Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How Many Times Did Lindsay Lohan Lie To The Judge?

I feel sorry for Lindsay Lohan's lawyer. I really do. Yes, she took on the client, and yes she is used to lying criminals, but rarely do her clients have their words published all over the world for anyone to read. In other words, the lying is contained and no one really follows up. Of course, I don't really care about following up on Lindsay either, but it just hits you in the face like a punch from a drunk Snooki. I am sure many of you have read more about her court appearance yesterday than me, but didn't I hear that Lindsay didn't want to or couldn't wear the SCRAM because she had to start shooting Inferno in Texas next week?

Well, the producer of Inferno gave an interview to US Weekly and he said this, "The film shoots in the fall." So, Lindsay tells her lawyer that it starts next week in Texas and then her lawyer gets up and repeats the lies to the judge. The judge then reads the tabloids as all judges do and catches the lie. Lets move on shall we. Do you recall how Lindsay said she had a plane ticket back from France and her lawyer represented to the judge last week that Lindsay would provide one. Lindsay's lawyer again went to the mat and again Lindsay lied. There was no ticket. None. Zip. What the judge and the District Attorney got was a proposed itinerary, but not an actual ticket or ticket number. Nothing. Strike two. And then of course there are the strikes for lying about the passport being stolen, the police report made, her dad's friend stealing it, her pose with a fan in front of the coke. Oh, oh, oh. I have been wanting to talk about this.

Lindsay says she didn't know the coke was there in those pictures from last week and that she was set up by a fan. Umm, here is the question I want the answer to. How did she know it was coke? She has never denied there was coke there, just that it was a set up. I will tell you why. Because she was sucking that s**t up her nose with that straw in her hand and I actually can't believe she made it through one day in that bracelet without getting thrown in jail.

Oh, and for some reason, CBS decided to let Michael Lohan on their morning show.

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  1. I don't think it's fair to say that someone shouldn't know what coke is unless they've done it. I'd imagine that lots of people who spied that as coke have never done coke, but are smart enough to use their common sense and figure it out. That being said, of course she knew what it was.

    I'm glad I'm not going into criminal law cause I couldn't stand to be lied to by people I'm just trying to get a good sentence for. Assholes.

  2. She is a pathological liar and should be put in jail. How many opportunities does she have to squander before there are serious consequences? If she was an average criminal/druggie, she would already be in jail.

  3. enty you forgot her excuse for missing alcohol education class, cause her uncle died (he did), the judge asked well did you go to the funeral...that would be a NO.

    oh and please....girlfriend was higher than ballon boy in that hotel room picture - i can't imagine her withdrawal right now - but unless they test for specific panels on the drug test, and she does test dirty, all she'll need is a valid prescription like adderall and she'll get off (remember Britney?)

  4. She has put her lawyer in a very awkward position because the lies now reflect on the lawyer ... the person who represents her to the court. I hope her lawyer read her the riot act and either threatened to quit or will quit.

    I doubt anything is sinking in with Lindsay. Looking forward to the next series of shopping and partying photos.

  5. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The lawyer has to be mortified. Her sleazy client made her lie in court, which is a no-no.

    I'll agree with Sue Ellen on the coke, I've never done it, never even seen anyone doing it, but I read and I watch movies/television and I would make a guess that any white powder laid out in lines on a mirror is coke. And of course Lindsay knew about it.

    Did anyone get a look at her in those courtroom pictures? Angry frown lines showing, eyes rolling, upper lip sticking out further than the lower one, blouse cut down to here, no bra, and skin tight pants? Doesn't show a lot of respect for the court. Not that I think Lindsay knows the meaning of the word "respect" or anything.

    Maybe that's okay in LA? We had a couple of clients in our firm a few years back, adopting a little girl. Final adoption day dawns and the parents show up to go to court wearing khaki shorts and nice button-down shirts, and the judge threw them out of the courtroom for having no respect - and this is Florida, where people wear shorts nearly year round. They had to reschedule their appointment and come back later to adopt their baby girl. I always advise clients to dress as if they were headed for church. Apparently Lindsay hasn't heard about that.

  6. In regards to the coke pictures, if that is in fact coke - let's say it's not, but here's my question: According to an interview with a shifty eyed and sketchy Lindsay that was posted on Dlisted a couple of days ago, she was just walking down the hallway when a couple of fans called her into their room and asked if she would take a picture with them, so she did. My question is: did she walk around the hotel with her pants off or did she take them off in the room, just before taking the picture?

    Just curious.

  7. ^^ I got kicked out of court once for chewing gum.

    I love Lindsay's story about how she was just walking to her room & a fan called her in a different room to take a photo. Okay then, Linds, where were your pants??

  8. Great minds think alike, Harriet. :-)

  9. I'm waiting to see how long it takes before Lindsay is either locked up because the SCRAM bracelet went off like a firecracker, or she's wheeled into a hospital because of horrible withdrawal. (though canadachick makes a good point about possible "excuses") I just hope the girl gets some help before she ends up dead.

