Monday, May 03, 2010

Here Is The Hole In Roman Polanski's Argument

Roman Polanski knows things are getting desperate in his bid to stay free. So, what does he do? He distributed a 908 word statement about why he is being punished and served on a platter. Umm, hello f**ker, you raped a 13 year old girl.

Roman and his lawyer's have said that the 42 days he spent in jail being evaluated by a psychiatrist was supposed to be the only time he spent in jail for pleading guilty to raping a 13 year old girl. Six weeks. He thinks that is sufficient. He and his lawyers say the judge promised them that and since the judge is deceased now, then no one can contradict what they say.

Here is the flaw in all of that. Polanski did his six weeks. He says that is all he was supposed to do, but fled the country before final sentencing. Why? Because apparently they were afraid the judge would sentence Polanski to a longer jail term. So, to me that says there was no deal in place and the evaluation was just that, an evaluation. Who the hell ever heard of a six week sentence for raping a 13 year old girl? What kind of punishment is that? I am glad the bastard is running out of options and might have to spend a year or two in jail. I am afraid that somehow his little Swiss vacation/house arrest is going to count as time served. If that is the case, then what the government is saying is that if you rape someone it is perfectly acceptable to serve your time at your house. How many people get that option?

If you want to read his entire woe is me, and why you should let him be and how his victim even says he should be set free, read here. Warning. If you hate the guy as much as I do it will make you want to vomit or kick the guy in the balls. His whining is worse than a 5 year old.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more Enty, why should this rich white guy get away with raping a 13 year old girl when that same rule does not apply to any poor person of color guilty of the same crime?

    Throw his elitist sexual deviant ass in prison already. Anyone else and the US would have dragged his ass back here.

  2. You know what he did was horrible. There is no way around it. To me there are far better ways to punish this man on something that happened eons ago. Justice wouldn't be served here for something that happened back in 1977. Please, I'm not minimizing what he did, it was beneath contempt and pure evil. After living through the butchery of his wife from the Manson family one has to think he wasn't thinking clearly for along time. But to harass a man who committed a crime in 1977 is a bit too much to me. There are other ways to punish him for his crime against this 13 year old girl. What are her thoughts because I don't know. But to bring him back and put him on trial makes us look like vicious animals and to me serves no useful purpose. I'm not saying he should skate on this, just find an equitable solution to all involved primarily the 13 year old girl who was abused sadistically. Just my 3 cents.


  4. He needs to change this:

    "I can remain silent no longer because the California court has dismissed
    the victim’s numerous requests that proceedings against me be dropped,
    once and for all, to spare her from further harassment every time this affair
    is raised once more."

    It should be 'MY victim'

    Because he did rape a 13 year old girl. I don't care if it was 100 years ago, 10 years, 2 weeks, or if it happens 15 years from now, THAT IS STILL RAPE.

    I can remain silent no longer, F*** You Roman Polanski, You are a D***** Bag.

  5. 100% agree w/Enty--the only difference between this scum bag and anyone else who rapes children? Money.

    My fav cdan line: "Umm, hello f**ker, you raped a 13 year old girl."

    Complete bullshit he even has a venue to spew his narcissistic vitrol.

  6. PS: Don't forget he did this at Jack Nicholson's house. What an effing dbag-and sorry, most people do not let their friends rape children at their home. (Michael Jackson being one glaring exception-but still wrong, wrong, wrong, sick & wrong.)

  7. Finally: I don't care what the victim does or does not want, how much time has passed, etc--we simply do not tolerate the rape of children.

  8. orignal article...Nicholson was not even in town...

    LOS ANGELES, March 12, 1977 — Polish film director Roman Polanski, widower of murdered actress Sharon Tate, was free on bond today on charges of luring a 13-year-old girl to the home of Jack Nicholson under the pretext of photographing her, then drugging and raping her.

    Polanski, 43, was arrested by police to Beverly Wilshire Hotel Friday night following the incident Thursday night at Nicholson's Bel Air home.

    In addition to the rape charges, Polanski also was booked on suspicion of sodomy, child molestation and furnishing dangerous drugs to a minor. He was released on $2,500 bond pending his arraignment March 18.

    Nicholson was reportedly out of town at the time. A spokesman for the district attorney's office told reporters that Polanski recently met the girl's mother and arranged for the girl to pose for some photographs for the French edition of Vogue magazine.

    He said Polanski took some pictures at a first photographic session two weeks ago, and among these pictures was one of the girl nude from the waist up.

    He said the mother became angry when she saw the picture and questioned her daughter when she returned home from the second photographic session Thursday night. Officers said the girl told her mother that Polanski had given her a tablet of the powerful tranquilizing drug Quaalude.

    The director then raped the girl and forced her to commit various sex acts with him, police said.

    Polanski made no public comment on his arrest. He surrendered peacefully when he was taken into custody at the hotel.

  9. I still get angry when I hear people suggesting that what Polanski did was okay or not that big a deal. For me, the fact that he gave a child alcohol AND a powerful sedative indicates that he was anticipating resistance, and that he ignored her tears and pleas makes it even more sadistic and brutal. Bad bad stuff. I'm with you all here on this one.

