Monday, June 28, 2010

Landon Donovan Love Child - Wife Knows

Who knew that a US soccer player could ever make the tabloids? Well, after Landon Donovan's surprising un-choke like performances in the World Cup, he has become just that. It did not take long for the British tabloids to announce that Landon is expecting a child with an unidentified woman in the UK.

The thing is, to me it is not that big of a deal. He split from his wife a very long time ago. I am guessing the guy has sex and he got a woman pregnant. He even says that if the baby is his that he will take care of the baby.

He told Sports Illustrated, "I was informed of the possibility during the World Cup, and if I need to take responsibility, then I will provide the appropriate support." Considering his history of choking during big games and events, the fact he knew about this and still played as well as he did gives me hope for the future of his career and US soccer. During the World Cup he even spoke about reuniting with his almost ex, Rules of Engagement star Bianca Kajlich.

He says they are having a good talks and apparently one of those talks was about the woman with the baby because Bianca is fine with it and supports Landon.


  1. Aww, it feels like US soccer has finally grown up. They have their own scandal!

  2. It sounds like he and his wife were separated at the time but honestly, who dates a pro athlete and expects them to remain faithful? To a certain degree, she probably expects it.

  3. US Soccer has a ways to go. My home team, the New England Revolution, doesn't even have a dot-com -- only a dot-net!

  4. Course she should support him, if its his kid.

    He is handsome, in a strange way...

  5. it's 2010. don't people get by now that if you do nothing to prevent it, you'll end up with a baby? and if you're a pro athlete and risk it, how fucking dumb ARE you, anyway?

  6. Exactly @nancer. It's called a c-o-n-d-o-m dudes.

  7. I just don't get the unprotected sex thing. If I were Bianca I'd boil him in bleach before taking him back.

  8. I can't get pat his name. Is he Michael Landon's son? No, wait, last name is Donovan. Is he Donovan's son? Is "Donovan" Donovan's last name? He was a one name dude, from what I remember. Were his parents huge Michael Landon fans? What's the deal?

  9. I can't believe people still don't use CONDOMS!!!

  10. How is this not a big deal? Few things are as serious as conceiving a child.

    So he was separated and his wife is "ok" with it.
    Still, his little fling means there's a new human being that's going to be born to two people who never planned it and never even loved or were committed to each other.

    Does this guy's "appropriate support" means being a full-time father to this child? Or just paying a certain amount of money every month?

    I marvel at how casually some people go about procreating.

  11. I agree with everyone who says that pro athletes haven't heard of a condom, but it's not just pro athletes! Nobodies said "feck, I'll risk it" and that's why there are so many kids left behind in child support. And just because he's anwering for the kid, doesn't mean he'll be there for him/her.
