Friday, March 26, 2010

Your Turn

Today is really simple. After reading about Sanjaya and his 110 m.p.h car chase, I am wondering what is the fastest you have ever driven or been a party to as a passenger. I am pretty tame. I think the fastest I have ever been a part of is about 120 m.p.h and that was legal. It was in Montana when they had the no speed limit thing for awhile.


  1. and he means the STATE of Montana, not me, ;) lol

  2. 160/kph. Wasn't me, was a friend of mine and I got all nervous and told him to slow down.

  3. Germany. Autobahn. Passenger. Thrilling.

  4. Passenger in a co-worker's brand new Porsche, going approximately 200 km/h on the Q.E.W. on our way to work. Scared the SHIT out of me and I hated him after that. LOL

  5. As a passenger but in a motorbike! It was crazy fast and the driver was in BMX

  6. lol @ Montana

    Me speeding down I95 in NY going around 100. I have been in cars with others who have done 100-120 as well on any given highway. Sometimes you don't realize how fast u r going when u have open road.

  7. 100 mph in my Mini Cooper S. It's a whole different driving experience going that fast. Small moves can make a big difference. My palms were sweating for sure!

  8. I've never been in a car with the capability to go over 110. If I was the driver I would go for it. As a passenger, I think I would piss my pants unless there was no chance of crash.

  9. 126 mph in my 1991 Toyota Celica. God, I was a stupid teenager. Of course, then I've gone faster than that as a passenger in my dad's sweet sweet Mercedes with the AMG package. God, I was a stupid 30 year old.

  10. Probably 100 on a clear open road with a 500hp sports car. The car felt completely stable and its such a thrill.

  11. I've been a passenger in a car going 140-145, which is damn good for a little Honda Prelude. But it was my soon-to-be ex husband and I, and in retrospect it was very stupid. We were both feeling a little lost and reckless.

    I've done 120 in the car myself - to me time sort of slows down when you're going that fast. It's pretty fun, but I think my poor car probably doesn't have it in her to go that fast anymore.

  12. When I was 15 I was riding back from Odessa to Austin with my step sister and her boyfriend in her Toyota Celica. Out in the barren wastelands they decided they wanted to get in the back and make out so even though I didn't have a driver's license they asked me to drive. I had that sucker up over a hundred before long. I found out later they were scared shitless the whole time. He ended up knocking her up but that's another story.

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  14. Honda VFR bike..140mph..on the back. so i was told...too busy PISSING MYSELF to tell.

  15. drove 85 mph a few times...which to me was too I am one of those annoying folks on the hwy that drives between 60 & 65mph.

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  17. 120 in my Dad's Avanti with 4 crazy friends in New Orleans. I didn't have a license. What an idiot I was. My Dad still doesn't know.

  18. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I think around 115, in a '56 Chevy with an 8 cylinder engine. I wasn't really into speed, just in a hurry to get there.

    My ex used to drive around 130-140 all the time, and I rode with him through some of that, but with me driving, 115 was about the limit.

    I used to have an MG and driving 80 in it was a bigger thrill than driving over 100 in a big car, because it was so little, so low, so open (convertible) and took the curves so well.

  19. 120 driver in a car,
    130 passenger on a bike.

    both rawked!

  20. Between the Carquinez Bridge, Vallejo and the University Ave exit in Berkely, I hit 157 mph on my Kawasaki ZX-6RR at 3am, that was fun. Not a single car on the route. I had to stop cause my bike was geared a tooth down, so I was maxing out in 6th by the time I hit 157. My friend on his Yamaha R1 passed me at 188mph. I wish I would have gone faster, but the force at those speeds is insane. It kept pushing my helmet back into my face and after about 40 secs, my rightmost strap cut into my chin and my helmet nearly came down over my eyes. That's when I had to pull back.

