Friday, May 21, 2010

Britney Spears Is A Mess Again

According to In Touch, Britney Spears is back to being, well, umm Britney. On Mother's Day she and her boyfriend and her two kids decided to go to Disneyland. Britney, being Britney couldn't just go for the day like a normal person. Nope. She went and checked into a hotel there. While there she and Jason got into a fight. I'm guessing it was about something fried or the width of trailers. Anyway. Britney got upset and since there were a pair of scissors there, she chopped off all her hair. Not shave this time, just self chopped. I'm sure it looked lovely.

Then, to make things extra Britney she got a huge red crown tattooed on her butt to show she is the ruler of herself. That one I can understand. Meanwhile, Britney's dad has been back in Louisiana and letting Britney's boyfriend and staff be in charge.

After thinking about this for a few minutes, I really don't know if Britney is ever going to get any better. She kind of reminds me of Susan Boyle except much younger. Maybe Britney should just retire to a corner of the world and be left alone. The whole attention thing doesn't seem to work. I feel sorry for her because she has everything in the world, but just never seems happy. It must suck.


  1. I feel sorry for her. Then again, we might get to see the pink wig again. So, there's that.

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    It's obvious that this woman has a mental illness. So regardless how many material items and wealth she has, mental illness does not discriminate.

  3. Is Susan Boyle a head case? I don't follow the gossip around her.

    I hope Brit is clean. It does seem like she has a mental illness or two. Hope her kids are ok, too.

  4. I'm starting to think she is more than bi-polar, more like schizophrenic. I feel sorry for her. She seemed happiers when she was full-blown acting out; at least she smiled more.

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I think, and have always thought, that although Britney may have a mental illness, she also has a huge problem with entitlement and immaturity. Spoiled brat who won't or can't grow up.

  6. i feel sorry because her ass got fat

  7. I'm with Syd, I think it may be about time for the pink wig again. Just hope not the fake British accent!

  8. It's difficult to diagnose someone you can't examine, and there are a lot of stressors in her daily routine that we have no idea about. I would hesitate to medicate until all other avenues had been tried. She seemed to respond well to having a structured routine with everything scheduled; it's possible that her "handlers" didn't have the authority her father had and were unable to get her to follow a routine. Some people spin out of control when they have unstructured time and unlimited options, but not everybody needs to be drugged into not caring. In my humble opinion. I guess I could summarize this by covering my head with a blanket, weeping and shouting "Leave Britney Alone!" But I'm feeling too calm.

  9. She's quite clearly very ill; empathy is what's called for here, not mocking her.

  10. She could have Borderline Personality Disorder, which is a disorder, not a mental illness (but it usually is accompanied by mental illness).
    The only reason I say so is that she seems to only get the serious crazies over every guy she has ever dated. When they fight, she acts out and sometimes harms herself for attention.
    I may be wrong about Brit, but BPD can make people cycle into what looks like psychosis, usually when extremely stressed. And the #1 stressor for a BPD girl is her man.

    I should know. I wish she could see my therapist, he's really good.

  11. Britney is one of very few celebrities that I actually have some kind of sympathy for, because it is quite obvious she is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. She seems genuinely sweet, unlike others (I'm talking about you LINDSAY) and I think it would be better for her sanity if she was out of the limelight for good.

  12. Anonymous10:40 AM

    If a person is in the mania stage of Biplor Disorder, it's only a fun time for THEM. To others without this illness (who have to interact with them), they are hard to deal with.

  13. @Nu Woman

    100% agree. I know several people with Bipolar and when they are manic - LOOK OUT.

  14. But the mania stage feels soooooooooooo right!!!

  15. She was a BITCH when I met her before she shaved her head, so I think it's funny that she's losing it.

    Hate her...

  16. She shouldn't have attempted the comeback...not yet. She should have gone away and become invisible for a few years, get treatment, do some soul searching, all that stuff...THEN had a comeback when nobody expected it. It would have been glorious. The tour she did when she was clearly still not was just sad. The videos of her on stage grinding on stripper poles with dead eyes *shudder*.

  17. Britney had dead eyes. Not the stripper poles.

  18. Everything except EMOTIONAL STABILITY!!!! :(

  19. Definitely think a mental illness. And it must be tiring for her dad to be a permanent guardian. She is better when she is under constant watch but being the one having to do the watching means your life is suspended.

  20. wgaf, disney has many more younger sluts in the pipeline.

  21. uh oh....Britney is off her meds again...

  22. I'm thinking she's a victim of two parents who started pimping her out when she was young and failed in their responsibility to provide her with any sort of value system beyond the procurement of wealth. Like someone above said, she's dead inside. When did this girl actually get a chance to develop as a person? She may in fact be mentally ill, but I think it's a certainty she's been royally fucked up by Jamie and Lynn Spears. Hell holds a special place for them in a cell next to Dina and Michael Lohan.

