Thursday, June 10, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

On a recent trip to a popular family theme park, we hear this celeb was kicked out of the park for trying to snort cocaine on a ride. The sad thing was her kids ended up leaving with her and were upset to end their fun early. As far as we know, the authorities were left out of the situation, but there is allegedly security footage of the incident which could come back and haunt her.

Not Britney Spears.


  1. Wasn't Denise Richards at Disney land with Charlie Sleaze the other day?

  2. Definitely Jules Kirby and her mom.

  3. @Liza - LOL

    @MontanaMarriott - I believe she was. Whoever it is....GOOD JOB & WAY TO GO MOM!

  4. Good guess Montana.

    Nice memory to leave for your kids mom!

  5. I saw pictures of Denise and Charlie at Disneyland.

  6. Longtime lurker here, first time commenting...

    Wasn't Octomom at Disneyland not too long ago? My only hesitation is that the blind says "kids," and I think I remember the pics of Octomom specifically saying that she only had one kid with her at the park...

  7. using the term "celeb" loosely...the empress of lucite?

  8. Kate Gosselin obviously!

  9. please leak the security footage!

  10. @Liza, that made me laugh soooo hard.

    Hi Jules!

  11. hey dont' we all need a little bump to cope with the wee ones!!

  12. Denise and her babydaddy just had the kids at the happiest place on earth; so I'll go with her.

  13. Disneyland has cameras EVERYWHERE!! AS well as 'secret shoppers' in all of their stores.

    When I was a teenager, I would occasionally go to Disneyland with a group of friends. Occasionally, one of my friends would try to steal a pin or a lollipop or a cheap ring and they would ALWAYS get caught, no matter how sneaky they tried to be. I would never steal from the "Happiest Place on Earth" because I respected the company too much, so it was definitely not me trying to get away something.

    I have heard other storires about kidnapping attempts at the theme park and how quickly security was able to track down the child & kidnappers. The security team they have as well as the amount of cameras is mind-blowing. You seriously have NO idea.

    Bottom line: Don't eff with Disney!

    They are briliant and have many, many, many eyes on you at allll times!

    Go Mickey!

  14. MissJenny - I have always wondered about that. I have never been aware of ANY security at Disneyworld Orlando. I also don't remember any cameras. Way to blend in! Damn - I bet their security is better than the FBI!!

    I only say this because once I was in line for Space Mountain and these four kids walked up to the front and cut in line, and I didn't see anyone stopping them. I hope they were escorted out of the park. I bet they have some kind of back door....

  15. mngddess-looks for earpieces,they are like secret service...everywhere.

  16. If WalMart can have every square foot of its stores videotaped at all times (and they do, and have banks and banks of video monitors being looked at at all times) it wouldn't suprise me at all that Disney would be at least as hard core or moreso. (I've also heard the only time Disney ever pages anyone over the intercom system it's if there is a death in the family, period.)

  17. Has Debra Messing been seen at any theme parks lately? *L*

  18. yuk, I hate that feeling of eyes on you at all times. I have never stolen anything, but I do carry a big bag that I throw stuff (wallet, glasses, kids' food, etc, etc.) in. The other day I was in Target and I didn't have a shopping cart. I picked something up and immediately just threw it in my purse (because that's what I do with stuff) and then walked down another aisle. Then I thought, "Oh my goodness! I hope they don't think I was stealing this!" and took it out of my purse. I was so afraid of being tackled from behind for some Jet-Dry or whatever the hell it was.

    Also, my brother was in boot camp at Parris Island and he said he felt like cameras were in the trees or something. When we went there for his graduation I felt the same way. It was creepy.

  19. Definitely Denise Richards. However, Charlie was with her on that recent trip, so if she was doing blow around him AND the kids, that makes her a triple wench.

  20. we should just let disney run the country

  21. Jules Kirby was there with Ben Affleck.

  22. Ditto what sandman said. Could they do it any worse?

  23. Here's some


    Nicole Richie
    Sheryl Crowe
    Jada Plinko Smith
    Sharon Stone

  24. Sandman!!! How can that be with Electronic Voting.

    We can't write in Mickey Mouse anymore!

  25. I think it's Denise because of the wording of "her kids ended up leaving with her".
    Kinda means there is a chance they didn't have to maybe? Because Charlie was there and could have kept them. But maybe the kids started crying or something so she just ended up taking them with her.
    So odd though, Denise seems goodie goodie to the extreme.

  26. Annual passholders at Disneyland who are on the rides a lot know where most of the cameras are. There's a lot of people who love waving at the cameras as they go by. But for every camera you can see, there's probably another you can't see.

  27. The summer after the attacks on the World Trade Center, I took my niece to Disney World for our birthdays. The security checks we went through at the front gate of each theme park were WAY superior to and much more thorough than the checks at both major airports we went through to get there!

    Oh, and I like the Denise Richards guess...

  28. hahaha i spent a easter week in high school (over 10 years ago) at disneyland with my bff at the time, and we did E the whole time...i wonder how many cameras caught us acting a fool? ;)

  29. All of your comments remind me of that Simpsons episode where they go to "Itchy and Scratchy Land".