    In a car, I got my baby, a blk/blk Corvette Z06 up to 172 mph on a secret private road here in the bay area. I miss that car. Good 'ol chevys. She could hit 172 mph, but running over a penny would cause her to get really, really nervous =)

    Man, Ent what a great your turn. Cars and bikes are in my blood. I wish we had tracks here in the Bay Area that were closer. Sears Point is getting weird since the ownership change and Thunder Hill is full of Newbs...The bike and 'Vette are gone. I'm 29. Old now. If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't have played ice hockey or football, I would have raced. Maybe I'd be in NASCAR by now... DAMN YOU LIFE!!!

  21. 140 MPH in a 1965 Dodge Coronet. At least I think it was 140. The speedo went to 130, and i was on "H", as in H, then if I'd gone a little faster, it would have been "P" and if I'd really gunned it, "M".

    So 140 is an estimate, but I had to slow down because I was running out of road.

  22. Mine was also on the QEW. Back of a bike, around 180 kph. Or so he said... I think it might have been faster.

    Equally scary, around the same going from Calgary to Banff on another bike. Albertan's sand & gravel! I was petrified of hitting a rock and spinning out.

    I'm glad I stopped dating dudes with bikes. I don't miss my early 20s.

  23. Funny you ask. I had my first 100mph experience just last month. We drove to NOLA for Mardi Gras. We rented a nice luxury something or other... When I was driving back, the car was so smooth, and I had never personally driven that fast so I took it up to 100, just because... I think before that I was a passenger in Death Valley, not sure what we got up too, but definitely over 100...

  24. I'm so boring. LOL. About 100 mph in a road rage car driven by a cop in a ride-along. It still took my breath away!!!

  25. I went 40 mph/hr as a passenger in a car....

    Only we were going backwards/in reverse and we were on a country road that was all curvy at nighttime. That was scary shit!

  26. oh and WTF is this about Sanjaya?

  27. I've driven 100+ lots of times, but my college bff's boyfriend would race anybody on the San Diego freeways. Now I realize how damn dumb that was, but what a thrill. I remember his car was jacked up with flames painted on the side, but I think it was a Falcon or Vega, something stupid like that. Of course, nobody wore seatbelts back then.

    Getting out of that car and opening a door was like a Cheech and Chong movie.

    Good times.

  28. I ran a Bugatti on the Bonneville Salt Flats...OK, I'm lying.

    I think I did 105 in my old Benz. [yawn]

  29. About 120 on the back of a race modified Yamaha RZ350. I had so much fun that my husband says that's when he decided to marry me.

    In a car, many times in rural NM. The roads are often deserted and you can really haul ass.

  30. The fastest I've ever gone was 120 mph on the Autobahn and I was so scared. I really wanted to go slower, but everyone was going so fast that I'd lose track of my speed, glance down, and say some hail marys as I slowly reduced speed.

    I’ve spent enough time tending to victims of car crashes that the thrill of speed no longer hums through my bloodstream.

  31. Fastest I've driven is probably about 150 km/h

    Fastest where I've been the passenger is probably about 160 km/h.

    I love speed, but I don't drive stick so that limits me from going to the racing school nearby for a day to go faster :)

  32. Passenger - 193, Ford GT on a 10,000 foot runway

    Driver - 184 (from telemetry data), 911 X50

    Tons 'o fun both time (and scarier when you are a passenger...)

  33. I am not sure it was the fastest, but definately the scariest. I was dating a guy with a customized sports car that he raced etc. 120 mph at night on I-70 in Colorado. And yes, he did end up getting a speeding ticket!

  34. holy hell I have the best story for this!!

    I was at a swanky hotel party when I met a man who seemed to be the host of the whole deal..we got to talking and out of the blue he asks me if I can drive him in his car for some random errand. I can't even remember what it was now. I was about 20 yrs old at the time. He then proceeds to pull out this manila envelope and grabs 6 brand new crisp hundred dollar bills and says tells me they are mine for 15 min of my time. All of his friends there said he's cool so I say sure lets do this. We go to the lobby of the hotel and the valet brings up his car...a hot red Ferrari. He tosses me the keys and says lets go. Heres the thing about those cars..the stick shift is super sensitive and it takes a minute to get the hang of it. So I am freaking jerking this 250,000$ car down the road and keep killing it. So bad! But luckily my mother insisted I learn how to drive on a stick so I get the hang of it and off we go. Cars are vrooming their engines at me everywhere. Apparently when you are driving a hot car everyone wants to race. So We cross this huge bridge and he says punch it and I get it up to 145 before we was beautiful. Then we went back to the party. Whatever reason he gave me for going out was bs ( obviously ) and he was just trying to spend some alone time with me. It worked! We dated a little bit and this is the funny part..he tells me he's divorced, blah blah blah and is out of town all the time. It was super casual so no big deal. We had only kissed a couple of times so it wasn't close to serious but we had a few awesome dates. Next thing I know I see this dude on the news. Turns out he was a $30,000 a year accountant that had embezzled millions of dollars from his company (AAA) and was in fact married and had a kid. Police confiscated his yacht, house, several cars ( some of which I had also driven ) and he ended up plea bargaining for a few years. Turns out it was such an elaborate scheme that they let him plea out in turn for his info on how he did it.

    So, theres my long winded fast car story. It was awesome.

  35. my boyfriend was pissed at me because he claimed i was flirting with one of his friends at some party(I wasn't) and he was driving his mercedes(which his dad paid for because he was a spoiled trust fund baby). it was around midnight on 880 in the bay area and i think he was going around 120. not sure, but this seemed super fast considering he was usually a very cautious and albeit slow driver. i thought he was going to kill somebody, though there weren't many cars on the road. i remember praying for the highway patrol...but no. he pretty much pushed me out of the car when he dropped me off at my house with a "get the f*ck out of my car slut" and cried his way back into my arms three days later.

    then i dumped him for some other guy. i hate that f*cker.

  36. I am never getting in a car with any of you people.

  37. It's OK could ride with me now. I drive like an old woman.

  38. lol @ palealebrew!

    After all the car accidents I have been in ( 6 to date ) I am the slowest driver in the world. Its all about defense now.

  39. I dated this guy for a while who detailed repo cars for a bank. He would "borrow" the nice ones. We were on the highway once in some European sports car when I looked at the speedometer. We were going around 100. The speed limit was 55. That car had such a smooth ride I wouldn't have even noticed if he wasn't weaving in & out of traffic, passing everyone. That guy is currently doing a number concurrent of life sentences in prison. I had unusually bad taste in men in my early 20's.

  40. The fastest I'll confess to is pegging the spedometer at 85 in my Renault Encore on the Florida Turnpike during a roadtrip.
    When I say pegged, I mean literally, pegged. It took it about 3 minutes to move off of it, so we calculated our speed at better than 100 mph.
    Thankfully, 5 minutes later I was only doing 70 when I got popped for speeding.

  41. 85 mph.

    Crazy, I know....

  42. Miss(pdx): I have to say I am a little jealous of you after that story...;).

  43. 119 up and down I-5 between Lakewood and Vancouver WA.

    ZX3 didn't like it for longer than 20 minute intervals.

    How dumb of me!

  44. @Miss(pdx)- Wow, that is quite a story!!

    I think the fastest I've ever gone was 120? Back when I mostly only drove on old country roads and was much younger and stupid.

  45. On the "street" it was on I-81 near the Virginia/Tenn. border in a then-new Chevy Corvette ZR1. My top speed was 148 mph. I was "dragging" for fun against a Virginia State Trooper (my good pal) who had me on radar in front of him (no cars on that stretch - clear weather + safe).

    Top speed EVER for me was in Charlotte, NC at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. April 6, 1999. I was there with my family's NASCAR racing team. After scheduled practice, some changes were made to the chassis set-up and I took it out for a brief "shakedown" test (empty, clean track - no other cars). Six laps. My fastest clocked lap was 164.113 mph. It was a stock-car racing version of a Ford Taurus. NASCAR driver Eliott Sadler drove the car for the rest of the test. Total rush. I still have the videotape of it. Felt like I was barely moving!

  46. FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK....135 MPH just this past weekend, in a BMW 318ti. I run a used car lot, and just picked it up from the dealership after having a bunch of work done to it. Guess the Savannah cops were busy doin something

  47. And oh yeah, what the hell about Sanjaya? TOTALLY missed that one
