. I'd love to hear other opinions on this.

  29. Once again, the cheating doesnt surprise me. The Nazi connection does. Did you guys read about his surfboard with Hitler on it, and his history of using racial slurs?