  23. I agree with the sads part for her. All of those people telling her what to do, what to wear etc etc. Hell, I cannot stand it when my boss does it to me and I am normal (at least the voice in my head says I am).

  24. I totally blame some of this on her Dad. I always thought it was gross that he got like 10k a month for looking after her, just doing what a dad should do for free!
    And then also having to pay her ex to just be a parent to her kids....
    Im sure in her head it seems like she just has to keep paying people to love her or take care of those she loves.
    And it must be a lot of pressure to make money to keep all these ppl close. That last tour was horrifying! I havent trusted her handlers since that happened.

  25. Although we were all perversely fascinated with pink wig Britney, I was glad her father finally stepped in to take care of her. She resented it like hell, but that was probably the first time in recent memory anyone said "No!" to her about anything. Obviously she's not a potential Mensa member, has no coping skills and either ends up with manipulative users or acts out irrationally in an effort to demonstrate her control of herself--like getting a red crown tattooed on her butt!

  26. I feel nothing but empathy for Britney. I'm by no means saying she's had a rough life, but living any kind of mental illness is not easy. Money and possessions do not equal happiness. I hope Britney can find whatever it may be that she truly needs, and I hope her little ones are well-cared for. I don't doubt that she loves her kids, but I do think she is probably ill-equipped mentally and emotional to care properly for herself, let alone them.

    Even at her lowest point, Britney was still not as horrendous and foul a person as Lohan.

  27. Not to mention her music has always sucked ass.

  28. If I remember correctly, the reason her father is getting Paid to be her conservator is because he'd been out of her life for a while, and had his own successful job/career as a chef in a restaurant in San Diego, or LA, or somewhere. To take on Britney full time, he had to give up his job. So the judge allocated payment so that he could be a full time Conservator and put his own career on hold. I always thought it was interesting that her mother was not made conservator, considering Britney had had contact off and on with her mom through the years, but her Dad she'd pretty much disowned. But perhaps the Mom was busy with Jaime Lynn's issues...who knows? At any rate, I don't blame the father for accepting a payment for doing the job, and apparently whatever he was doing was working up till now. But it's almost as though they need to stop working this girl and just let her be at home, try to be normal, and be a mom. If that's even possible anymore :( It's kind of sad for those two little boys more than anything - they truly need the stability and security of a mother who has her act together.

  29. i'm not going to sit here and pretend that i know what's wrong with britney, or diagnose her with an illness that i have scarce knowledge of, i will say that it's tragic what's happening to her and her life. she's a human being being treated like an animal. regardless of whatever actions she did to cause a conservetorship (or however it's spelled) she's still an adult and is allowed to think for herself and decide whether she *really* wants to work yet or not. not a single person can tell me that they wouldn't "go crazy" themselves under those conditions, i don't care how headstrong you are.

    damn, she's got so many people in this world rooting for her, but she can only hear and see the selfish fucks, sucking the life out of her. tragedy!

  30. If anyone really cares about her, they'll try very hard to get her to leave LA--forever. Get good psychiatric care in an inpatient facility, and once she's stabilized she needs to move somewhere remote and just try to enjoy the rest of her life--OUT of the spotlight.

    I see her as a suicide risk, unfortunately.

  31. Ive always said, having things to look forward to and accomplishments are what make people happy.
    If you have everything, and pay people to do everything for you, there is nothing to accomplish and nothing to look forward to.
    Seriously, think of the things that make you happy, then ask yourself if it would still be true if you didn't have to work/wait for it. If it was available to you day and night.

  32. One of the things I have learned over the past couple years dealing with a daughter who has been diagnosed with clinical depression--everyone thinks that they are 'cured' when they've been on the meds for a while and feel ok, so they stop taking them and slowly slide back into their old behavior patterns. I can see Britney being headstrong and hating that she has to have minders to keep her in line, and I can see her stopping her meds when daddy isn't there to make her take them. And yeah, I may not be a doctor, but she is definitely taking something to give her that vacant dead in the eyes look she has most of the time.

  33. I just feel sorry for her. She looks so incredibly miserable in almost every photo I see of her. She may have a mental disorder or be suffering from depression. It was always odd that right after her breakdown, she was made to go out on a very strenuous tour schedule to make more money. The girl already has tons of money. Why would her father agree to that?

  34. I love Britney, this breaks my heart. I wish I could help her.

  35. I'm glad to see people are being a little kinder now than they were on this site a couple of years ago. Making fun of Britney was fun for about a hot second, but this is a girl who is clearly ill and is NOT wasting her life partying with drugs. She is sick and clearly (to me) very lonely.
