Friday, June 25, 2010

Emily Blunt - Ringless And Leaving A Guy's House In The Morning

I am sure there is a very innocent explanation as to why Emily Blunt was photographed leaving some guy's house in the very early morning. Oh, and the guy is not John Krasinski. It doesn't look like she was working out. She doesn't have anything in her hand so I am guessing it was not a work meeting or some early morning Bible study. Hmmm. She is not wearing her ring either. Could something be up with the relationship? Very interesting.


  1. Nice expression on her face!

  2. Is that the dude in the pic? Jeez, couldn't he even walk her to her car?

  3. Love this nod to the fact that John & Emily's blind item STILL has people commenting on it.

    I wish John would just man up and kick her to the curb. Her vajayjay must be made out of spun gold the way she gets around.

  4. OK, I'm in kind of a snippy mood today. I apologize for the snarkiness of all comments. What in the Sam Hill is that woman wearing? It makes her look all kinds of lumpy and hippy and we all know that she's a toothpick. I'd be more pissed about be photographed looking that bad than about maybe being busted for cheating.

  5. why doesn't she just dump him?? it would be so much kinder.

  6. So is this like - the reveal to that blind? It sure sounds like it

  7. This screams for a limerick-
    There was a girl named Emily Blunt
    for men she was all on the Hunt
    it was all over news day
    her c u next Tuesday
    it's proving to be quite a warm front

  8. LOL LOL retailprophet, you are brilliant!

    Yeah, come on Krasinski, you could have anyone in Hollywood, why waste time with her if she's stepping out?

  9. So what blind are we talking about here?

  10. Well, she supposedly swings both ways, having allegedly dined at Anne Hathaway's "Y", and getting tapped out raw by other dudes in Hollywierd. Which, given that so many men are doing the same thing, bothers me not one bit.

    But if she's supposed to be committed to John, then she should try a little fidelity for a change. Of course, Krasinski may be in the closet or tapping out others on the regular too. Folks in Tinseltown like it that way. Often.

  11. Well, Mango, why walk her to the car? Emily knew he was a dog when she got onto the grass (or in this case, the couch and bed) with him. She doesn't exactly deserve much more than a hug, a kiss and maybe breakfast. Although that may not be her style, based on her appearance.

  12. What's the deal here? Is she really bearding for John? Say it's a lie..

  13. @retailprophet LOL! Excellent!

    Why John, why???

  14. No @Jess, please please please don't let John be gay.

    ...not that there's anything wrong with that...just that I'd like ONE for our team please!

  15. Oh, John K. I'm cute and single and won't cheat on your fine, fine ass. Give me a call annnnnytime. :)

  16. I hate to burst your bubble Enty, but this is Amy Adams house. Emily was visiting Amy and the baby. I like her and don't understand all the hate.

  17. How do you know this was Amy Adams house? Because it said so on a website? Still doesn't explain why she doesn't have the ring on. And this would so wrap the blind post up nicely. I totally agree, I wish John would just man up and kick her to the curb - booyaaa!

  18. i believe you, nosygirl!!! then we're left with why she's not wearing her ring.

    i love emily blunt. love jon krasinski too. so i hope all is well.

  19. nosygirl said...
    I'm at a loss to understand your thinking Eugenie. You question when someone believes something that is published on another website, yet you believe the outlandish theories that are published here.

    ^^^^^^^^THIS LOL

    It's a shame that people (mostly women) instantly jump to "She's a whore! She's a tramp!"-type thinking. Thanks for the info, nosygirl :)

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  23. Dayum nosygirl, nice work! Do you work for Emily or her representation? I'm asking sincerely. That was a lot of work to pull a bunch of gossip lovers off the edge. :) (And I'm very glad you did....who knows what else is commented on without someone doing research before they post *cough cough*)

    And I agree that its hilarious how folks jump to conclusions. And her ring? Not everyone likes wearing rings. I don't. Not to say that they haven't broken up, yada yada. Maybe she's bloated, and the ring doesn't fit...hence the dress.

    And for the record, I think she looks great. Not lumpy or whatever else was said.

    Simmer ladies and gents.

