Friday, May 28, 2010

What Do You Think?

When I first read about this yesterday morning, I felt sorry for the woman, but now I am wondering if she isn't exaggerating a great deal in hopes of winning big money against United. Here is the story. On Monday night a woman took a flight from Washington DC to Philadelphia. The plane arrived at midnight. The woman says she fell asleep on the plane and the next thing she knew a cleaning crew found her at around 4 a.m when they went to get the plane ready for the next morning.

The woman, Ginger McGuire works in radio and television in Detroit and is suing United for "false imprisonment, infliction of emotional distress and negligence."

So, here is my take. Does it suck and was it scary? I am sure it was. Should the flight attendants have checked to see if everyone was gone? Yes they should have. However, I also think the woman shares some of the blame. A lot has changed since I went to law school, but one of the primary requirements for false imprisonment is that you have to be aware you are imprisoned. Since the cleaning crew woke her up she never knew she had been imprisoned. Plus, come on, if she had been awake, she would have probably had a cell phone, could have opened the exits. You know, the doors that say exit which can be opened by passengers. I think the airline would have understood the necessity. She is probably suing for millions. Why? She didn't even know!!!!

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  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Sometimes I think people live their lives any more just hoping for some flimsy-ass excuse to sue someone. I think it's ridiculous. The airline should not be responsible if you fall asleep, that's your own fault.

  2. bullshit like this makes me so angry. fuck her and fuck the attorney who's trying to make a case out of what amounts to a non-event.

    and what's scary about it? the bitch fell asleep and 4 hours later, someone woke her up. big deal.

  3. Stupid. It is not the airlines fault that you fell asleep on the plane and didn't wake up when everyone was departing the airplane. I AM SO SICK OF PEOPLE SUING BECAUSE OF THEIR OWN STUPID BULLSHIT!

  4. You forgot to mention that she's hired the man who beats the ambulances to the seen, Geoffrey Feiger.

    As many commenters in the area have said (I live near Detroit; all over the news), how does someone sleep through the landing & disembarking process, let alone be left on the plane? Something smells.

  5. *scene, not seen :)

  6. The punitive damage laws in America are the reason there are people like this in the world. What an idiot.

    Also, good luck making the false imprisonment charges stick.

  7. I want to know how many drinks the Stews served her during the flight.

  8. Thank you ThoughtElf! Exactly what I was thinking!! I've slept through take off before, understandably. Landing, never. I'm always sober by then.

  9. This is complete bullshit, how do you fall into such a deep sleep on a flight that is less than one hour long - you're probably in the air for 25-30 minutes and spend the rest of the time on the ground. What about the passengers sitting next to her and around her? Is she going to try and sue them for not waking her up? This almost sounds like a set up to me, I think she faked the whole thing.

  10. I agree with Jaime, something smells here...scratch that, something REEKS!
    I find this whole story to be highly improbable. I don't see how anyone could have slept through all that landing and disembarking without at least one person giving her a shake and saying " Hey lady' we landed, wake up!"
    Plus you know all the stews have to check out the plane for things left behind or messed up or...SLEEPING PEOPLE!

    Lastly, there is no harm done to this woman as Enty pointed out. Its just too stupid to accept. But as long as some lawyers smell money in the water...

  11. I think the whole thing is fishy. If I somehow managed to sleep through a landing/disembarking and woke up 4 hours later....I'd be embarassed and apologizing, not suing.

  12. Asleep, maybe. Passed out drunk, probably. This smells like BS.

  13. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Something in the milk aint clean, kids. (I will use ANY excuse to say that, Thanks MK) .

    I hope the judge laughs her out of court.

  14. oooo, does this mean we'll get to see geoffrey fieger on TV with the special lighting he requires, that makes him look all smooth and slightly blurred?

    she's not getting money. you must show damages and she had none. shit, she got 4 hours of sleep which is actually a benefit.


  15. GOD this makes me angry. Another stupid lazy American (and I'm American so I can say that) trying to sue her way to a settlement that she thinks will make her rich. Are you kidding me? You were ASLEEP. It's your own fault for not getting off the plane. Nobody held you there against your will. You WILLINGLY fell asleep. I hope she has to pay court fees for wasting the judicial system's time.

