Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This still young, married with child/ren former A list television actress is now a struggling C list actress who is lucky to find work. Lucky for her though she knows how to find a bar. When she does it is watch out time. Whether she decides to flash a group of guys or just grab their crotch and invite them to find a corner, she will do it all. When asked about her husband or her child/ren our actress says she wants me time. Since me time usually involves getting naked with strangers and having sex, I am guessing me time could turn into divorce time before long.


  1. Melissa Joan Hart?

  2. I had the same thoughts as Eddie.

  3. Tori Spelling- obviously not A list for acting ability but for family connections?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like the Messing guess!

  6. If Melissa Joan Hart is A list, then there is hope for everyone on this blog to became at least B list one day.

  7. yeah..Melissa Joan Hart also rang a bell.

  8. I'd be devastated if it was her, but SMG?

  9. Spelling has a reality show...

  10. Brooke Sheilds?

  11. I think you could say MJH was A-list, with the tweens, back in the day...It says former A list...

  12. If that's how she is I wonder if those child/ren are hubby's or are they say ... Now Serving #210?

  13. how bout Jamie Pressley- she was on My name is Earl- she has kids and she had those photos a while back acting out at a bar.

  14. Would Messing be considered "still young"? (Sorry Deb).

    Melissa Joan Hart seems almost desperate these days, I'll go with her.

  15. Wasn't MJ Hart the popular guess for an old BI about an actress who kept an apartment to have it with a bunch of guys, while her husband thought she was working on new projects?

    I really liked her in Sabrina.

    Why do so many people have this notion of her being the type of person who would do this?

  16. Melissa Joan Hart seems nice, so I hope it's not her, but she sure does fit all the clues. She was totally A-list when Sabrina was at it's prime. She also seems insecure and that type of behavior would totally fit someone who is insecure.

  17. Sarah Michelle Gellar

  18. I always hear things about MJH being desperate for attention/fame again. And she's frequently guessed for blinds, what gives?

    This is rather vague

    I have no clue

  19. Melissa Joan Hart or Sarah Michelle Gellar both fit the "former A, now struggling C list actress who is lucky to find work" clue. I lean toward Melissa Joan Hart. Is Sarah Michelle Gellar looking for work? You never see her at industry functions, while Melissa is on any red carpet that will have her. SMG seems to have retired from acting.

  20. I think its Melissa Joan. She has a tendency to act very immature. None of the others mentioned would act like that. She would!!

  21. Didn't MJH get some bad press for saying something about not wanting Farrah Fawcet to die the same week she was supposed to be on some magazine cover because it would take away attention?

    Plus she's in the pics.

  22. Didn't MJH get some bad press for saying something about not wanting Farrah Fawcet to die the same week she was supposed to be on some magazine cover because it would take away attention?

    Plus she's in the pics.

  23. Sarah Michelle Gellar. She's much more of a former A-lister than MJH.

  24. In her defense, SMG only recently had a child. Probably a good reason right there not to be attending too many industry functions at the moment.

  25. Her daughter was born in September. That's plenty of time. Hope not but he rumors have been around for a few months.

  26. What does child/ren mean?
    Does that mean hers and her husband's plus his with another partner?

    I feel like the 'still young' is a clue.

  27. Well, since I can't guess Ben Affleck, what about Jennifer Garner? A-list from Alias?

  28. Phoebe from 'Friends'.

  29. John, child/ren is a way of hiding whether there is just one child or many. Just a way to make the blind a little harder.

  30. I wonder if this person is the same one that had the blind about having sex in bars with strangers. I seem to remember one where the woman had sex with a guy in a near-empty bar and she didn't seem to care who was there. I think that guess was Diane Lane, though.

    I can't add any other guess to this. Unless, Elizabeth Berkeley? But then something about Showgirls would have been mentioned.

  31. By young, I would think it is someone in their 20's or early 30's. Lisa Kudrow is at least 40.

    What about one the the girls from Saved by the Bell?

  32. But was Melissa Joan Hart ever really considered A list even in her Sabrina days? And doesn't SMG have her own production company, so I doubt she would have to be desperate for work since she could probably just make her own job somewhere, though she does fit the A list part of the blind

    I really have no idea, but I doubt it is either of these two ladies.