  24. Nosygirl, thank you for your sleuthing. However, something's not adding up. If you take a look at the picture of Amy Adam's house there are no mailboxes right next to the driveway. The house mailbox matches but, where did the 1374 mailbox come from? And there is another mailbox beside it. Also, the place where the number is sprayed on the curb is different as well. In the real-estate picture you posted the house number is sprayed right next to the driveway. In this picture with Emily and Darren Le Gallo (Compare the back of his head on those Father's Day pictures and the back of the head of our mystery man) the house number is sprayed farther back and there is a break in the curb. What I mean by that is there is curb a little break where Emily is walking out and more curb. You don't see that on the real-estate picture.

    Granted the mailboxes match though.

    Is this the mystery guy?,0,8#8

  25. I'm sorry, I did too many of those "how are these pictures different" thingies when I was growing up. :)

  26. I don't know if she's cheating, but I don't like her and I hope they don't get married.

    I've said this before, but I graduated with his brother in HS, and we went to the same church. He's from a SUPER nice family, and I don't believe he'd get caught up in the anything too weird and Hollywood like in terms of his marriage.

  27. Big Sur Expedition 2008! said...
    Do you work for Emily or her representation? I'm asking sincerely.

    Nah, I wish I did. Would you put in a good word for me? My job has led me to learn a lot of "stalking" techniques, but my work is not in the entertainment field.

    RM said...
    Is this the mystery guy?,0,8#8

    My first impulse was to say that mystery man was Le Gallo, but I couldn't find any corroborating photos, but you surely did. I agree that mystery man is most likely Le Gallo.

    RM said...
    However, something's not adding up. If you take a look at the picture of Amy Adam's house there are no mailboxes right next to the driveway. The house mailbox matches but, where did the 1374 mailbox come from? And there is another mailbox beside it. Also, the place where the number is sprayed on the curb is different as well. In the real-estate picture you posted the house number is sprayed right next to the driveway. In this picture with Emily and Darren Le Gallo...the house number is sprayed farther back and there is a break in the curb. What I mean by that is there is curb a little break where Emily is walking out and more curb. You don't see that on the real-estate picture.

    I understand exactly what you're saying. I think there is a complicating factor. Look at this Google map photo from Amy Adams' street.

    It shows two driveways. I think the one closer to the center of the photograph is the one to Amy's house/the house where mystery man was standing. The driveway to the left of the photo is the one where I believe Emily's picture was snapped with an extremely strong telephoto lens.

    Because of the lens, foreshortening caused Emily to look like she was closer to mystery man than she really was. I think it's also the reason the mailboxes in this photo look large enough to double as Hobbit Houses.

    In the photo above, Emily has walked passed a gutter in the driveway. To me, that gutter could be the same one shown in the left side driveway of the Google photo.

    I hope some of that made sense to you, RM.

    nancer said...
    i believe you, nosygirl!!! then we're left with why she's not wearing her ring.

    How's this theory? Emily or John delivered the ring to the jeweller to be cleaned and soldered to the wedding ring for the approaching ceremony.

  28. Thanks again nosygirl. I left a longer comment on the blind reveal blog. Just want to say on this blog:

    What we do know for sure is Emily was photographed leaving Darren Le Gallo's house early in the morning June 22 and she was not wearing her engagement ring. That is what CDAN posted. What he posted was true. What we make of it is up to us.

    What do I make of it?

    I say wait and see. Time will tell...

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  30. Gotta love a slut who likes to fuck a lotta different guys.

  31. Gotta love a slut who likes to fuck a lotta different guys.

  32. I just don't like her, I used to, but she's changed and that upsets me.

    I just meant that people seem to believe what they want, eg - only the good things written about them. That was all I was going for :)

    The mailboxes look similar, but I don't see the number so I can't tell!

  33. John Krasinski has a lot of crazy "but she's a HOOOR" fans...

  34. Oh mymy this is quite controversial! :) I know Enty has hinted several times something is up with this engagement, so he clearly believes that. I like Emily as an actress very much and lurve John, so as long as they're both happy, I'm cool about whatever.