  16. ok, probably no one from the crew noticed her but asleep for 4 hours!? either she took something or she has a sleeping disorder of some sort. If that had happened to me, I would be laughing about it for a week.

  17. I am a flight attendant and this has happened at every airline at some point, and really it shouldn't. I think that an apology and a couple of free tickets is fair compensation for this type of situation.

  18. Rubbish. I guess to be imprisoned you need to actually be imprisoned. What with the emergence doors she could have got out any time.

    However, she should receive a commendation or something at least for being able to fall that deeply asleep on a flight in one of those tiny, uncomfortable seats. ;)

  19. You have to be aware...wah wah

  20. just be thankful you actually GOT some sleep on one of those damn things in the first place! have you ever tried to fall asleep on an airplane? it's not exactly cozy!

    this woman is all sorts of stupid, it's not the airlines fault that you were passed out (which, i'll bet she had a drink or 3 or a tranquilizer, etc. i can't say that i blame her) and getting a good nap is hardly something to sue over.

    this stuff drives me nuts, look at this batshit crazy, hyper-litigious society we're living in now

  21. How do you fall asleep from a flight going from Washington DC to Philly? What is that like a fifteen minute ride? Come on now. Did she take a valium!?

  22. I read an article somewhere else that when the cleaning crew found her, they locked her back in the plane for security purposes and then waited until the ahorities came to let her out. I think that is where the false imprisonment comes from.

    But yes, damn litigious society we live in.

  23. I remember a story about a young kid falling asleep on a school bus and getting left behind at the bus depot... That might be something to cause a ruckus for, but a grown woman... SORRY no sympathy here!
    Take responsibility for yourself!


  25. When did it become other people's responsibility to wake your lazy and/or drunk ass up and tell you to get off the plane after it has landed?
    United should charge her rent.

  26. blame it on the alc-a-a-a-a-alc-o-hol


  27. The story I initially read indicated that the cleaning crew found her, then locked her back in the plane and notified airport security. She was then questioned, I assume to establish she wasn't a terrorist. That is likely where the false imprisonment claim is from, as ridiculous as it appears.

  28. If she was that wasted she passed out for 4 hours on a plane that's her own damn fault. She should have to pay the airlines court costs for this waste of time. And we should all send her a letter when the cost of airline tickets go up again because of her dumb ass lawsuit.

  29. Wonder which seat she was in?

  30. that flight is only like, 50 minutes. either she got tanked in the airport or she took some sleeping pills. sleeping pills make no sense - knowing you're only on a 50 minute flight, why would you do that - but then again - why would you sue over this.

  31. If I were United, I'd demand a drug test STAT.

    And my favorite comment of the day is from DevilDana. Thanks for making my grumpy ass laugh.

  32. my husband was working third shift and was taking the bus home many years ago. He must have fell asleep and woke up many hours later. Lol, I think I will tell him how he missed out on his big paycheck from MetroTransit.

  33. I LOATHE bogus law suits. I use to work in a retail store MANY years ago. A woman fell down after tripping on air. ( I don't judge her for that. I could trip over my own shadow too.)

    What kills me were the next words out of her mouth. She asked to fill out an accident form BY THE FORM NUMBER. It went something like., "Ouch. I've fallen. Do you have a AR-8512?"


  34. I also live very close to Detroit, and I wonder how Geoffrey Fieger has the time to deal with this and alls the Aiyanna Jones/Detroit SWAT team case (you know, that's a bunch of idiocracy going on there)... Geoffrey will be on Celebrity Rehab for exhaustion!

  35. Sooo, she got a free night's sleep in what appear to be comfortable surroundings, I mean, she wasn't uncomfortable enough to wake up on her own.

    Maybe the airline should charge her for using the facilities?

  36. Oh good God. Sometimes I think it should be ok to just bitch slap someone and yell 'GET OVER IT'.

  37. I watched the video...she looked like she was "tweaking" or something. Anyone else notice that?

  38. Since when did we become babysitters for adults now? IMHO this whole thing sounds bogus, but what really pisses me off is that some poor flight attendant is probably going to lose their job over this greedy woman. I wonder if she thought about THAT.