  33. i feel like married with children, ie the tv show is a clue

  34. Melissa Joan Hart was never A List.

  35. I don't think MJH was ever A list. I'm jumping on the Sarah Michelle Gellar train.

  36. "If Melissa Joan Hart is A list, then there is hope for everyone on this blog to became at least B list one day."

    OK. That is seriously funny, and so true.

    I guess my big question is: What is still young? Surely 20s, but how far into the 30s? I suppose our range is 25 to 35, right?

    SMG is a great guess. I'm wracking my brain for some others.

  37. By Enty's definition, MJH was TV A-list because she had her own show that lasted a few years.

  38. Enty, please write about this.

    In Toronto, Canada, the OSPCA York shelter is killing all 350+ animals in the shelter because of a ringworm outbreak.

    A Dayton, Ohio shelter had a ringworm outbreak in Sept and farmed the animals out to volunteers who successfully treated them. The OSPCA refuses to do this and is in the process of killing every single animal. It started this morning.

    Ringworm is FUNGUS. It is treatable. It is a time-consuming and semi-expensive treatment (few hundred dollars per couple of animals). They are claiming it is a virulent form of ringworm and that's why they are killing every single animal in the shelter whether they have it or not. They claim the spores can cling to the fur, therefore, kill the animal. You know, kill them rather than bathe and treat them as a preventative measure.

    You know, kill them rather than allow volunteers and rescue groups to take on the expense and care for these animals.

    Nope, killing all of them. Despite lots of people like me willing to take one or two and pay for the treatment and spend the three or four months applying the cream to cure them.

    Bastards continued to take in animals while they discussed killing every animal in the shelter. Even animals taken in a few days ago are being murdered.

    I adopted six animals from that shelter at Christmas. I took the maladjusted and essentially unadoptable ones. I left behind two babies in the batch I adopted because I thought they were so young and cute, someone else would adopt them. Didn't happen. I feel horrible that I (unknowingly) left them behind to die.

    They anticipate it taking two to three days to kill all the animals. We are trying to halt this through legal action and media attention.

    Enty, please write about this.

    Everyone, please send your emails of protest/disgust to them for what they are doing:

    The Toronto Star has articles on thsi:




  39. Shirley Temple

    (Yes, I know, another burn-in-Hell moment.)

  40. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Katie Holmes, just to be different.

  41. Love the Melissa Joan Hart guess!

    When Sabrina was on it was hugely popular, and MJH got paid a lot of money. I'd consider her former A list television. Did I ever watch her show? No, but it was a top ten show for awhile.

  42. Very, very sad, Fame is a drug. Some people get addicted and their lives go to shit.

  43. I like the Jamie Pressley guess. Especially after they filmed her taking a piss outside a bar, in the daylight.

  44. @Jessica that was her bachelorette party and it was actually joke. It was a water bottle when they showed the pictures of her from behind.

    I like the Melissa guess. But that husband isn't going anywhere. He is a musician who hasn't done much excepte get her pregos. She is his golden ticket.

  45. I started a facebook protest group against the slaughter of 350+ pets. Please join

    Ospca StopThe-slaughter

  46. i kind of think the "still young" clue points to MJH in "sabrina the TEENAGE witch", but that may be a stretch?

    i'm on the MJH bandwagon, though.

  47. These are the worst guesses ever. Lisa kudrow is almost fifty years old. Brooke Shields? C'mon people, you're not even trying. And what is with all the Melissa Joan Hart bashing? First, she was not A-List, ever. That designation implies broad awareness of the public of who you are and she never, ever attained that status whether as Sabrina, Clarissa, or on Dancing with the Stars. And she is probably no more desperate for attention than 90% of all Hollywood has-beens.

  48. @ben46 - Not to sound snarky, but where is your guess?? You shot down all of our guesses, but didn't add anything of your own?

    I'm still on the MJH train. I think back in the day she was absolutely A-list. It may have been with tweeners, but she was A-list...

    @Ms. - That is the most heartbreaking thing I have read in a while.. Good Luck, and I'll do whatever I can to help...

  49. The protests are beginning to work!!! They are considering allow some of the pets to be saved. However, they are still killing them right now. Please continue to spread the word and email your disgust!!! This is our only weapon to stop the slaughter.



