Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tiger Mistress Gets Involved In Jenna Jameson & Tito Ortiz Debate

Joslyn James, one of Tiger Woods' many, many mistresses stepped forward yesterday and told the NY Daily News that she saw Tito Ortiz abuse Jenna Jameson at least three times. OK. Full stop. Joslyn and Jenna are supposedly friends. If you saw your friend getting abused by her boyfriend three separate times don't you think you would do something about it? Joslyn didn't do anything about it. You want to know how I know that? Because in the interview she gave to The News she didn't say she did and everyone will always want to say something like, "I talked to Jenna and told her she needed to leave before something bad happened." Joslyn never said any of that.

"I saw three separate situations myself. They would be partying, and she wouldn't do anything in particular to set him off."

No descriptions of what he did or what kind of partying they were doing. If you really saw it happen 3 times, don't you think you could provide some details? I think she just wants more attention.


  1. It's hard to have credibility when you're known as one of Tiger's mistresses. Even if what she's saying is true, how can anyone believe her? She's not helping Jenna Jameson by coming forward.

  2. god i love how these hoes go out and buy a Ross Dress For Less button up Secretary Special and it NEVER fits their GIANT saline balls properly.

    please. we see your inflataboobs.

  3. Why is this whore relevent? This chick just wants to stay in the spotlight. What a famewhore.

  4. *snort* @ Jax-

    so true!

    Giant funbags do not look hot in an XXS Big Lots special occasion dress...

  5. God this WHore is pathetic. She will stop at nothing to get attention. Who cares what you witnessed. YOU didn't DO/SAY anything THEN so keep your trap closed now. When will the media stop giving THIS HOE airtime?

  6. how is it just when we get rid of a Paris Hilton or Speidi. We get slammed with these hosebags everyday now.

  7. Sorry, I'm dismissing anything that famewhore has to say, whether it's true or not.

  8. Right on, jax. She looks utterly ridiculous. Why these women choose to look ridiculously unproportioned is beyond me.

    Is anyone really surprised she didn't do anything about it? She's obviously an asshole of epic proportions.

    Frankly, I think there's some truth to what both Jenna and Tito are saying.

  9. What are you guys TALKING about? She is the epitome of a distinguished intellectual.

  10. i'm anxiously awaiting her first-hand info on john edwards and jesse james.

  11. @jax

    I know!!! Those big ballons looks terrible in normal/not skanky clothes. Being hot is having a proportioned body.

  12. She is, as stated several times, a celeb-banging silicone famewhore looking to extend her 15 minutes. Keeping this in mind, I would say that her definition of her & Jenna being "friends" means that they snorted coke off the same mirror at a party or twelve, and knew each other at the shallowest level of co-bimboship. Why would she interfere with Tito and Jenna?

    And in a less catty sidenote, no one can help someone in an abusive relationship until they are ready to help themselves. Anyone who tries will just alienate the victim into a more isolated corner with their abuser. Sorry to sound so jaded, but there it is.

  13. L, I was thinking the same thing.

    As soon as someone has the definitive answer on how to getting a woman away from the abusive man they love please share it.
