Wednesday, April 07, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This male actor found out last month his home had high levels of asbestos. He's now ultra paranoid that he will never be able to have kids and moved out of the house faster than a speeding bullet. He is currently living with his parent and refuses to have sex with anyone until he considers himself 'detoxified.' That will be at least a couple years knowing how dirty this kid is!

Not Penn Badgley.


  1. What's that kid's name again... Ed Westwick?

  2. this is one of the oddest blinds i've read in a while.

    i have no guesses.

  3. Ed Westwick has an apartment in NYC where Gossip Girl films. Since he is British, I don't think he is with a parent.

  4. What about Shia LeBeouf? He is hung up on his mommy.

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM


  6. Well, at least he is being considerate of others.

    He should do a cleanse.

  7. @sunnyside

    I was going to say Shia at first, but then I second guessed myself cause it says "parent" not "parents". Didn't Shia witness the love-ins with him mom and dad?

  8. Sue Ellen, I thought Shia's parents were divorced?

    Kelly, Pattinson doesn't have a house or an apartment. He lives in hotels.

  9. sunnyside, I think you are correct about the divorce. It's probably Shia, but why would they purposely say not Penn Badgley? Probably to make people, like me, say Chuck Bass.

  10. They are divorced and Shia calls Jon Voight his second dad. Was he married to Shia's mom?

  11. I imagine that it would be particularly hard to cleanse oneself of asbestos since I believe they are tiny little particles that are breathed deep into the lungs. Maybe if one "coughs up a lung" all the particles (and the lung) would be removed.

    Additionally, I don't believe that being exposed to asbestos would cause sterility. It may, however, eventually cause breathing problems and terminal lung disease. Not to make light of the health risks of such exposure -- but he needs to concern himself more with his pulmonary system than his penis.

    PS: I have no idea who this is, but he sound a little germ-a-phobic.

  12. Shia Saide LaBeouf was born June 11, 1986, in Los Angeles, California, to Jeffrey LaBeouf and Shayna Saide, and is an only child. His parents are divorced, and he lives with his mom in Los Angeles.

  13. He's really overreacting. Unless someone has been banging on his pipes (literally), tearing up the insulation and releasing the fibers, there's very little chance that it's a problem.

    That said, I have no guess.

  14. Yes, to what redhotpepper said and that's why it is sometimes safer to leave the old asbestos than to tear it out.

    My husband went to a big information session about asbestos for work (fascinating, not) and he was surprised at some of the fallacies about asbestos. I wouldn't sprinkle it on my cereal or anything, but it doesn't cause sexual problems.

  15. On the topic of asbestos, both my high school and University were/are riddled with asbestos and I didn't/don't see people dropping like flies.

  16. detoxified has to be a clue. Alas, I am not on the up and up with these young Penn Badgley types so I am not knowing.

  17. i don't believe Buzzfoto BI because they give bad clues like Jude Law revealed BI(he wouldn't give money to his ex-wife so she goes to a X-mas charity since several years) or this week-end on Jesse james revealed

  18. Asbestos causes Asbestosis, not infertility.
