Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Michael Lohan Press Conference - Dina's Brother Smokes Crack At Kid's Birthday Parties

I was curious to see what a Michael Lohan press conference looked like so I took the time to watch some of it yesterday. People ask me all the time why I don't ban Lindsay from the site or reduce her mentions to almost nothing. You know like Speidi or Paris. Well, the answer is because I find this all very compelling to watch. It really is interesting. You have the drug addicted eldest daughter who has been forced to provide for her family from a very young age. You have another daughter who has issues of her own and probably has the lowest self esteem ever because the only time her parents seem to value her is when she makes money. The two boys seem to have escaped all of this and appear normal. The grandmother is a hoot and I love her.

Now, the parents, the parents are probably the worst parents in the public eye. Are they the worst parents ever? No, of course not. But they are horrible parents who only care about themselves and the money they can generate as a result of their daughter's labors. Dina and her shoe line? Without Lindsay that isn't happening. Dina and her reality show? Without Lindsay it isn't happening. Michael and his exclusives? If Lindsay was not his daughter it wouldn't be happening.

Yesterday, the press conference was supposed to be about Lindsay, but it turned into an I hate Dina and she sucks and did you know her brother smoked crack at my son's birthday party which is why I hit him which is why I can't go near Dina anymore, and yes, I owe her child support but she owes me $400,000 and my friends money too and blah blah blah. Oh, and Lindsay needs help. Thanks for coming and be sure to tip your waitress.


  1. No comment about his new line of signature mesh shirts? How disappointing. :(

  2. lol Mooshki, I nearly choked on my coffee.

  3. God, I loathe this man, and Dina as well. URGH!!

    Mooshki, you almost made me choke on a Washabi Pea!!

  4. They're just waiting for her to OD or die or something equally disastrous so they can really cash in big on the story.

    Because at this point she is never gonna make as much money as she did before, which they have all pissed away.

    Unless she gets some indie role and blows the lid off the world with some superhuman, insanely-talented performance, she's done in the movie and TV industry.

    If all she does now is pose half-nekkid and go to parties until all hours of the night getting all effed up, why not go into porn or the "private escort" business now while she's still half-way attractive, and make some real money.

    I guarantee she goes to "those" kinds of parties already, anyway.

  5. I loathe him. And I think Betty White might not like him either!

  6. What is the level above douche? Because I think he needs to be promoted.

  7. lol @ Mooshki.
    The craziest was Dina's reaction to this that I read this morning: (paraphrasing) "Lindsay is fine. What about that child support you owe me?"
    Seriously, Dina? Lindsay is "fine"? At least Michael lives on THIS planet.

  8. Banning Lindsay would be helpful to her. I still believe that Paris calmed down when everybody got bored and started to ignore her.

    At this point in Lindsay's life there is nothing that she can do to shock us but if ignored just maybe she'll go to rehab to get attention. It isn't much but it is safer than giving her attention for falling down drunk/high every night.

    Her parents are not even celebrities and they are obviously ignorant, poor excuses for parents so they're definitely a waste of time.

  9. Anonymous10:48 AM

    This girl's own mother thinks she is "fine"? I've never met her and I know she's a mess!

  10. Dina is the queen of DENIAL because otherwise it wouldn't be all about her (dina) and she'd have to put forth some real effort to help Lindsay and that would take time away from her own selfish overreaching

  11. I can't even read this article. Maybe instead of commenting to the press and fighting with each other, Dina and Michael could get their f-ing acts together and take care of their child. Commit her, do whatever it takes. Wake up, she is going to die soon.
    (Sorry, I'm a bit cranky today)

  12. I don't know why people give this sleaze the time of day. Honestly, everyone knows Lindsay needs help desperately so it's not news to anyone. She's emphatic that she hates the man and wants nothing to do with him, so I don't know what he thinks he can accomplish by having a press conference anyway. The best thing he can do is shut up and go away. If he stopped using his daughter to famewhore himself, she might actualy want something to do with him (and only then maybe he could convince her to get help).

  13. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Not wasting my time watching this idiot.

  14. Not on my dollar, there are some signs that Doug is physically abusing Paris, so I don't think she's better off at all. :(

  15. ok, he's a douchebag. but is he wrong about lindsay? no, he's not. at least she has ONE parent (not saying much, i know) who is worried about her.

  16. @Mooshki - what what? Paris and Doug what?

  17. The paps filmed them in a fight in a car and he hit her. They claimed they were just joking around. And they have been getting into screaming fights behind closed doors.

  18. Darn it Mooshki--I was hoping the mesh shirts would be out in time for Father's Day.

  19. Please, Enty - no more Michael.

  20. Mooshki I'm sorry Paris is a victim of domestic violence and I hope she gets the help that she needs but I'm also glad that we no longer have daily reports of her famewhoring antics.

    And speaking of another drug user remember when we got daily reports of Amy Winehouse and everyone thought she was going to die soon? Well somehow they stopped reporting her every move and now even if she is an addict it doesn't seem like "she's going to die".

    I just think that Lindsay and her parents have run the gamut of vile possibilities so until she goes to rehab anything they say or do is irrelevant.
