Thursday, June 10, 2010

Joran van der Sloot Trying To Get Confession Tossed

Joran van der Sloot is awaiting the determination by a judge in Peru to which prison in Lima he will be spending time until his trial for the murder of Stephany Flores Ramirez. I say trial because Joran's new lawyer says he is going to try and get the confession that Joran gave thrown out and intends to take this case to trial.

The lawyer says that Joran was improperly questioned without an attorney present who he wanted. The police provided a lawyer who was present, but apparently Joran didn't want that one. Joran's lawyer also said the police messed around with the body and that evidence is tainted and that Joran was acting in self defense and blah blah blah. He also says that he spoke to the director of Lima's jails who is going to put Joran into protective custody so nothing happens to him in jail. So much for that shanking we all wanted.

Meanwhile the FBI cannot decide whether it provided the money for the sting operation or if it came from a private individual. They also issued a statement saying the death in Peru was not their fault and they were working as fast as they could to try and arrest Joran and to try and get him to the United States.


  1. Ugh. If he gets off on any sort of technicality I will LOSE it. On a brighter note, I just went back and read the last few comments on yesterday's post on this serial killer, and was heartened to read what he'll be dealing with if he goes inside.

  2. Ugh, he makes me ill. Can't someone just kill his ass already? I'm surprised no one has tried before. I wonder if anyone has ever picked a fight with him at least. I really just wanna see him punched in the face repeatedly, is that too much to ask for?

    I hope he gets seriously burned by the judge when he gets to trial. This jerk deserves no more breaks. He doesn't deserve any protection either. Let the criminals get at him in jail!

  3. He'll only have protection until the trial, right? I think of jail and prison as two different things, but I could be an idiot. XD

  4. I will not make any salad tossing jokes.

  5. I doubt anyone would want to toss his salad.

  6. He does make me toss my cookies.

  7. If he doesn't get shanked in prison... we can always hope that someone in this world will go all vigilante on him. I'm not trying to condone violence here, but... well, I can't think of someone more deserving of it, and I would consider it a proactive thing (preventing him from killing more girls, which he would likely do.)

  8. Is there no fucking justice in this world, DAMN!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. His attorney would not be doing his job if he didn't try to get the confession tossed. Defense attorneys make these arguements all the time - it doesn't mean the judge will agree.

    Lets say something crazy happens and the confession is tossed...despite the claim that the body was moved or whatever, there has to be physical evidence, plus the cameras, and witness statements.

  11. **Shakes Fist**

    This just makes me so angry.
    "Uh yeah, I didn't really mean to confess to breaking a girls neck, and then beating her to death with my tennis racket".

    Lock this unremorseful fucker up!!

  12. Joran's mom will now spend a fortune on the lawyer and bribes to keep her darling son safe. Peru has too much evidence to keep him out of prison, though some major bribing might try to get him transferred to The Netherlands.

    If the Aruban law enforcement and politicians had spent their time putting Joran in jail instead of covering for him in the Natalee Holloway case, Stephany would be alive today. Aruba must be proud of their favorite son and what they did to protect him and their tourism business. Ditto The Netherlands.

  13. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I say throw out the confession... then gun him down on the courthouse steps. But only after publicly castrating him.
    Well, Latin America is the closest you'll get to this kind of justice being possible, so maybe...

  14. GRRRRRRRRR....well they better get their shit together b/c the Aruban police "inproperly" questioned him also and look where that got Natalee's family.

    This seems like such a slam dunk to me. How is it even possible that this POS might get off on a technicality.

  15. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I knew they were going to come up with something to try to toss his confession out.

  16. I lost all hope in the justice system after OJ was acquitted.

    I'm shocked he's still alive. Absolutely and totally shocked! I thought for sure someone would kill him within 5 years of that trial.

  17. First things first, this ain't America. The Peruvian justice system may be modeled on the English the same way ours is, however lets not forget, it ain't America.
    That being said, his lawyer is doing exactly what any defense lawyer worth his salt would do - try and get anything incriminating tossed out.
    Although, honestly, given the nature of the crime and just who the victim was, and just *who* her Daddy is, I'd say he'd be better off in jail than walking the streets.
    His life expectancy can probably be calculated in hours if he's not in custody.
    That being said, I'd be happy to be the first to send the SOB a T-shirt with a bullseye on front and back to make it easier for whoever to enact some good old fashioned "frontier justice"...

  18. I'm still waiting to see what they'll do to him in prison, he may have protection but in a south-american prison? please...

  19. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I was reading that the prison where he's supposedly going is actually run by the inmates. And you better have money when you go in.

  20. Did he complete the re-enactment?

  21. I expected as much from this slug.

  22. See, this is how he screwed with the Aruba system - change his story dozens of times until no one believed anything he said, so he got away. You just knew within 48 hours of his arrest for this murder he'd play this game. It's become his M.O. I think he gets off on the publicity and truly believes he is invincible.

    That being said, I understand why his def. attorney is doing this - but it still bites to hear about the tactics. This is one case where I suspect some of the jury members, if it goes to trial, will be no doubt paid handsomely for their services. He will stay in jail - Stephany's father will see to that.

    God bless her family, you know they have to be in total agony seeing this all play out - just like Natalee's have for the past five years. No one should be allowed to murder your child and then play with your emotions and your life like this guy has done to them.

  23. I just want someone to kill him slowly and painfully. If and when he gets out he WILL kill again.He is evil and there is no redeeming him.I'm sure there are a few more murdered young women out there that weren't as high profile as Stepheny and Nstalee.

  24. Well, this little girl was his 5 year anniversary celebration kill of getting away with Natalee's murder. That's what is so sick. He's no different than any other serial killer.

    No telling how many women he recruited for slavery, and how many other women he murdered.

  25. please,her father has enough money to pay off SOMEONE and any guards on the inside to kill him. this is a non-negotiable.

  26. I don't think he's going to be tried by a jury. I understand they have three judges that hear the case and decide. Anyone?????