    As far as the lawyer she definitely looks like an idiot, but some lawyers out there stick up for people far worse than Lindsay - like murderers, pedophiles, etc. If she thinks this is going to further her career, I think she'll be disappointed. Famous people tend to flock to lawyers who do a much better job covering for their clients lies.

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    In the lawyer's defense, you can't cover a lie that you don't know is a lie. I'm sure Lindsay lied to her too.

  11. Lindsay Lohan is ill. Let's not forget that. She has no parental supervision and has never had any. This is compounded by chemical addictions that literally change the brain. She probably still has nobody who says no to her, including her lawyer who likely was paid a big retainer. Lindsay probably thought her outfit in court was classy and sophisticated. Its really sad and she likely will die young.

  12. And she was late to court.

    When I worked for a law firm, clients were strongly advised on how to dress/act for court. Honestly, Lindsay's lawyer should have stopped her ass in the parking lot and never let her walk thru the metal detector looking like that. The lawyer could have sent a runer to Wal-Mart for a friggin' bra.

    How does the anklet thingy work anyway? Shouldn't an alarm have gone off by now?

  13. @Carrie L

    It's not about "sticking up" for them, it's about making sure they get a fair sentence for their crime(s), and ensuring that their rights (constitutional, and otherwise) are adheared to.

  14. How can this go anyway but down.

  15. Syko, I watched some of the video and I couldn't believe her snotty attitude in court. She's supposed to be an actress, isn't she? She couldn't even be bothered to fake being respectful? Can you imagine how awesome it would be if she were in Judge Judy's court? She would get a MAJOR smackdown, and it would be amazing!

  16. Her lawyer must have known that LL never had a ticket. She had some documents in her hand and said that they proved LL had the purchased the ticket to leave on an earlier flight. She must have looked through them and realised there was no such document there. Obviously she was just bluffing when she offered to make copies of the documents. This proves her lawyer knew all along, imo.

  17. Um...can you imagine Michael or White Oprah in the position of Conservator?? I surely hope if it ever comes to Britney-esque levels (its not far away) that they chose some other third party to handle her life and not those two.

    I have never really thought she was all that pretty of a girl in the first place, but MY GOD, she looks like death riding on a soda cracker.

  18. When I saw the video I thought the lawyer was being trapped in a corner and she felt uncomfortable. She seemed not pleased with the judge's decisions.

  19. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Mooshki, great idea! We petition the State of California to have Lindsay's trial in front of Judge Judy! That would be great!

  20. What happens if she has a meltdown? Does she immediately get sent to jail or could she somehow check into a legitimate rehab facility? I doubt she would check into one, but if she's using as much as her behavior implies, going cold turkey is going to be a very scary thing.


  22. Throw her in the gutter where she belongs.

  23. drug addict=LIAR. every single time. you do drugs, you have to become a liar and the worse you get, the more you lie.
    lindsay doesn't even know the difference anymore. it's her dad, it's a fan, it's the judge----it's anybody but HER.

    fuck her. i'm sick to death of this bitch.

  24. She is in SO deep. I once had a pretty healthy coke problem, and I lied lied lied like she is doing, but her lies are seriously CRAZY and she's getting in trouble with COURT. Lying about a passport being stolen? That is an INCREDIBLE lie.
    I'm just back from a few days away so I have some catching up to do on those photos you're all talking about, but sounds like classic Lindsay to me.
    By the by, there was a blind on BG a couple of weeks ago about how those close to someone in big trouble are going to try to set her up to get her into trouble - speculation is was about Lindsay and her Dad - he is paying people for incriminating photos to get her sent away. That sounds like this.

  25. Her Hollywood tv videos are so laughable. She thinks she is putting on an award winning performance with all her excuses. And all this all I did in Cannes is work. WTF does she think people don't see the pictures of her partying.

    I think she is just going to snort adderall which is her drug of choice now from rumours and blind items.

    They need a SCRAM for prescription drugs too.

  26. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I wonder if her attorney can get off being her attorney.

  27. Wouldn't a decent attorney ask for proof from their client BEFORE repeating the lie to the judge, rather than taking their client's word for it?

  28. that's not even all the lies. remember how she said she was at the Indian embassy all day trying to get a new passport and then went the next day to the American embassy? why did she go to the Indian embassy first?
    remember how before the passport went missing, she tried to make an excuse about the volcanic ash preventing her from getting a flight out of Europe?
    what about how her mother said that Lindsay was advised to stay in France until they could get her bail posted so she wouldn't be arrested? then when Lindsay finally gets to the States, she says she had to stay longer because she was trying to find someone with a private plane or a flight out of France as soon as she got her passport replaced.
    and the fan that she didn't know... she is in several pics in different locations with what looks like those same people.