    Rosaline Ryan, Director of Marketing and Communications
    1-888-668-7722 ext. 308 or rryan@ospca.on.ca

    and Alison Cross, Manager, Marketing & Communications
    1-888-668-7722 ext. 305 or across@ospca.on.ca


    Facebook: Ospca StopThe-slaughter

  50. @Ms. It's soooo heartbreaking. I was calling yesterday as well. It looks like only 20 are going to be saved. Makes me sick and disappointed to live in Toronto right now.

  51. @Ms. This is heartbreaking. I hope you furry family is dooing well.

  52. What about KERI RUSSELL!?
    She was once A-list with her show 'Felicity!' I mean she won a golden globe for that role. Plus, she has been somewhat staying busy in the last couple of years (movies: Waitress, Bedtime Stories, and a couple of feature films.) Sooo C-list now

    She just had a baby in 2007 with her husband. PLUS, the two kickers - She was on the cover of LUCKY Magazine (Enty mentioned that word twice) in March 2010. AND...she appeared on 'Married..with Children' back in 1995!

  53. Ms. - What are we to say in our emails?
    Why can't they send them out to BC, there are so many shelters here and they only have a few animals available for adoption. Everytime I go there are only three or four that they will allow to be adopted. Surely they'll have room out here?

  54. Thanks Sunnyside :-)

    Ms: See if you can't get it as a top story on Yahoo or AOL. Maybe contact the features writers, see if they will do an article? I cried at the story of the bear cub on the news desperately last night trying to rescue her cub from a tree, so you can imagine what stuff like this does to me :(

  55. When I read young, with child, better known for TV than what she is doing now my first thought was Jessica Alba. However I don't know if two seasons on TV, albeit starring, makes you A list. Nor, since she does appear to be working, albeit in films I've never head of, does it appear that she a hardly working C lister today. On the other hand there does appear to be a lot of internet gossip about the state of her marriage - so no one would be surprised at a divorce.

  56. married with chidren star? christina ??

  57. Sarah Michelle Geller Prinze

  58. MS - you are an angel. I've joined your group. The OSPCA has utterly disgusted me in the last two years - incredibly inept and uncaring management appears to continue. Best of luck out east.

  59. Danica McKellar aka Winnie Cooper.

  60. MS-
    i totally support you and am going to go from here to all those places to protest.
    to add a bit of knowledge: i am very familiar with ringworm. i happen to have a weird allergy to the fungus. it's itchy and very contagious, but NOT FATAL.
    it requires some care, and yes, any mammal (including bunnies) can get it. would i take temporary foster care of a bun with ringworm (often called mange)?
    yes, because i know how to keep things sterile. there is no need to put an animal to death for something easier to get rid of than, say, athlete's foot or (as my hubby likes to call it) "crotch rot".
    an infestation is a giant pain, but with enough volunteers, there's no reason to go to that extent!!

  61. oh, and i don't think it's even that expensive to treat, from what i recollect.

  62. Jenna Elfman? Married since 1995, Has two kids. Relatively A-List back in the day. Relegated to a low-rent sitcom currently.

  63. done and done.
    joined both facebook groups and sent email. hope it helps from california!
    thanks for bringing that to our attention!!!

  64. Thanks, everyone. In your emails, state what you think - it can be brief. In my emails, I stated their decision was unethical and that there was no excuse to do so given the number of volunteers and animal rights groups who were willing to taking the expense and time to treat the animals. I stated they had lost my support forever and that I am informing everyone I can about what they are doing.

    @ Bionic Bunny - I've fostered animals with worse diseases than ringworm. And yes, I know about sterilization, quarantine etc. too.

    Update: the asked 'qualified' people to contact them regarding saving other animals. I know of three people who run registered rescues and none have received a response back from the OSPCA...while the killing continues. Where we need to clean house is the OSPCA board of directors and upper management.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. I'm on the Jamie Pressley train. MJH just doesn't seem like the type of person to flash anyone in a bar. I just don't see it happening.

    And SMG has had her issues, but I don't think she's actively looking for work either. She had a baby not long ago and she's likely making tons from Buffy re-runs. She could be back on TV if she wanted to be.
