Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Xander Gets Tased

Nicholas Bendon has been on lots of television shows and even some movies, but he is best known for being the very irritating Xander in Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Last night he decided he would audition for an episode of Prison Break, but found out what happens when you try and run away drunk and take a swing at the cops. You get tased.

The police were called to Venice last night because some drunk guy was in an alley causing trouble. Nicholas yelled at the police, took a couple of mistimed swings and then ran for it. He made it a few feet before the police tased him and arrested him. The only thing they have charged him with though is felony vandalism.


  1. This makes me so sad. I had the pleasure of meeting him 3 years ago and he was very nice. Gave ame hugs and everything. I remember saying to my husband later that he smelled real good but that he seemed as if he was a bit hungover. :(

    Dangit Xander. You've let me down.

  2. This makes me sad too. I'm a huge BtVS fan and I love Xander on it. I know NB has had problems with alcohol in the past, but I was hoping it was still in the past. Guess not. That must explain his lack of work since Buffy wrapped.

    Please get it together. Please.

  3. This is really sad - he was supposedly on the wagon. Find a better way, XanMan!

  4. Oh, today is just full super cool news and super suck-atude. While Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse season 1, and Firefly are all going to be on watch instantly on Netflix soon...Xander is gettin' his taze on. *sigh* I had also heard that he had had his issues in the past with the sauce. I thought he was doing well - I am sorry to hear I was mistaken. Pull it together Xander or I will never get my Buffy movie!!!! /delusion.

  5. Well, crud. I hope this isn't true, but if it is, I hope he gets help. I love Nicky!

  6. Aww.. I loved Xander. He was far from irritating!

    And if it's true that BtVS will soon be on Netflix Instant Viewing - well then I'm a happy, happy girl! :D

  7. Add me to the list of people very sad to hear this! My husband and I are huge Buffy fans the point that our son's middle name is Xander. Seriously. If I recall correctly, he did a bit of time in rehab for alcohol ...sad that he's back to it.

  8. ellapetal, that is the best news I've heard in months! WOO HOO!!!

  9. I am sad too. I loved Xander! He was not irritating! My budgie is named after him. haha
    I love buffy and have even started to read the comic books which have continued on from the show. Those of you who haven't and whom are fans should do so! Lots of interesting things are happening :)But Yes Xander...get it together!


    Please Nick, get some help! We all *LOVE* you!

  11. The only thing they have charged him with though is felony vandalism.

    Then I'm guessing California doesn't have a statute for Unrelenting Stupidity.

  12. Aw crap! : ( I love Nick! I love decifering that BUffy episode with Toth and trying to figure out who is Nick and who is Kelly. Knew he had been to Promises or some place akin about 4 years ago?? Sad to hear he is not recovering so swell. But - I know from experience - relapse can be a part of recovery.

    Must think happy thoughts and think of the Snoopy Dance and go speak wonderful words of wisdom to my Harland apple tree in the backyard called Xander. (I also have a Showy Donald Wyman Crab Apple named Buffy and a Weeping Willow named Willow .. it kills me to think that at some point via sale or foreclosure they will belong to someone else soon. : ( )
