Friday, April 09, 2010

The Jesse James Report

It has been a busy week for Jesse James. His reality show got canceled because, well let's face it, no one was going to watch. Entertainment Weekly called him the most hated man in America. I was trying to think of an argument to that, but I think they pretty much nailed that one right on the head. I mean who do you dislike more right now? TMZ is reporting that Sandra Bullock has all three of Jesse's kids with her. That leaves Jesse free to be in rehab or strip clubs, whatever it is that he is doing now. Does anyone else think that because Sandra is so attached to his kids that she might take the guy back? If there were no kids I don't think there would be a chance in hell, but with the kids, who knows? She doesn't seem like the kind of person that would just abandon them to their fate and their respective parents.

Meanwhile, the parade of mistresses continues. Radar says they found another one. Unlike the 36 others though this one said Jesse was in love with her and she is the one who broke it off because Jesse was acting like a stalker and it scared her.


  1. Take him back because of the kids?! They're not even her kids. That doesn't make sense.

  2. That's the only reason I can see for SB taking him back. She really seems to love the kids, and they would be far better off with her in their lives than left to either bio parent.

    @Sue Ellen - you don't have to be the bio parent to love kids. Lots of step parents are very devoted to their stepchildren!

  3. I was positive Elin would leave Tiger an that plan went down the shitter, so who knows what Sandra is going to do. I would lose respect for her if she stayed with him.

  4. @valerie

    I know that, but it to stay with someone because of kids that aren't biologically yours. You can still have a relationship with them, no? I know loads of people who didn't even stay for their bio kids.

    This is probably a fabrication.

  5. Neither one of the kids parents is in a position to take care of them if they are in rehab. I think Sandra is just being a responsible stepmom.

  6. Hmm, well Jesse James IS a dick, but I have to say, I hate Glenn Beck more.

  7. Sue Ellen - just b.c the kids father is an asshole, his children are the ones suffering. Its b/c of Sandra's influence that the kids had a stable and loving home. Can you imagine how bad life is for the 2 older kids? They are old enough to understand that their dad is a douche to them and SB. I think it a testament to SB's good personality not to turn her back on those kids. She is on the only one that really cares about those children. As a person who has dated men with kids, after the relationship dies, your love for the kids still live on. Just because she isnt their biological mother, doesnt mean she hasnt bonded with those kids and love them as her own. It doesnt mean she will reunite with him. She is concerned about the well being. As for the people you sited for abandoning their biological offspring b.c of a divorce - that is a disgusting thing to do. You divorce each other; you dont divorce the kids.

  8. she is proving yet again that she is the only responsible parental figure these children have in their lives and the only reason they were in his custody anyway. she won't go back to him, but she will retain a relationship with the children. based on how she fought for the best interests of sunny i would expect nothing less

  9. She's just taking care of those kids. I think 2 of them are teenagers, It must be horrible going to high school when all of this is going on.

  10. @Sue Ellen - If the divorce is acrimonious, no way will JJ let SB see his kids, and she has no legal claim to seeing them. So yes, this may be her only option to continue being a positive influence in their lives.

  11. I'm glad to hear this, though I always wondered what the deal was with the older children's mother. Why aren't they with her? Was she deemed unfit?

    And like Jess said, it must be really tough for the older two, having to go to school, knowing that (probably) everyone knows what's going on. Kids can be really cruel; hopefully that's not the case here. They really are the innocents in all this.

  12. Wouldn't be surprised if she took him back, and IF this story is true it just goes to show how great a person Sandra is and how much SHE cares about the well being of the children.
    If all of these women are coming out saying that they have had a relationship with Jesse how much evidence is given before the media runs with the story. It seems like all we have are words with no SOLID proof. I am not saying it isn't true but I gotta wonder how do you prove it. I feel like at this point I can say I slept with Jesse and people would believe it.

  13. The children should divorce their parents, then opt to live with Bullock.

  14. Hear ye! Hear Ye! Show of hands all ye who did NOT skankify yourself by bedding (erm...couching?) with douchebag Jesse:

    *raises hand (lol)

  15. Both my hands are raised, as well as one of my feet.

  16. Those children must be damaged beyond repair. I feel bad for them. The mother of the older two must be a real winner, just like the other ex. I'm glad his show was canceled.

  17. Just because she's minding the kids doesn't mean she's taking the gorilla back. I promise you, she isn't. No way!!!

  18. it's wonderful that she's remaining stable and mature with the kids if this story is true. i agree with the posters above that it doesn't take being a biological mother to bond with children. it's not much different than adoptive parenting, imho.

    i don't think she'll stay with jj, either. tho i'll support her in any decision she makes. she loved that man so much, it wouldn't be surprising. but it's a great sign that she hasn't made any hasty decisions or actions or statements regarding the matter yet. she is a genuine class act!

  19. people who abandon their kids,bio or not are scumbags. lots of people stay for kids who are not their own.

  20. I'm not sure if I believe this, unless it's just a visit. The mother of the older two kids shares custody with Jesse. Sunny's mom is a different story, but I thought Jesse's mother was with Sunny now.

  21. the older kids mom is a wonderful & responsible mother, from all accounts I've seen & heard. PLUS she has always included Sunny in HER side of things as well, just because she is her children's sister.

    All the kids are on spring break right now and for the next week, which is perfect for them.

  22. My step-grandkids love me and their Pop-Pop but their parents (hubby/Pop-Pop's kids) hate me just for being alive.

    Sucky position to be in.

    I truly sympathize with SB.

  23. His show got canceled? Bwahahahahaha!

  24. The only reason my cousin stayed with his first wife (then girlfriend) was because of her son. He knew if he left, the kid would have absolutely nothing. She got pregnant, they got married, then eventually she left and took the kids. Children's Aid was called on her because she left them alone while she went out whoring around. He got the kids back. As far as he's concerned that boy is his son.

    So could Sandra stay with Jesse for the sake of the kids? Sure. Will it last? No.
