Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Do You Think? Kirstie Alley And Her Scientology Diet

First of all I need to congratulate Meredith Vieira from The Today Show. Yesterday she actually asked Kirstie Alley questions which were not all softball. She asked questions I would expect of someone who says they are a reporter. That being said, I wish she would have followed up more and really asked some tougher questions, but it is The Today Show and not 60 Minutes.

Kirstie was on the show to talk about her reality show which is supposed to follow her around while she loses weight. Unlike when she lost all that weight before this time she is doing it on her own and not Jenny Craig. I have written before how I thought this diet program of hers would be a front for Scientology and despite what she says it looks like I am right about it to some extent.

Weight loss is a huge business and it makes sense that Scientology wants a piece of that money. Plus, it fits into their whole let me help you and while you are spending $100 on this weight loss program let me sell you some other programs also. If you have to give Kirstie Alley's company a phone number or mailing info to get anything from her weight loss plan do so carefully. Scientology is all about selling programs to better yourself, so a diet thing would fit in well. Plus they have Kirstie out there selling it who is one of their big donors and someone they know will lose the weight whether she uses the plan or just starves herself.

Kirstie says her company isn't owned by Scientology, but here are the facts.

The directors of her company are all top level Scientologists.
The business address is the same address for Scientology offices in Clearwater, Florida.

To all of this, Kirstie denies it is a front company for Scientology and says that she is the top executive and that her accountant's office is in the Scientology offices. Of course since her accountant is a Scientologist this makes sense. She calls him a "Scientology Jew."

The company is called "Organic Liaison."

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  1. This woman is so full of bullshit, just like her religion/ cult / "diet program"

  2. Who the hell would pay to learn how to yo-yo diet? Anyone with a brain cell can figure that out on their own for free.

  3. I swear she gets fat for a living, just to make money off weight loss programs.

  4. She has only been fat for 4 years.
    that statement validates every word out of her mouth as a lie.

  5. Why so many people get involved with that scientology bs I don't know.

    I like Kirstie as an actress. A lot. I thought she was great in North And South (really old series, I know).
    And I don't give a damn if she's fat or thin (her weight "struggles" shouldn't be anybody else's business) but this connection with this organisation is wack.

  6. Used to looooove her, but now she just looks and acts like an old, crazy, and bitter, woman. Kirstie, check your hormone level.

    I don't think she's been the same since she had the affair with the boytoy.

  7. Wasn't she the answer to a blind about an actress gaining weight so she could sell her own weight-loss products?

  8. She has claimed in the past that she is an emotional eater - well, if Scientology is so good for your mind, how did she get fat in the first place? No special detox sessions for her? She just needs to sign up for the Kate special.

  9. What Mikey said! With the amount of money she has out into that program, shouldnt she be clear or whatever the h-l it is that they become? And shouldnt she, on her way up that ladder, become a better and better person, thus not having problems with her weight?

  10. I bet she'd be fun to smoke a joint with and eat and have wine.. she seems like pretty cool people. It's tough being a fatty in this world, man.

  11. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I watched this interview. They mentioned that the cost of the program is approximately $1700. That's pretty steep.

    WTF is a Scientology Jew?

  12. I get it. Send them all your money, so you can't afford snacks. That might even work. Who knew she was that clever?

  13. The only thing I have to add is to repeat what Michael K said yesterday about the name "Organic Liaison" - he said that it's also the term Goopy uses for "masturbation". I laughed out loud. I did.

  14. sure Kirstey...and before i buy your weight loss shit ,i just need to get my brakes fixed at Toyota.

  15. I can't help it, I like her. Even with the Scientology shit and all, I find her amusing and pretty damn funny.

  16. Valerie, I think you are right about the blind of getting fat to sell a new weight loss program. And why do stars think it's classy to give some one the bird. I always lose interest when they pull that crap.

  17. Meredith should have pushed her on the question about why Scientology would have worked with cocaine addiction but not for food addiction. She was flummoxed and tried to say addiction is really compulsion. Whatever that is supposed to mean.

    Shady business indeed.

  18. I don't believe in "food addiction". I don't think binge eating can be compared to drug addiction or alcoholism.
    This is a quote from "Through Thick and Thin":

    "...that certain foods are akin to an addictive substance and we are unable to care for ourselves when it comes to food is a very disempowering mindset. Food is not an addictive substance. We need food to survive. Unlike an alcoholic or drug addict, we cannot abstain from food. If there is any addictive element involved, it is an addiction to the behavior of using food as a coping mechanism. It is not about the food at all. It is about the coping behavior. The beauty is that behavior and coping methods can be changed."

    So I agree with Linnea, if a Scientologist is "clear", according to their own philosophy, they should probably not have these issues with eating and weight. Maybe scientology is...*gasp*...CRAP!!!

  19. David Letterman was giving her hell too. Mainly saying that the odds are against her that her weight loss plan is going to work.

  20. When Kirstie first began developing this "diet" of hers, she held a meeting with someone very close in my life. She was attempting to solicit free business advice. She was unwilling to listen to anything regarding health or safe or SANE methods of weight loss. The second he informed her that I had successfully lost about 85 pounds (and maintained that loss) she immediately developed a hostile attitude. It was reported to me that throughout the meeting, her behavior appeared manic and she seemed like "a real moron".

  21. To hell with her. Trish, tell us how you lost 85 lbs.

  22. Why would an actress in Los Angeles, California need an accountant in Clearwater, Florida?

    Harriet Hellfire, I respectfully disagree with you.

    I read somewhere that Kirstie regularly buys 1-3 pies from a California chain and wolfs at least one down in her parked car in full view of the staff.

  23. Yeah Trish, SPILL!

  24. This program sounds creepy and seems like something I need to ignore. However Kirstie is pretty humorous (as long as she isn't trying to sell me anything).

  25. I just checked back and saw your comments, sunnyside1213 and c17. :)

    I did the boring hard way...changing the way I lived and the way I ate. It was a total lifestyle overhaul. Actually, for a few years afterwards, I had a fairly successful health counseling practice where I helped other people lose weight too. But now I'm back in graduate school full time.
