Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Mo'Nique Has No Problems With Her Husband Cheating

In her last Oscar night special, Barbara Walters interviews Mo'Nique. Apparently it is a doozy (yes, I just used doozy in a sentence. I think it will be the name of The Zooey's first child). I can just hear Barbara trying to not step on any toes or say anything that will upset anyone. She just does that kind of thing behind your back. Wait. What? Who said that? Anyway, Barbara asked Mo'Nique about her marriage and her previous assertion that her marriage was open.

Mo'Nique says that she has never and would never cheat on her husband but he is free to do so. "Could Sid have sex outside of his marriage with me? Yes. That's not a deal-breaker. That's not something that would make us say, 'Pack your things and let's end the marriage.' What if it's 20 times? So what? We've been best friends for over 25 years, and we truly know who we are. Oftentimes, people get into marriages and they don't know who they're laying next to. I'm very comfortable and secure with my husband."

Mo'Nique is fairly confident her husband won't stray because he loves her hairy legs so much. As for the rest of her body, lets just say that Mo'Nique probably won't be doing a Lady Bic razor commercial anytime soon. "I tried shaving one time, and it was so uncomfortable and painful. I said never again would I do that to myself. I'm 42 and I'm very hairy."

I can't wait to see Barbara's look when she hears that one.


  1. What did she shave with? A chainsaw?

  2. @Sporky Maybe she didn't put anything on her skin before shaving with a razor ¬_¬ I always think that the whole open marriage sounds good until someone actually cheats and then she/he'll feel like it's not Ok

  3. she reeks of no self-worth w/ that twisted must a person's thinking be when they don't realize that they are absolutely worth being faithful to? so sad.

  4. Yes they've been friends for over 25 years but Mo'Nique was married to someone else for at least five of those years.

    I think there's more to this story then they're willing to admit. Either someone's bisexual or not interested in sex.

  5. I think she's an idiot with her comments, but if that agreement works for her...

  6. Meh. If it works for her, it works for her. It would not work for me. If I was cheated on - no matter the reason or excuse - that would be it. I know many people who are a lot more forgiving and that's fine.

    I love the fact that she refuses to shave, though. I don't see anything wrong with a hairy woman.

  7. how can she preach self-worth and self-respect and tout "precious" with these comments? I mean..seriously?

    I've read and heard they're both gay-convenient marriage.

  8. Didn't she write a book telling about her cheating. Thus the open marriage started after that.

    Or am I the only one who remembers or thought I heard that.

  9. not-on-my-dollar beat me to it. Sounds pretty clearly that she doesn't mind if he sleeps around cause SHE sure as hell isn't sleeping with him. Whatever. It's their deal.

    And I totally laughed at your comment about Barbara, Enty. You're so right. I get the feeling Barbara talks all kind of shit behind everybody's back.

  10. Sounds like he's already had sex with someone while they've been married.

  11. If she feel secure in her marriage kudos to her.

    The end.

  12. Sounds like bullshit to me.

  13. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I don't like Baba Walters. Hasn't she showed her back stabbing on the View LOL.

    Regarding Mo'Nique's comment. Why did she even get married if she doesn't mind who her husband screws around with.

    I believe if you get married it's with that person that you will be with for eternity. If one ends up wondering away from the marriage than go for the divorce.

  14. Okay, so if shaving hurts, then wax them bad boys honey.

    I've seen pictures of Monique's (I refuse to add the superfluous apostrophe--unless it indicates a glottal stop, it's pointless) legs and OH MY GOD. There's hairy legs then there's HOLY SHIT IS THAT ROBIN WILLIAMS IN A DRESS?? Which is what Monique's legs look like.

  15. She's lucky this interview will air/sneaks leaked AFTER the Oscar voting polls closed yesterday.

  16. Sounds like a marriage of convenience. She's clearly not interested in sex and he likes being married to a celebrity.

    How can you only try shaving one time before age 42? I practiced several times before I was even 13.

  17. I dont think it is cheating if you agree to an open relationship. That is playing by the rules.

  18. I saw a red carpet event photo in which she was flashing her shins. Figgy is not exaggerating. Couldn't figure out why she'd invest so much maintenance in a fancy pedicure, yet leave her legs covered with hair long enough to braid. It looked weird.

  19. I can see people marrying for just the companionship aspect...maybe they are more friends and the lovers part of a marriage relationship is a non-issue with them, thus why not mind the partner seeing others? She trusts him maybe from a monetary standpoint and he has her back.


