Friday, May 14, 2010

Russell Crowe Up To His Old Tricks

Let's face it. With the exception of maybe the Jonathon Ross show, BBC radio is not really known for trying to aggravate the stars they interview who are trying to plug a movie. Maybe Russell Crowe had a big hangover or maybe he was just back to being what seems a perpetual ass, but during a live interview he dropped an f bomb and walked away during the interview.

It all started when the interviewer asked Russell if there was bit of an Irish accent in his portrayal of Robin Hood.

"You've got dead ears, mate, seriously dead ears if you think there's an Irish accent."

The reporter then offered that perhaps it was from Northern England.

"No I was going for an Italian, yeah. Missed it? F**k me. Anyway"

Finally, Russell was asked about the recent story that Russell didn't want to say the line that was so notable which was "I'll take my revenge in this life or the next."

At that point, Russell walked away.


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Drugs or Alcohol. He may have boderline personality disorder?

  2. People who won't be questioned at all are so unattractive.


  4. He's always going to be a dick.

  5. What a complete jerk. I don't even think he's a good actor.

  6. He's just an ass. My cousin worked on one of his movies a few years ago. RC is aware of his reputation and tried to be nice in the beginning. But by the end the shoot, his real personality came out. It's who he is and he doesn't make that much of an effort to cover it up.

  7. Jonathan Ross talks a lot of shit, but he doesn't like to aggravate his guests. He fawns over them.
    Incidentally, he particularly likes to get cosy with Russell Crowe, who comes third only to Tom Cruise and Jane Fonda.

    And this story about him not wanting to say the line isn't so new.
    I saw someone (I think it was Ridley, but maybe one of the producers) tell this story, word for word, on a TV show back in 2000 or 2001.
    I don't know why it's taken 10 years to be picked up on.

  8. He's just misunderstood.

  9. Why's he so touchy about that story regarding his lines? I'm missing something.

  10. I'm not a RCrowe fan, but come on. Keep in mind that he's been asked a million goofy questions about this film already, and both these questions rank high on the wtf? list. It's a fricken movie - for entertainment - it's not a documentary about Robin Hood. Who cares if some bloke thinks RC's Aussie accent sounds too Irish? Crikey.

  11. The thing is Oopsey, RC was on Mayo/Kermode last week talking about the movie and he made mention about not making the movie just your standard Robin Hood movie like Men in Tights. He wanted to ground the character in some kind of reality so he integrated the Charter of the Forest into the film to explain some of RH's actions. So to get snippy about a seemingly pointless thing like an accent is ridiculous. Maybe his accent is crap. Maybe it does sound off. He wasn't being accused of anything, he was being asked a question. Maybe the interviewer believed there was a reason behind the accent. Hence the question.

    RC needs to grow the fuck up. His job is to promote the film and answer questions. He can suck it up and act like a grown up for a bit.

  12. Having to respond to the constant inane questions from interviewers must be mind-numbing, especially during promotion tours. I'm surprised more actors don't walk away, but most train themselves to smile pleasantly and keep going. I'll give Crowe points for the good interviews he does.

  13. From a journalism perspective, those are pretty dumb questions to ask. The accent one sounds like a dig to me. If he wanted to know what kind of accent it was, he should have asked RC how he prepared with the dialogue coach instead of goading him by saying he thought it was Irish or Northern English.

    Not saying that RC isn't a prick, but put it in context. I'm sure this interview didn't take place in a vacuum. It was probably the 100th dumb question RC had been asked.

    No big deal. he didn't slug the guy or anything.

  14. Wow for all the money these assholes make for the comparatively little work they do(as opposed to someone who works 40-60 hrs weekly and gets 2 weeks vacation) he should answer even the stupid questions with a smile all the way to the bank. Some of these actor have absolutely no concept of real life and how real people put put with stupid bullshit day in and day out at their jobs!!

  15. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I used to like RC before reading about his attitude. Now I really don't care if I go see his movies or not. He is the female version of Naomi Campbell LOL.

  16. Pompous Ass. Never liked him.

  17. Some years ago (maybe 6) a national channel broadcast a documentary about R. Crowe's history of psychotic outbursts.

    There was everything from pulling guns in journalists' faces during a photoshoot, to biting chunks out of a man's neck, during a bar brawl (and they showed footage of that brawl). All while making deranged claims of greatness and threats to people's lives.

    Even when he is not having an "episode", he manages to be unpleasant: apparently he doesn't wear deodorant has such terrible BO it is torture to be around him.

  18. @Skeeball --
    effing exactly. Wah wow really you don't like marketing the movie that someone paid you a ridiculous amount of money to be in.

    i'm sure every customer service rep in the world feels the same way about ansering inane questions but there are consquences for everyone else's actions except for celebrities and big (oil/finance) companies for some unfathomable reason.

  19. I'm always going to be on Russell Crowe's side. What the ef is up with mentioning 'Irish'accent. They were picking on him because he is from Australia, and not England.

  20. Big Hangover!!(every one in Cannes knows his taste for alcohol now)

    but i'm with Crowe team : some journalists blame his Robin Hood because he's australian(several years ago, a british journalist blamed Bale's accent in "the prestige" saying he wasn't more enough English now but without blame Jackman's generic accent and Johanson's american/british accent !)
    It's strange in France some Robin Hood reviews are enough good but in USA the movie is trashed by Journalists(and the same journalists defend Iron "boring,flat and lame but there is RDJ and Rockwell's ham acting" Man 2)

  21. The thing is though, it's really irritating if someone's accent isn't spot on. I would rather he hadn't bothered at all a la Tom Cruise in Valkyrie or Costner's Prince of Thieves than give the accent he did in Robin Hood. It's very off-putting and to put in bluntly - crap!

    Also, the interviewer was asking a genuine question, not taking the piss, he thought that the accent had something to do with the back story as Ridley and Crowe had been at pains to point out how historically accurate this film was in comparison to other more fluffy Robin Hoods.

    The interviewer, Mark Lawson, is a very highbrow interviewer who works for Radio 4 (very serious radio station in the UK) and not given to either winding volatile movie starts up or asking inane questions just for the sake of it.

  22. He and Christian Bale should start a support group for violent outbursts on/off set. Must be so hard to be a multi-millionaire :(

  23. lol @ "fluffy" robin hoods!

    i still think the best take on crowe's personality was south park's!

  24. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Russell Crowe takes himself WAY too seriously and needs to grow a sense of humour already! Attributes for which Aussies are renown for. Real Aussies can make jokes in response to dumb questions. Pity Russell Crowe is actually from New Zealand.

  25. No doubt RC gets a lot of ridiculous questions during interviews- so do a lot of other actors and they cope. The difference is Crowe is a self-absorbed asshat.

  26. I'm stunned the DJ continued to promote the film even after its star had walked out on him. I would have said, "Robin Hood is a piece of shit, don't go and see it. Rusticle can bite me if he thinks I'm going to promote his film after he's walked out on me for no good reason."

    Fucking diva.
