Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Ryan O'Neal Making Movie - Exploiting Redmond

Leave it to Ryan O'Neal to figure out a way to make money off his kids. Wait. Actually, it seems like lots of Hollywood parents do that. Ryan just seems to make it all look more sleazy. He has been trying to film a sequel to the Farrah Fawcett show that was so popular right before she died. In this one, Ryan is telling people that it is going to ficus on Farrah but also on Redmond's drug use. Not Ryan's drug use or sharing drugs with Redmond, but solely Redmond's drug use.

Apparently Redmond has caught on to the fact of what an ass his father is and Ryan has been banned from visiting Redmond in rehab because Ryan is not a good influence on him. I think that pretty much sums up all of Ryan's relationships with his kids.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. day two of ficus love. enty, pls dish!

  3. Pookie! LOL I saw that as well.

  4. lol Pookie -- I thought I was going nuts for a second day

  5. Sounds like an inside joke, but with whom???

  6. Farrah was so beautiful, & Ryan was also nice looking in his prime. How could the 2 of them produce something so ugly? Meth?

  7. focus Enty =]

    Farrah set Redmond up to have a comfortable life. I hope he appreciates it and gets better.

  8. Ryan is scum. Period. Any documentary he does in his son better include his own drug use with Redmond. Opportunistic scum.

  9. oh no, not another fucking sequel!

    seriously, farrah married the douchebag and the left and raised the douchebag on the right. the only story i'd like to see about farrah is the real one, which has yet to be told.

  10. Does Redmond have anyone in his life that is supportive and trustworthy?

    Does Farrah or Ryan have a family member that could be a role model to Redmond?

    If not Redmond could be the first person that I've heard of who might not truly grasp the understanding of right from wrong.

  11. I'm lost on the Ficus joke.

    I hate Ryan O'Neal. Why does anyone like this jerk? Lower than low.

  12. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I wonder what got Ryan banned from seeing his son. I can't stand this SOB.

  13. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I didn't think Farrah and Ryan were married?

    He's despicable. Hits on his own daughter. Sleeps with Farrah's best friend in the next room while Farrah is dying. Low life fucker.

  14. It's actually the third ficus.

  15. @syko....well said. he makes me so mad.

  16. Lol at ficus. I think it's Enty poking fun at himself. Gotta love the big guy. And not love Ryan. He's a manipulative, narcissistic ass.

  17. Redmond really is a gorgeous kid--look at that hair! If he ever turns it around, he might have a good future ahead of him. Acting? Who knows.

  18. I loved when Ryan was "diagnosed" with cancer and the whole acting community gave him a tribute at the Emmys. I think he ended up having a rash or something. Dude was just looking for attention.

    Farrah didn't have a huge estate to leave Redmond. But I guess even a few million will keep Ryan interested in Redmond.

    I think the only O'neal child to have escaped his father's damage was Patrick O'Neal. His mother Leigh Taylor Young took him away and he was able to live a normal drama free life.

    Redmond is clearly a fuck up but it would be really sad if Ryan bamboozels him out of his inheritence. Thank god Farah didn't mary Ryan at the end like he was pushing her to do.

  19. I could be wrong, but I think Redmond will get enough to buy a house and the rest in monthly payments. If that true, then Farrah protected Redmond, unless Ryan is named in his will.

  20. Ooh, I think Enty is actually a spy and "ficus" is his secret code word. Everybody keep an eye out for exploding cigars!
