Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Goopster Broke A Bone Because She Never Got Sun

I thought The Goopster was supposed to be the queen of nutrition. It turns out though that is not the case. According to her she broke a bone which required surgery and she seems to imply it was because she never went out in the sun. Of course she did not just say she broke a bone. That would be too simple. She instead says, "I suffered a pretty severe Tibial plateau fracture a few years ago (requiring surgery)." I love how she adds the surgery part. Just so we can really know how bad it was. I refuse to look it up, but at first when I skimmed it I thought she was talking about some Tibetan plateau and we were going to have to listen to her talk about Buddhism or something.

It turns out she had the lowest amount of Vitamin D her doctors had ever seen. Oh, and not just doctor doctors, but she has eastern and western doctors. How come there are no northern and southern doctors? The doctors gave her a prescription for Vitamin D and told her to spend some time in the sun. How about just drinking some milk?

She balked at going out in the sun. "I was curious if this was safe, having been told for years to stay away from its dangerous rays, not to mention a tad bit confused." I don't understand the confused part and I don't think anyone has ever said don't go outside. She has her doctor talk about the benefits of the sun and thinks his comments might be met with shock and horror. She used the word incendiary. She loves throwing out big words. What he says is actually pretty interesting and doesn't even use big words like The Goopster. Here is what he had to say.


  1. She is so f_cking irritating.

  2. How about drinking some milk now and then Goopy??

  3. Whatever. Take a vitamin.

  4. She's such an asshole.

  5. Great write up Enty, she is too much with her Tibial plateau fracture.

    Gee, I wonder if that might not have happened if she ate FOOD.

  6. for someone so brilliant and knowledgeable about every fucking thing, you'd think she'd know that you need sunlight. you don't need to bake yourself, but you do need sun.

    bad news is, now she'll come out of her climate-controlled cave, and we'll have to see her more.

  7. God I hate this bitch.

  8. I love the Doctor. I am so tired of hearing the sun is bad bad bad. He makes so good points about safe sunlight exposure. I still can't stand Gwinny though.

  9. thank you enty for reminding me of this made me remember that i needed to post my tater taco recipe for someone here!-enjoy!

  10. A daily 10 minute sunbath isn't going to kill anyone unless they're standing on Venus.

    Besides milk, salmon, mackeral,sardines and egg yolks are high in Vitamin D.

    Fishsticks needs to become a cannibal.

  11. hahahahah!! It's obvious we need sun and I don't mean get burn to look like a shrimp. Either way use sunscreen, idiot Goose.

  12. how pretentious. And how stupid, it's true, as "intelligent" as she may seem, she's NEVER read that you need at least 15 minutes a day of sun? They run the whole vitamin D story in every Shape, Fitness, & every other beauty magazine every year, before summer. Dumb ass. Go back to your little bubble.
    And this girl is giving the world "lifestyle" advice why??????

  13. Perhaps if her diet wasn't so restrictive her bones would have been stronger. Dumb ass!

    And what exactly does GOOP stand for? Gwenneth Overly Obnoxious Paltrow?

  14. I love these self-proclaimed celebrity experts. Tom Cruise claims to be an expert on psychiatry, just ask him, he's done the research. Suzanne Somers is an expert in cancer and menopause, and Fishsticks is a diet and nutrition expect.

    Assholes, one and all.

  15. My doc told me last time my Vitamin D was dangerously low and prescribed a few minutes of sun a day (I live in the desert so if I went out for 15 minutes I'd be BAKED). Now she's putting me on prescription Vitamin D to raise the level. BTW, I eat plenty of dairy. You can't get all the Vitamin D from dairy.

  16. she spends most of her time in London, yes? well, i live in the Pacific Northwest, which has a VERY similar climate, and all of us over here (and i'm sure over there) know enough to take vitamin d so we don't go nutso from lack of sun. she is THE most IGNORANT 'highly educated' person i have ever seen.

  17. Anonymous12:52 PM

    You know, a good multi-vitamin every day is not a bad idea.

    I live in Florida where it would be hard not to get enough sun. I'm very skin cancer aware, so don't sunbathe or any of that, but just going to and from work, going out to the grocery store, picking oranges off your tree - just living like a normal person would probably get you 15 minutes of sun a day. Or she could buy one of those lamps. I'm sure she's got the money.

  18. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The woman is just plain stupid. With all her big words to make people believe she is smart she sure is extremely STUPID. I can't stand her at all.

  19. I never thought I'd say this, but I have something in common with Goopy. I too have suffered a "tibial plateau fracture" from Vit D deficiency. I just never referred to it in those terms or felt it necessary to share my entire medical history with the world. Hello, HIPAA?

