Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This serial monogamist might sing how he likes to roam around with different ladies, but he is actually terrified when he’s not in a relationship. We mean, truly terrified. He’s been diagnosed with Anuptaphobia (look it up!), a fear of being single. He will do anything to be in a relationship, even if he doesn’t like the person he’s with.

Not Josh Groban.


  1. Usher is the first person to come to mind.

    How refreshing to see a blind that's not about someone cheating!

  2. Oh ya, Buble makes total sense!

  3. Anuptaphobia - that explains Jennifer Love Hewitt

  4. Didn't John Mayer say he was a serial monogamist? JM FTW!

  5. Hayden Christensen

  6. I thought it was Ryan Phillipe who said he was a serial monogamist. Enty wrote about it.

  7. I was thinking Timberlake also. He hasn't been without a girlfriend since he was a teenager. The man never spent a year single.

    Britney-Jenna Dewann-Cameon-Jessica.

    It doesn't even seem like he likes Jessica anymore. Just won't let go of the relationship. I wonder if he leaves Jessica will he jump back into Cameron's bed. From the pap shots on set. Cameron is beaming when JT is around.

  8. It doesn't really say that they proclaimed themselves to be a serial monogamist. It says that they sing about roaming around with different ladies.

    That doesn't necessarily eliminate any guesses though.

  9. mayer.

    only b/c he's so insecure about everything wlse, why not relationships...

  10. Michael Buble seems like the logical answer "not Josh Groban"....but I say Justin ftw...the tabs make it sound like he can't stand his current GF most of the time.

  11. Buble. Justin doesn't really sing about roaming around with other women.

  12. Ryan ftw, he just talked about it!

  13. Could be lots of people. I think there are lots of people like this. I bet most of you know someone who seems incapable of being alone. How sad.

  14. It's definitely Usher. "sing how he likes to roam around with different ladies.....", has to be a singer. Also, it would explain why he was with that hosebeast Tameka Foster for so long.

  15. Buble is an idiot. yeah, it's him.
