Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Isn't Serial Monogamy Sleeping With One Person At A Time

Ryan Phillipe was on Howard Stern yesterday and had a lot to say about his dating life and tried to drum up some sympathy for himself. He says that he doesn't ever want to date anyone with a publicist again. That could be tough since all he dates are actresses. He says that he had no idea Abie Cornish was going to publicly announce they had split. He also said he has never had ex sex with Reese. Oh, and never had sex with Lindsay Lohan or Jessica Simpson. He did say that he is a serial monogamist. To me that just means you are not having sex with two people at the same time. If you have sex with someone at 6pm and then another person at 8pm that is serial monogamy isn't it?


  1. Pretty sure serial monogomy means you hop from relationship to relationship. Just like JLove. Hmmm, they should hook up.


  3. What is going on with all the videos on the site on all at once??

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    For some reason, I like him. Part of this might be because I can't stand Reese. He would have been my pick to play Edward in the Twilight series.

  5. I call bullshit. I think "serial cheater" is more like it.

  6. @Diane

    I don't know, but I'm pretty sure this site attempted to give me a virus yesterday. =/

  7. @Diane use firefox with adblock, i never see those pop-up ads

  8. What he did was wrong but I understand what he is trying to say. He's had two relationships in the last 10-12 years. He doesn't sleep around, he doesn't date a lot based on what we know of him.

    He doesn't always have a new girlfriend or different date with him is the point he is trying to make.

  9. I can't stand either him or Reese. Smarmy bastards, the both of them.

  10. Maybe he meant cereal monogamist. He stays loyal to his Post Toasties not wife or girlfriend.

  11. The ads are intolerable today. They actually shut down my internet explorer. Same thing happened when I tried to access the site through AOL. It shut that down.

    yeah, the Firefox thing is a good suggestion, but this site used to be friendly to all or most browsing types. Some aren't that computer savvy and don't want an extra browser taking up computer space.

    I am not a complainer, I enjoy the site. But I wish Enty would do something about the ads.

  12. Amen Cecilia00. I use Safari, and haven't had problems until recently. I tried using Firefox just now, but the pop up and redirect me anyway.

    Seriously, Enty - can't you do something about this?

  13. I got a new laptop this week and didn't realize that adblock wasn't installed. The first time I came on this site today my machine was screaming at me The stroke inducing bright lights and videos are a mess. They went away as soon as I added adblock again.

    Fix this Enty!

  14. Thanks for all the suggestions -- nothing is working. I've been reading CDAN for year and this never happened. I can't even stay on it because all the audio is playing over each other!

  15. i'm on google chrome and nothing happens.

  16. i am using safari, and i honestly have no idea what you are talking about. there are pop ups?

  17. I know Enty will fix this soon but damn, is this annoying. I get redirected after a couple of seconds and that's WITH pop-up block on.

    As for Ryan, it's the bravado of his whining and underestimation of the public that rubs me wrong. Because he didn't have a Tiger/Jesse situation he thinks he got away with his indiscretions and therefore is "entitled" to be treated with the respect of someone who actually didn't have any indiscretions.

  18. I'm using Firefox plus the NoScript Add-on and have no problems.

    Poor Ryan has to keep bringing up Reese to get any attention.

  19. Firefox with ad block...no problem here!

    @Syko - again we are in agreement. I kind of have a soft spot in my heart for Ryan, too. But, I have no idea why. ;-)

  20. Also firefox with no problems.

  21. Total cheating douchebag. And a mediocre actor.

  22. OH, and yeah, Firefox here too, zero problems.

  23. I'm just happy Abbie broke free. She was wonderful in Bright Star and Somersault.

  24. I took that to mean what @Sue Ellen Mishkey said.

    Lainey said on her site that he had three waitresses on rotation in Vancouver prior to Abbie so I wonder how many others there were before them/her? And if Reese ever knew or just got tired of his sh**.

  25. OK, if you're going to quote Lainey. She hates Ryan and when she hates someone, how do I put this, she makes things up. That old waitress story has been going around for about 7 years and no one has come forward to claim it's true. Let it go, Lainey.

  26. Aol with popup blocker works for me I hear them when I first sign on but instead of scrolling down through the posts I go straight to the blog and don't hear it anymore. I hate them too! On the subj of Ryan Quisling, I have never been a fan, he always has his bitchface on and it doesn't appeal to me, also I would bet there is no shortage of mirrors at his house!

  27. @Just Another Blonde, I agree, they're both horribly schmarmy. But he's kinda cute. If he kept his mouth shut, he'd be worthwhile.

  28. he's so much hotter with his mouth closed..