    Considering where she lives, she is not going to get enough sunlight to make up for the lack of Vit D in her diet. I lived in Northern California at the time of my fracture and my doctor told me I'd have to be outside completely naked for at least 16 hours of sunlight a day to get enough Vit D. While the thought of getting a prescription for nudity was appealing, it just wasn't practical...sigh.

    As well read and inquiring as Goopy may be, at the end of the day she's still a fool.

  20. She's getting older. If she keeps playing stupid she'll end up with osteoporosis. Vitamin D deficiency is no joke. Just ask all of those over 40 something people who didn't believe milk will do a body good and are now suffering.

    She'd be wise to double up on her Vitamin D tablets.

    Dumb azz

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Everyone in the Northern hemisphere suffers from Vit D defiency...especially those living further North (Canada, UK, etc.) Drinking milk helps a bit but good old natural sunlight and a Vit D supplement work best.

  23. No wonder Lainey loves Goop. They're both pretentious bullshiters that like to throw in big words to remind us we are not as educated & well read as they are.

    *rolls eyes like a valleygirl*

  24. There was an article in one of the UK papers a few weeks ago about Brits who rarely go outside but slather themselves in high SPH sunblock which was causing rickets. Goop was just being trendy you see.

  25. btw, vitamin D helps ward off depression. Perhaps that's why Goop always look so sour?

  26. She uses words like "tad bit"... I don't know why but that made me laugh. Delilah, calling her pandeja cracked me up too. She wouldn't eat a taco de papa to save her life tho.

    Those chewable (chocolate or caramel) Vit. D thingies are yummy.

  27. Sometimes I'm just speechless at how ignorant she is. It seems like doctors often have to tell her about things that are common knowledge to most literate people.

  28. Actually broken bones due to a lack of vitamin D has been on the rise in the past couple of years, especially amongst children. Too much sitting in front of the TV/computer, not enough time running around outside.

    Personally, I like the sun, though not in a sunbathing sort of way.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Hasn't Ms. Organic Queen ever drank organic MILK?!? Wouldn't that solve some of her problem?

    15 to 30 minutes of sun a day isn't going to cause skin cancer. While getting too much sun exposure these days is no joke, people, as usual, have gone overboard and act afraid of the sun. I swear, people have never heard of moderation.

  31. @delilah - that recipe is for me!

    Not a fan of milk or milk products here, so I was actually pleasantly surprised to read what the doctor had to say about unprotected sun exposure being GOOD for us. That being said, I always feel better with some sunshine. I also live in the Pac NW, and after reading what another commenter had to say, might just pick up a Vit D supplement.

  32. I'm in Texas, so going out in the sun for twenty minutes would fry me. Plus, I work in an office environment full time, so don't see much sun anyway. I do, however, take one multivitamin a day and two calcium supplements, which contain Vitamin D for better absorption. And I'm freaking 24 years old. It's not that hard and you don't have to be Miss Pretentious Goopster to be healthy.

  33. She's an ass. My oncologist put me on 2000 IU of Vitamin D/day because I tested low. I am always outside. It is not a big deal to take vitamins. She needs to shut up.

  34. @ RQ
    let me know if you have any questions about it, if you dont have soyrizo in your area, a 1/2 c of your fave hot sauce works in the taters....i have actually made my own soyrizo before....hmmmm...

  35. Thanks. We totally don't get soyrizo up here, but I've heard good things about it!

  36. @nunaurbitz - I just got put on Rx Vit D too. My doc said low levels were being linked to breast cancer. Funny about getting out in the sun to help remedy that.

    I sure am glad we get these fun tidbits on what it's like to live the Goopster life!

  37. day to day sun exposure gives us enough vitamin D. It's the SPF in everything that's hindering it. I go out early in the morning before I shower and wash my face to check on my plants. That should be enough. 15 minutes is fine.

  38. I walk my dog 4x a day and that gives me plenty. I also like to go to the beach and get friiiied during the summer, so when I'm dying of skin cancer, my bones will be healthy at least. Yikes.

  39. I was going to say the same thing, mygeorgie. Fucking sourpuss.

    I love celebrity geniuses. Please. Don't get me started on Suzanne Sommers.

  40. Highly educated?? Hardlly. She barely graduated high school, got into UCSB solely because of connections, despite not having the MINIMUM gpa / SAT requirements and LEFT before finishing ONE semester. Gwyneth is a prime example of an uneducated - and not terribly bright - person who overcompensates by using her Word Thesaurus, while she writes, so can feign intellectual. She actually just sounds silly.