    I have black girlfriends who do not shave their legs because their men like the natural look and that they simply do not want to bother with that. It is a chosen preference and not a choice everyone embraces.

  20. @Figgy: I love you for using 'glottal stop'. Are you a linguist? :)

    Also, electric razors don't hurt and no risk of cutting yourself.

  21. Well said, Harriet, Angie and Treesap! I could try to add my own two cents, but the three of you said it better.

  22. I actually googled "glottal stop" LOL! Ya learn something everyday. Thanks, Figgy! Although comparing Monique to Mrs. Doubtfire has left me with a rather nasty visual.

  23. @ Momster

    {giggle} Maybe she likes that 'Mediterranean' look? If so, she should at least brush them.

  24. Many black women (and men) find shaving extremely painful because of how the hair grows back in. It's already tightly curled by nature and often becomes ingrown with no real way around it.

    It's why you see so many black men with lots of bumps on their faces/necks/chins. And also why many get their faces professionally shaven in a barber shop. The closer blade helps, but still does not prevent the ingrown hair.

  25. don't really care about the unshaved legs, i have been there - a LOT!

    but yeah, i would for sure freak out about my SO sleeping with other women, unless i was doing it myself - that just seems strange to me. But whatever works, I guess.

  26. It's not "cheating" if both spouses are ok with it.

    I actually know several couples who have open relationships and the successful ones have clear rules and open communication. The unsuccessful not.

  27. they usually work (in my op) - for a while. But jealousy kicks in, or someone falls in love with someone else... its not that simple, I don't think. At least, I have never met a happy couple who has gone swinging/cheating and made it.

  28. As a matter of fact, @ Green Wave Gal, I have a BA in linguistics :-)

    @Jasmine, thanks for sharing that! That's so interesting, I had no idea.

  29. @figgy--lol "glottal stop" Linguistics MA here. That kind of stuff bugs me as well :-)

    The one that bugs me is my kid's toy that says, "Q says "kwa" " Drives me crazy every time I hear it!

  30. Too funny! My BA is in Spanish and Linguistics. Went a different route for Grad School though. But I'm still a Linguistics Geek at heart! Where did you go to school?

  31. Whatever pops your corn, lady.

  32. OK, I probably hang out with a different crowd than most of the rest of you (IIRC, friends of friends were the inspiration for the Elbonians in Dilbert), many of whom lead, ahem, alternate lifestyles that would send many of you screaming for the hills. Quite a few of them are polyamorous & have multiple relationships of varying degrees of intensity; some of them are married w/kids, and their kids have been turning out just fine (kids don't need to know all the details of Mommy & Daddy's sex lives, whether it's with each other or other people...). Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't; what it DOES involve is a hell of a lot more communicating and processing, which is one reason it's not my thing. (It's hard enough to keep 1 relationship on an even keel, much less several! YMMV, of course...) Also, plenty of the women don't bother with shaving, and while again, that's not my thing, it's not my business. I do sympathize w/the sensitive skin/ingrown hair issue, though, being a natural curlyhead w/sensitive skin--if anything, waxing is even more apt to aggravate ingrown hairs, etc. than shaving. Anyway, if they don't care, and their partner(s) don't have a problem with it, then why should I care?

    (Yep, I hang out w/freaky people--I'm too weird to be really normal, but too normal to be really weird. Allow me to introduce myself as the Ambassador from the Island of Misfit Toys...)

  33. Oh, and as for Mo'Nique personally, I had a lovely time back in 2003 reading Skinny Women are Evil on a flight back to Boston from Dallas, barely managing to stifle guffaws all the way. Gotta say, it was more than a little amusing to see the thin yuppie blonde sitting across from me cringing away from my side of the plane...apparently she was afraid my fat cooties were going to sneak across the aisle and infect her, who knows? A most entertaining flight home after a fun weekend w/friends, and I owe at least some of it to Mo. ;-) (Yes, I'm fat, but I still fit in an airplane seat as well as anyone else--I'm deep, not wide.)

  34. I'm wondering if she used an Epilady. That was an instrument of torture.

  35. Jasmine,
    I've never heard of that. (well the first part)
    I'm black & the hair on my legs is like the hair on my eyebrows/lashes. Definitely not tightly curled.
    Shaving isn't painful (to me).
