Friday, May 21, 2010

Lindsay Lohan And Cocaine

Normally I would just save this for the Random Photos, especially since I already had one Lindsay post today. Somehow, TMZ, in their haste to post photos from this party Lindsay attended failed to spot what looks to be and lets face it, probably is cocaine right in front of Lindsay. I'm sure she abstained. Although she is closest. Hmmmm. When is that drug test?


  1. Am I the only one who doesn't see it? I see some things on the table but how in god's name can you tell that's coke? I mean besides the fact that it's Lilo and coke is probably never far behind...

  2. all signs indicate incarceratation in her future

  3. look behind the drink on the left. there are two lines!

  4. looks like a couple of lines right behind the glass and a handy card for racking up next to an even bigger line.. im not sure what else would look like that

  5. 2 lines by the glass and a bigger amount near what looks like a credit card... Girlfriend is STOOOOPID!

  6. TMZ just updated..
    "A spokesperson for the L.A. County D.A.'s office tells TMZ they will not even raise the issue in court on Monday, when Lindsay goes before the judge ... and she has been ordered to appear.

    The spokesperson says there is no way this photo can be used in court because there is no way to prove what was on the table."

    seems i was wrong, she may yet avoid jail and continue down this sad path

  7. And it's clearly a coke mirror. And she has a straw in her hand. Oh...and no pants on!

  8. Pardon me if I'm not in the slightest shocked.

  9. I wouldn't put a glass so close to some lines.

    Um, I mean I know some people who wouldn't put a glass so close to some lines. Condensation, you know. Wouldn't want the gak to get wet.

  10. Doesn't she have things in her hand used to snort coke?

  11. Ermm... Is she naked from the waist down?


  13. the largest line is closest to her.. HAHAHA what a surprise. you know she was chalkin up that blow and called the ganker for herself. this cracks me the fuck up. she has no pants on. and has two rolled up bills or straws in her hand.

  14. it stays in your body for up to 3 days.
    if you use it alot. it could be found in your urine for up to two months.
    if she got a hair test she'd be screwed bc its retained for 3 months in the hair.

  15. i think they're cigs in her hand

  16. Um, I believe with the Ted C blind you have now posted 3 things about this trainwreck.

  17. At this point, Lindsay could probably snort lines in front of the judge and nothing would happen.

    If you follow this site, Lindsay, give it a try next week...I'd like to test my theory.

  18. I don't get why you think TMZ failed to spot it? I think they knew it was there, why do you think they posted it out of the 5 or so they had together, and why the description said the pictures were from her partying?
    If it wasn't for the cocaine sitting there, its just 3 ugly people sitting there. Of course they saw the cocaine there before they posted the picture.

  19. Come on you know it's just baby powder!

  20. 2 things:

    -what is that in her hand? a cigarette and what else?.....

    -notice the powder stains on the table a little bit away from the mirror part. what the hell else could it be?


  21. lol @ MommaBear

    I said it before and I'll say it again WASTE OF SPACE!!
    This Cracked Out STD infested gutter trash whore will never serve a day, and will continue to get away with all of her antics.

  22. Clearly, they need to get her back to Los Angeles and start drug-testing the hell out of her.

  23. Anonymous1:02 PM

    What I don't understand is why does she still have people bailing her out??? She has been coming up with so many lame excuses not to be back in the States. I really hope the Judge sends her to jail even if its for 3 months maybe that will help her get cleaned up.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Let's face it, she's a heavy user. Even if she stays clean for the weekend (and we all know that won't happen), she's gonna have a positive test. I also think she needs to have observed collection, where the lab tech watches you pee to ensure unvarnished specimen. Isn't that why Ali lives with her, for clean specimens for her current testing?

  26. Quote from Lindsay to Radar Online:

    A new photograph of Lindsay Lohan partying in Cannes while sitting in front of a table with lines of a mystery white powder has created a furor. was first to report that the photograph shows several lines of a white powder, cut into lines, right in front of Lindsay.

    When reached by and asked to tell us what the white powder is, Lindsay at first replied: “What!??” directed her to look at the photo and the white powder on the table in front of her.

    Lindsay then told “That's a set up that's so untrue.”

    She did not clarify who set her up or how. She is with friends in the photo.

    for more:

  27. That milkoholic Lindsay!

  28. The word from Lindsay is that the picture is a setup. Of course it is. By the same person who stole her passport...her father.

  29. Call me crazy but doesn't the partying ever get OLD? Doesn't she ever just want to read a book before bed and wake up feeling like a normal person? Just thinking about her party schedule exhausts me.

  30. Someone I know who is known to use coke looked at the picture for me and he says it's definitely coke, which is good enough for me.

    She's an imbecile.

  31. Apparently her pants are with her passport.

  32. I don't get why this is even news? For what, like 4-5 years now we've been hearing "Lindsay is a drunken/ stoned/ wasted/ insane mess." And "here's the *latest* way she's fucked up!!"

    This has to be the least interesting story I can imagine.

