Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Cheating Guys - This Time Jake Pavelka

Well Tanya Douglas finally got her payday. She gave an interview this week to Life & Style to spill everything she knows about Bachelor Jake Pavelka. It wasn't much that we didn't already know. She did give the magazine some texts and photos that were taken after Jake proposed to Vienna. She also said that Jake said that the producers told Jake he only needed to date Vienna for 30 days after the show ended and then he was free to move on to other people. I think now that Jake is ensconced on DWTS, Vienna might be saying buh bye.

According to Tanya, Jake tried to get the producers of The Bachelor to have her on the show so that way they could get the money but the show would already be rigged. He wanted that because he said he already found the love of his life in Tanya and was just doing The Bachelor for fame and money.

For his part, Jake said Tanya and he were over long before the show, but the texts and photos say otherwise. I can't read the text though. If someone goes to the grocery store today, see if you can see what it says.


  1. Rolling my eyes...

    Another annoying famewhore

  2. Say it ain't so!

    This week on DWTS Jake said that proposing to Vienna was the "honor of my life" or something cheesey like that.

  3. I have that mobile but I'm not a slag for cash/fame.

  4. Come on! I think is delusional when you go on a reality show and expect to find real love from it

  5. it says:

    "I am so boring even my eyeballs fall asleep. I have the personality of a lobotomized Ken Doll and am truly a vain prick with delusional goals of fame and money."

  6. He is by far the creepiest Bachelor of them all. I thought Jason & Molly were bad for selling their souls for some money and fame.

    I think Jake is going to auction his first child off to the highest reality producer.

    I really hope he gets kicked off DWTS next week. Even worse then seeing his is seeing horse face Vienna every week. They are the poor man's Speidi. And at least Speidi is honest with wanted fame & money.

  7. Glad you named the gal holding the texts .. for a sec there I was wondering what Joey Lauren Adams had done now!

  8. I watched most of The Bachelor and Jake struck me as a man who's d$#k was as limp as his personality. Ewwwww. Surprised? No.
