Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lacey Carroll Gives Up

It has been almost three years since Lacey Carroll first accused David Copperfield of sexual assault. Yesterday she dropped the suit. She said she dropped it because David's people had subjected her "to intense scrutiny and constant surveillance, while her family, friends and co-workers have been besieged with subpoenas and demands for personal information."

I wanted to believe her. I have kept up with the case for the entire three years and have tried to report on it when any new developments arose. I think that when the federal government chose not to pursue charges that was a big blow, but the biggest blow was when she got arrested for solicitation of prostitution earlier this year and how she was willing to lie to police at that time. Do I think something happened with David Copperfield? Yes, but I also think we will never know what really happened.


  1. Hmm. Clearly this girl's credibility is questionable, which makes me think that Enty has some other information about Copperfield and how he do.

  2. And there are more cases like this out there than we ever want to know. So many rapists walking around free to commit their crimes over and over again.

  3. Anonymous11:55 AM

    More of the old double standard, "she deserved it because she's a whore" thinking. Even the worst, skankiest prostitute in the world, if she says "no", it should mean "no". Nobody deserves to be raped, no matter what they do for a living, what their sexual history is, what they were wearing, or how they behaved prior to the offense.

  4. Would it be tasteless to say something like, "He made the complaint disappear"?

  5. Because she was willing to lie to the police, she already lost her respect and credibility. Enty's makes it sound as if it was true but sadly it's hard to know.

  6. I've always believed her story but I can also understand that she probably harmed her own case by lying to the police.

    She was fighting a very wealthy celebrity so unfortunately she already had the cards stacked against her. One wrong move and her case is thrown out.

    The good thing is that I believe in karma. If David is guilty hopefully I'll be around when this catches up with him and he's forced to pay the price.

  7. I suggest you read up on her Seattle arrest since it parallels her Copperfield claim. She went to a hotel room with some one she knew casually, started "petting", then demanded cash for sex, was rejected, left and started claiming she had been abused. The problem in that case was that the security cameras apparently contradicted her statements and confirmed the statements of the man involved. That is why she was charged with solicting prositution and making false statements. I haven't read about this going to trial yet and she, like David Copperfield, has a right to presumption of innocence. However, I think the Seattle case gave Copperfield's lawyers ample opportunity to show reasonable doubt regarding her claim.

  8. ita with _-_=_ & syco. just because of her occupation, or even that she lied to the police doesn't mean she has no credibility. i venture to say that a lot of people have lied to protect themselves in sticky situations, and she is no different. but because copperfield has money and power, he gets away with it, while this woman not only has to live with what he did to her, she has to live with the world not believing her on top of it.

    you KNOW she can't be his only victim and i sure the hell hope that the others come forward to, so this ahole can be punished accordingly.

  9. I'm having a serious moral battle here... Copperfield is touring again, and coming here to Atlanta in May.
    I've *always* been a fan of stage magic, and at one time I would have done practically anything to have seen him, Henning, Burton or any of the others live.
    The presumption of innocence prior to a trial is also a core belief of mine, however I find myself leaning towards an attitude of "oh HELL no, I'm not going to support a suspected rapist, no matter who it is".
    This is killing me. I want so bad to go, and yet I cannot bring myself to "suspend belief" - because just as Enty says, I also think something happened, however the truth is never going to come out.

  10. a civil case is very different from a criminal one. i have no doubt his attorneys would've torn her limb from limb---they can do that in civil court. every single thing she's ever done would come out. i don't blame her for giving up.

    IF it happened---which it probably did. the government probably dropped it because of her background too. juries seem to figure 'what's one more dick' when it comes to women of ill repute. they just don't fare well in rape cases.

  11. Merlin,

    I *LOVED* Doug Henning! He said something that I kept for years along the lines of:

    "Make the difficult a habit, the habit easy, and the easy a work of art"

    I can't remember the exact quote, and no clue as to where I put it so that I wouldn't lose it...

    But he was always so cheerful!

  12. dragged out for 3 yrs...i can't help but wonder if she was set up.

  13. David Copperfield is creepy. That is all.

  14. I thought Copperfield was gay??? Wasn't Claudia Schiffer his beard?

  15. Anonymous4:19 PM

    this HOOKER was dating my friend and didn't tell him of her profession... she is a lying CUNT... Read the Seattle case, she tried setting a dude up for rape after he didn't pay her 2k. Granted rape is beyond wrong.. but, if girls are going to run around lying about it, then it makes it unbelievable when someone does claim it against a rich celebrity like David Copperfield, Tyson, Kobe, Michael Jackson, etc.