  33. Its always a set up, a frame job, somebody out to get her. Its her father/neighbor/Samantha/Sam's family/former friend that is trying to bring her down. Dumb ass. I am waiting for her to say "And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you nosy kids" line from Scooby Doo. And on a side note, how flippin' thrilled do you think that the people who work at the Embassy in Cannes were when this one and her Mother decided to drag them into it. There was some pissed off people right there.

  34. Why am I not surprised?

  35. It looks as though she has a cigarette and a rolled up bill in her hand.

  36. She's not going to jail and will continue down this path until she dies of .... PRESCRIPTION DRUGS FOR A COLD OR PNEUMONIA.

    So poor pitiful Lindsay probably has nothing more than a glass of Alka Seltzer Plus next to her and some salt on the table for her sore throat.

    She'll become an innocent victim when she dies from an overdose of mixing over the counter drugs or doctor prescribed drugs.

    Same 369.

  37. Anonymous2:23 PM

    @blog hopper, I am SO with you! I can't even imagine the exhaustion from having to dress up, put on (heavy) makeup and go out and put intoxicating substances into my body every freaking night of the week! My idea of a perfect weekend is one where I never leave my apartment and can wear my sleep shirt all day both days. Of course I'm a lot older than Lindsay - but she's catching up with me fast.

  38. and i still believe that was coke all over her shoes too. i don't get why everyone thought it wasn't. she's fucking out of control.

    just die and get it over with already. sick to death of this useless, spoiled junkie WOMAN---not girl.

  39. I totally agree with above, but in this case might not be drugs. If you enlarge picture it looks like a black cell phone with silver sides and it's reflection on mirror.

  40. I think it must be magic coke, with time machine capabilities because it looks like she may have woken up in 80's.. who are those people!!??

  41. The only think that shocks me about this photo is that there are lines left on the table. It looks like she has a cigarette and a bill. This looks to be from Wednesday night. And I agree that her party schedule exhausts me as well. I partied a couple days a week back when I was in my early 20's, and then I just did alcohol and dancing until 3 or 4am - but even that would kill me now. This one is out every night drinking, snorting, smoking, blowing and effing people in the bathroom, and who knows what else? You've got to give her credit for stamina, LOL.

  42. Maybe thats why she's not wearing pants. She's too busy snorting them.

  43. I wonder what she thinks when she read all the bad press she gets. Does it faze her or does she go into deep denial? I vote the latter. She doesn't seem to have learned anything yet.

  44. I can't believe anyone is doubting that this is coke. You would have to be in more denial than Dina to doubt it.

    She's busted. There is no excuse.

  45. looks like a duck...

  46. We've been seeing all kinds of comparisons between LL & RDJ lately, in terms of the "if she gets it together, can she make a comeback like he did?" (with the answer generally being "Oh, HELL NO!"), and I think a lot of it boils down to one thing: responsibility. It's one things to at least try to be professional on the set, and to be willing to admit that yeah, you fucked up bigtime and now you have to put on your big boy undies and crawl back out of that hole you dug youself, having not completely burned through everyone else's goodwill. It's quite another to behave as badly as she does both on- and off-set, and blame everything that happens on someone else/outside circumstances, and to be such an entitled bitch that nobody really wants to help you out. Throwing her in jail for a while might--might help keep her alive, but until she actually decided to take some responsibility for her own life, she's never going to get any better.

    On a slightly different note, am I just overly cynical, or is it entirely possible that her bail was put up by the tabloids? After all, she wouldn't be nearly as much fun sitting in the pokey as she is stumbling out of bars with her shoes full of cocaine and minus her pants, and hey, when she finally ODs, they can write about that, too.

  47. Ooooh good call on the tabloids Robin, I hadn't thought of that but it makes complete sense. Unfortunately.

  48. What javamomma says - it looks like a cell phone & it's reflection.

  49. Way, way late here...but thee is NO WAY IN HELL that is not two lines of coke chopped out that we are seeing in this photo!

    I mena, come ON, people! Everyone of us on DCAN who has ever done coke knows good and GD well what we are all seeing!

    But just like all youngies, she thinks anyone older than her is plain stupid. Good Lord, the sorry, lame excuses my poor parents, friends, customers, employers and boyfriends put up with back in the day. *shakes head*

    "Boy, you sure do get colds a lot!" Oh no, this is just allergies..."

  50. (sorry, dyslexic typing today)

  51. 2 things :

    First, I read a really disturbing explanation for this photo that the couple are swingers that hired Lindsay in exchange for the coke (hence the no pants). It's been said that Lindsay will offer herself for coke to just about anyone who will supply it.

    Second, for those here who have been on the coke train. What is it that makes it so addictive? How does it make you feel? I'm curious to understand what drives people to lose themselves in pursuit of the white stuff. I know all drugs have similar results once addicted but cocaine seems to be the Hollywood drug and I wonder what the perceived benefits are to those who get hooked? Thanks for educating me :-)
