Friday, April 02, 2010

Random Photos Part Four

Top spot today to S. Epatha Merkerson who is finally leaving Law & Order after 16 years. I'm going to miss her.
Anna Friel in Los Angeles with her, umm, friend. The same guy she has been umm, friends with for awhile but keeps denying it is anything more. So, she is in LA with her, umm, friend and her partner is back in London with their daughter.
I'm getting old. Alan Alda is using a cane.
Alfred Molina has shaved his head. Mist have liked the look on Hank Azaria.
Alicia Silverstone with the same expression she has always had.
First time appearance for Christian Campbell.
Ditto for Demian Bichir.
Bradley Cooper on the set of his new movie.
Do you think Honor always knows where the cameras are?

Meanwhile, Isla and Olive seem oblivious to the cameras.


  1. I remember when Alicia Silverstone starred in the Aerosmith video trifecta, and was the hot new thing in Hollywood. She was everywhere for awhile after that, than sort of went away.

  2. Olive is a mini-Isla--so cute!!!

  3. oh my god! Olive is so pretty

  4. Alda has a bum foot, hence the cane. Met him once. Prick!

  5. Honor and Oliva are both so adorable.

    I love S. Epatha Merkerson's character on L&O and will truly miss her once she's gone.

  6. Alan Alda has done pretty good considering he had such a bad case of polio.

    To be fair to Honor, I'm sure the paps were shouting to get her attention.

  7. @nunaurbiz,

    So Alan Alda is not the nice guy they've made him out to be?

  8. Also, I hope S. Epertha's character decides to leave the force - I don't think I could stand it if they killed her off.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Mooshki I read an article today where S. Epertha says she's okay with them killing off her character. I was sad to hear this because that meant she DEFINITELY doesn't want to come back EVER. :(

  11. I have loved S. Epatha Merkerson since she was on Carmen Sandiego.

    I hope they don't kill her character off.

  12. S. Epatha Merkerson was not in Carmen Sandiego. That was Lynn Thigpen.

  13. Not on my dollar, that sucks, but I guess for her it's just a job, and she's probably pretty tired of it after 16 years.

  14. I love her and her character. I hope she retires on the show, not killed. Oh, and who is going to take over for her???

  15. I've seen the paps in action, they are LOUD! You know they were totally shouting that littls girls' name repeatedly.

    Those people can be super-aggressive!

  16. Maybe it's time for S. Epatha to retire. She's held a pretty sweet gig for 16 years!

    @nunaurbiz - I'm surprised to hear that Alan Alda is a prick. More than one time he was called one of the nicest guys in showbiz. Got any juicy details for us???

    Christian Campbell has a big head!

    Re the Bradley Cooper pic: I loathe it when men (or women for that matter) walk around with toothpicks in their mouths. Trashy!

    Honor Warren looks just like her daddy!

    Olive Cohen is adorable.

  17. Isla and Olive are a couple of shady ladies!

  18. @ Mango, I agree, Honor looks just like her dad!

  19. Let's hope and pray that Isla's daughter Olive grows up to look like her and not the dad, egads!!!

  20. i just saw j alba on project runway today and u can tell i've been reading too much gossip- i expected them to call her miser alba lol

    i'll miss epatha on law and order..her character never got played out

  21. Going to miss Epatha when she goes. Her character's awesome - just insightful. Complex. Very real. I have known many amazing women like Lt Van Buren.

    Lt Van Buren deserves to retire, cancer-free, full police pension, with her boyfriend, and go do all of those things she never got to do.

  22. Alfred Molina is bald because he's playing the painter Mark Rothko in a Broadway play:
