Thursday, March 18, 2010

Worst Kept Secret Comes To Light

One of the worst kept secrets has finally been confirmed. After weeks of his name being thrown out, it finally stuck. The baby daddy of Padma Lakshmi's new baby is Adam Dell. Apparently the two are not together any longer and have been having a few quarrels about visitation. I think it is great that Adam stepped up and wants to be a part of his child's life. I think the original plan was that he was going to be kind of an absentee father but he must have changed his mind when he saw his daughter. Adam lives in Texas and Padma lives in New York.


  1. is it just me or is padmas finger kind of freaky?

  2. @delilah - Yep, they look a little pointy.

  3. I don't know the chick, but speaking as a certified Old Lady Who's Been Around, sounds like she wants more money from him before he gets to see the kid. The name "Dell" was a clue. You think she'd have a kid with a NJ dentist named Wojdohowicz? Nope.

  4. I knew whoever Padma baby daddy be, it was going to be someone very rich. Like weezy said, no way was padma gonna hitch her wagon to anyone who's a schlub. Padma's sperm donor doesn't have to be famous but he sure as hell has to be RICH!

  5. They probably broke up because there's no room in that love affair for anyone but Padma and Padma.

  6. Larry -- what, only two faces? You're too kind!

  7. He was one of my professors in business school. Nice guy, great professor. Congrats on being a dad!

  8. Wiki says 'friend' and that she has endometriosis. So it could have been an IVF. I am an expert with that.
