Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Charlie Sheen Gives Up Sam & Lola

Charlie Sheen gave up legal custody of Sam and Lola to Denise Richards about two weeks ago. According to TMZ, Denise had enough of Charlie being with hookers (ha) and doing drugs and the drama at home and got him to give up legal custody of the children they had together. Previously the couple had shared legal custody. Charlie didn't even put up a fight. On the other hand that is probably a good thing or someone might have got killed. Also, his kids with Brooke are worth more than his kids with Denise. Currently Charlie pays Denise about $50K a month in child support plus school and medical and all that which makes it all about $120K a month. Brooke on the other hand will get $55K a month plus medical, schooling and stuff so will get about $125K a month. That means Charlie will be back on Two And A Half Men. He has to be. He can't afford not to. Between his kids and hookers and drugs and agents and managers and taxes I can't imagine how he has much left.


  1. For the life of me I can not understand why Charlie

    1) Gets married

    2) Has children

    Is that drug/alcohol addled sex-addict an incurable romantic?

  2. I think one day we will find out that Charlie has contracted syphilis and is dying a slow, nasty death. If he wants to be a player he should take a page from the Clooney handbook. Clooney is single, and lives the life, mostly because I suspect he lets the women know in no uncertain terms what their relationship will be like. Rule NO. 1: We're NOT getting married.

    (I suspect Clooney got hisself snipped AGES ago. Can't get a girl pregnant if the plumbing's cut off..)

  3. Not to mention the 1 million he had to give to Denise in hush money.

  4. I know everyone hates Denise but she is a much better choice for a custodial parent.

    I agree that Charlie should take a page from Clooney's handbook:
    Rule No 1: get fixed
    Rule No 2: don't get married
    Rule No 3: don't hit, hold knives to women's throats, or act in any other way that might require a protective order.
    (the order of these rules is negotiable)

  5. The young babies probably justify the $5K more per month.

  6. I feel the need to publically apologize to Denise for all the nasty stuff I have said about her in the past. Charlie's true colors have come out and he had nothing left to fight with.

  7. Man, I just had a flashback and remembered lil' ol' me in the 80's watching 'The Wraith' on tv and falling in love with Charlie Sheen.

    Can anybody tell me why he's so f*cked up? I thought Martin Sheen is a decent guy or do I have to put him into the same category as Michael Douglas? Does anyone know if Emilio is also such a prick who can't keep his hands off booze, drugs and prostitutes?

  8. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Wait a minute. Schooling and medical costs $70,000 a month? I don't think my three kids altogether cost that much for schooling and medical in their whole lives from birth to 18!

    Where in the hell do they come up with these numbers? It simply does not cost that much to care for a child. I'm not defending Charlie here, I don't care if they take the child support from him in blood. But my gosh - how many of you single moms have anything like that kind of income? I make less in an entire year than these women are getting for schooling and medical for two children, and I thought I was fairly well off, I mean, I eat out when and where I want, buy pretty much anything I want, and even save. It's ridiculous. The children of these so-called celebrities are not any more special than the children of anyone else in the world, and yet it costs this much more to take care of them?

  9. "Is that drug/alcohol addled sex-addict an incurable romantic?" ftw!

  10. so does this mean he doesn't pay Denise anymore? i'm confused.

  11. I think he got married just to say: "I'm a married man". I'm not saying that all marriages should last for at least 40 years but if you promise to be faithful, you should honor that. -(I'm traditional about that)- Clearly he didn't try at all.

  12. doubt it jax. Do you think that Denise would give up $120 in order to have the kids full time? Even if it is in their best interest? If that is what it meant, she would be like, "now girls, you go over there and be sure to say hi to the hookers."

  13. Legal custody means Denise gets to make the medical and educational decisions without Charlie signing off. Remember when she had to take him to court to get the kids vaccinated? She's always had primary physical custody.

    As far as the money, the add-ons seem to be what-ifs, although private school in LA probably does cost about $40K per year for both kids.

    Children after a divorce are entitled to a similar standard of living with both parents. I was reading old newspapers for a project, and there were a lot of divorces in the 20's and 30's with millionaire fathers suing their ex-showgirl wives for full custody of the kids because they could pay for all the stuff (fancy house, nannies, schools, etc.) the moms couldn't afford. The fathers won. Child support is supposed to make it more even. Charlie can cover Denise's annual child support with just one episode of Two and Half Men.

  14. Well I don't hate Denise after the voicemail of him calling her all sorts of bad shit.

    I also think that Charlie is sadly more invested in his male children then female.

    Nice to see a sociopath lose some of his control on a women. AND she still gets the money.

  15. Something I forgot, I believe Denise would be able to put the kids back on reality TV without Charlie's permission. I know he didn't agree to it the first time, but the court overruled as long as they were in the background. I think she could feature them now. Not saying she's going to do it, but she could.

  16. Gawker actually published yesterday Charlie and Brooke's prenup, along with other financial documents pertaining to Sheen and how he has a lot less money than one would think (although it's really not that surprising):

  17. Interesting spin to this story - Ted C on Awful Truth has just posted a blind that everyone is guessing Charlie for. If he IS the answer, this release of custody makes total sense. Speaking of sex tapes....

  18. I think Denise and Brooke should give him full custody of all the kids and just move on with their lives. Elin too, with Tiger. And anyone else who find themselves in this situation. Really, I do.

  19. Charlie needs to get on his knees and pray that Two and a Half Men has a very long life in syndication.

  20. You guys talking about Clooney are ignoring the rampant rumor that he is gay...?

  21. It would be wise to get a vasectomy immediately.

  22. Yes Gretchen we are LOL

  23. A $5.5 million watch collection? WTF? I figured he'd be worth a LOT more than $16 million. How can he blow through that much money? Or did I answer my own question? ("blow")

  24. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I can't figure out why on earth Charlie Sheen is famous. At all. He's repulsive physically, morally, and professionally (seriously, does anyone think this guy is a good actor???)
    Set his fame aside, and then look at what he is:
    A misogynist, domestic abusing, prostitute loving drug addict.
    What a catch! Someone should take this guy and give him a vasectomy someday while he's in a drug induced stupor. Or better yet, just castrate him.

  25. OMG I just read the Ted BV. All I can say if they release a sex tape with Charlie Sheen giving a drunken blowie to a dude. I will fall off my chair laughing.

    I wonder if it would take that for CBS to cut Charlie loose.

  26. uh oh, and the plot thickens!! for his sake, i hope they keep him. for everyone else's sake... kick him to the curb WITH the babies! and he'll cry like a baby too!

  27. I think this is really odd. Why would he give up custody now after he fought for it before? I think it's something to do with Brooke. She's not reliable (plastered on Christmas morning) and she's jealous of the girls - either she's not safe with them or she wanted this.

    And as to why he keeps getting married - like a lot of addicts, Charlie sober and Charlie high are two different people. Which is another reason why he shouldn't have married a cokehead.

  28. Denise gets about 120k A MONTH in support?! I know cost of living is higher in Cali than in Ohio (where I Live), but she gets 3x more in a month in child support than I make A YEAR at my job!! And I'm not living paycheck to paycheck, but I can't afford to take extended vacations, just like a lot of people in this country.
