Thursday, March 11, 2010

Taylor Momsen - Not Your Typical Parade Interview

For those of you who still get a Sunday newspaper one of the first things you probably look at inside is Parade Magazine. Back in the day before internet and when newspapers were still read by everyone it was kind of like your free People Magazine of the week. The only problem with it was every star who was featured always appealed to the people who usually paid to subscribe to the newspaper and not the kid who grabbed it from the inside of all those coupons and store flyers.

It is still that way today. You are much more likely to see Lynda Carter in there than Aaron or Nick Carter. When they do have someone a bit younger the interviewee tends to be asked innocuous questions which will provide very plain and vanilla answers. Parade is convinced no one wants to read about some backstage orgy on a Sunday morning over coffee.

So, it was a big shock to me they asked Taylor Momsen for an interview and it is even more shocking they are going to print it. The reporter asked Taylor a simple question about whether she has a bad attitude on set. They were probably expecting some carefully planned answer. Instead they got pure Taylor.

"I don't read that crap that describes me as having a bad attitude, but I don't know why that's a bad thing. Attitude is in the eye of the beholder. I didn't get into this to be a role model for 7-year-olds. I have no interest in doing that, you know? If parents don't like some of the stuff I do then they shouldn't let their kids watch me."

She continued: "I smoke, so what? Why do people give a s**t what a 16-year-old who they've never met does? It's not like I'm sitting there going, 'Kids, you should go buy a pack of cigarettes'. When I walk outside with a cigarette and someone takes a picture of it and puts it on the internet, it's not my problem. I'm just living my life and I'm not gonna live my life for other people."

I would have to say that was very well said. But can we talk about what you wear?


  1. Yeah, the blunt honesty is nice, but oy. What a train wreck she is.

  2. you know why we care? Because any other 16-year-old would not be allowed to buy cigarettes. They would be sneaking them behind their parents' backs. But not this 16-year-old. She can break the law because she is a celebrity and she expects no one to care. Awesome.

  3. Anyone else notice that, for someone who doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks, she sure gives a hell of a lot of interviews? More than any of the other principals on Gossip Girl, I bet.
    So she's throwing this stuff out there while saying she wishes people would mind their own business.
    Get over yourself, Taylor.

  4. I agree with what she said.
    I can't blame her...where the hell are her parents?!? Counting her money???

  5. yay! i hate parade! haha so funny!!!!! I bet this interview was printed next to a recipe for homemade meatloaf and an advertisement selling creepy dolls

  6. Looks like this one might go down the Lindsey Lohan Yellow Brick Road.

  7. Gotta like her honesty and she looks decent in the picture. She looks like she actually took a bath.

  8. It seems to me that if she's under 18, her smoking cigarettes is technically illegal, so who bought them for her, or who sold them to her?

  9. Teenage angst is a hell of a thing.

  10. Anonymous11:54 AM

    If she doesn't give a shit then why does she even give interviews???

  11. When I was 16, I was a self-centered bitch, too. The real world quickly slapped a big heaping dose of awareness into me. I also had a strong family and great parents. I fear this kid is lacking both good parents and the real "non-celebrity" world. The Magic Eight Ball says - outlook not good.

    Love the honesty though. Maybe whatever John Mayer had is catching. (Actually, I'm sure he's contagious in lots of ways.) Wouldn't an honest Hollywood be awesome? I bet after a month we'd hate EVERYONE.

  12. Who cares that her legs are so skinny that she needs a garter belt to keep her compression hose up?

  13. yeah, im actually all for cutting teenagers some slack. i kind of identify with them, somehow... :)

  14. i like her. i'll take her honesty over the faux bullshit we hear all the time from these people. she's young, yes. but she's also right---you want a role model for your kid, look somewhere else.

  15. I like her too. No, kids shouldn't smoke--no one should, really--but people do, so she isn't atypical in that regard. And why do people continue to look to strangers to be role models just because they're famous? What about being an actor, etc qualifies anyone to be a moral example?

  16. I feel very neutral about her but she has a point, she doesn't have to live the way someone else wants her to be...she has her own life and it's not responsible for everyone else's kids

  17. I feel very bad for a 16 year old that doesn't get to enjoy life as a 16 year old. That time of your life goes so quickly, & she will never get hers back. She has time to act like a broken down 35 year old later on in life.

  18. I'm not sure smoking cigarettes at 16 is illegal. It's buying cigarettes that's illegal. That said, I don't think she, or anyone else, should be smoking. It's totally bad for your health.

  19. I still think she should have played Cherie in the Runaways, not Dakota Fanning.

  20. I believe here in NC you must be 18 to buy ciggies.

    ITA with TFTD above, very well-put.

  21. And I also agree with lutefisk.

  22. Yeah,this is typical full of shit whiny teen BS, to me. Not remotely cool, just deserving of a parental smile and nod to every nicotine-scented cry of "the man is trying to bring me down." Whatevs.

  23. I recall an interview with Marlon Brando years ago where he said that after he became famous, reporters began asking his opinion and advice on world events and his reaction (at least early on) was, "What are you asking me for? I'm just an actor...!" At the same time, young people are always looking for non-parental role models, be they actors, musicians, or whatever--it can't be helped. But who owes whom what?

  24. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see why anyone would WANT to have any celebtard as a role model for their child. When I was a child, my role models were my parents and family, not some asshole celeb. Shit, even as a little kid I could tell that these people were all phonies who were seriously fucked up, but maybe that's because I've read the Enquirer since I was 5! I can't blame Taylor at all for not wanting to be anyone's role model, she's 16 and wants to be a bad ass. Let her be one. And I also think all tobacco regulatory laws are ASININE, but I despise government meddling so whatever!