  10. Ent, you know most of us are with you on this. I just don't see anything happening here. No one is moving very quickly with the extradition, the appeals and legal moves will drag on and he will live out his years as an exile in comfort.

    He is scum, and a coward.

  11. people- he was the first to get caught. Old Jack was NOTORIOUS for having such parties where Geimer's mom would supply her daughters.

    if you want justice,go for FULL justice,include ALL the other big Hollywood players who were ALL having sex with underage girls being pimped out by there starstuck mom's in the 70's. it happened.

    i feel bad for the victim here. the flawed justice system has done more harm to her and her life than Polanski ever did.

    HER WORDS,not mine.

  12. So, because Polanski's wife & unborn child were murdered, he should get a free pass? And because it happened so long ago, it should just be forgotten? Okay then, let's say we find some former SS officers hiding in the US. We should just let them go, right? Because it was so long ago. And the Nazi was molested as a child so let's tread lightly cuz the guy had a hard time.

    F*ck that.

    And, by the way, the victim wants the case dropped BECAUSE SHE WAS PAID OFF AND SIGNED AN AFFIDAVIT STATING SHE WOULD DROP THE CASE. Oh yeah, caps lock because I'm so angry.

  13. Can I kick him in the balls and vomit?? I'm OK with putting all men in jail who have sex with underage girls. And all women who have sex with underage boys. And all men who have sex with underage boys. You get the idea. Wrong is wrong. There is no excuse. The entitlement whining just makes it even worse.

  14. "Umm, hello f**ker, you raped a 13 year old girl."

    enty, i so love you.

  15. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I don't really care who was the first to get caught or the time period it happened. He got caught point black and fled the country to avoid his trial. Thousands of pedophiles slip through the legal system (we know this), but that does not excuse being lenient with the one's who are arrested and should have to face the allegations.

  16. Anonymous10:56 AM

    ChopChop, I have no doubt that the victim was given money.

  17. There should be no statute of limitations for murder or rape. His victim suffered over the years of media attention because of him. If he cares so much, do the time.

  18. He drugged and raped a 13 year old little girl! I don't care if she was butt naked and walking around in front of him. He was the adult! I can't believe people signed a petition to get him off. What just because he can point a camera and shoot? His ass should be in jail. Simple as that.

  19. "Umm, hello f**ker, you raped a 13 year old girl."

    It cannot be said enough.

  20. Since he was caught, he should have to take his chances with the justice system, just like everyone else who is caught. Should the ones who get caught not be charged or prosecuted because others are out there doing the same crime and not getting caught?? Maybe if these Hollywood assholes had to actually go through a trial and do the time then the other Hollywood assholes might think twice about thinking their priveleged asses are above the law!!! It doesn't matter if the justice system is antiquated, it is what we have here and if you break the law your should be held accoutable to the fullest extent. Should a pedophile be let off because a victim is too young to understand what happened to them? Or because when they get older they say they are okay with it?? I think not.

  21. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I have no words since what everyone here is saying expresses my same sentiments against this pervert.

    Also I don't understand why he was given an award (I think last year or the year before that). The organization that awarded him should be ashamed for even thinking he should be praised.

  22. This scum needs the Dirty Harry "Sudden Impact" treatment doled out by Sondra Locke. If that kid had been my 13 year old, I imagine I would be in prison because I would hunt him down and make him pay. His loss to Charles Manson and his minions was horrible but no excuse for that type of behavior. His victim was paid off and he expects he should be off the hook. No way.

  23. and if you knew what his friends say on the girl?
    in France, Bernard Henri Levi and Yann Moix trash the girl's behaviour!

  24. He victimized her twice, first by his attack, and then by running away so she could never get closure. This needs to be finished for everyone's sake. Hell, with the California jail system in the shape it is, he'll probably be paroled a few hours into his sentence, but at least this will all be DONE!

  25. sorry Jax, you cannot convince me otherwise. The guy is a piece of shit, and regardless of who else did it, how long ago and any other situation surrounding the victimization of the child, he should pay.

  26. That anybody is even debating whether a man who raped and sodomised a girl deserves to be brought to justice is what's amazing.

  27. I'm with you, Enty. It would be nice if this guy would even once sound fucking SORRY.

  28. He's still banking on the residual pity from pregnant Sharon Tate's murder.
    It aint gonna work.

  29. I said this before and I'll say it again.
    This is going to end up as a plea deal worked out on the courthouse steps.
    He's going to get away with a huge fine, community service, and another "heart felt" apology...but no jail time.
    First off, he's Polanski. Like it or not, that name does mean a lot in Hollywood, because above all else, he is extremely talented when he gets behind the camera.
    Second, the horrific memory of those events in the 60's continue to mitigate peoples reaction to him.
    Third, he's rich, white, and connected. And even though we try to pretend those factors don't matter, we all know they do.
    Fourth, Polanski in jail? He wouldn't last 72 hours in gen pop.
    Not only because of his crime, but because of who he is.

  30. Cut off his peen and lock him up. He's nothing but a filthy child molester. No excuses, no sympathy.

  31. This is why I think Johnny Depp is a MAJOR DOUCHE. Depp has defended this pedophile, but do you think Depp would allow Polanski to watch his young daughter? HELL NO.
