Monday, June 28, 2010

Lets Talk The Beckhams

You know, normally I don't give much credence to break up stories. It is the rare couple in the world that doesn't have fights or arguments so if you happen to have some type of disagreement when you are a well known public couple, that argument could be embellished into the couple is splitting.

This time though I think there might just be something to all of these Victoria Beckham and David Beckham split rumors. It all started last week when the managing director of a Public Relations firm announced on his Twitter, ''I am hearing from a number of sources that Victoria and David Beckham are due to announce their separation in a few hours.'

Shortly after that. Victoria's publicist called it utter nonsense and then the PR director went on his Twitter and said, 'I have confirmation direct from Team Beckham that the separation rumour is "utter nonsense". Very good news indeed.'

To me there is something to it. The guy that first mentioned it is not some nobody. He knows what he is doing and is very good at his job. He doesn't just throw out rumors unless they have some truth to it. Here is why I think he is on to something. Prior to the World Cup, Victoria said that she and David had rented a quiet house close to where England was training and she planned to spend most of the World Cup there with him. Although David was there beginning a week before the World Cup started there was not a sign of Victoria. She has been spending time with the kids but not any with David. Supposedly the couple are going to meet in France this week. This is not like them to spend this much time apart.


  1. I would be very surprised if they split. They're a brand, Victoria is nothing without David, and if they ever split, she would be clinging to David until the very end, regardless of how he feels about her.

    I have no doubt that she adores him (or is desperate to keep him). Nor do I doubt that he is one of the smarter cheaters in Hollywood, carrying nondisclosure agreements around with him after that Rebecca Loos incident.

  2. How can you NDA a one night stand? I remember the blind but is there any teeth to the NDA?

  3. I too wondered why she was not by his side during the World Cup. Maybe they had a spat and are just blowing off steam but I also agree that I doubt they'll split up until either the children are grown or the two of them feel secure that they no longer need the "Beckham brand" to maintain their individual success.

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    If it's true, it's sad. Like her or not, they have always appeared to be a good couple and good parents to their boys.

  5. It seems to me like they spend a lot of time apart. I think they will lead increasingly separate lives and blame it on soccer and her "fashion" career with occasional appearances together. They have enough money to maintain that kind of lifestyle and they already have several homes around the world.

  6. She stood by him by those cheating scandals, and I think she will continue to do so until their brand is not as big as hers!

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM

    A managing director? Really? This person had no clue how unbelievably tacky it was to post this on twitter.

    Someone will be on the unemployment line today.

  8. While I think David cheats and Victoria knows about, I don't think that would break them up. She might not be happy with that arrangement, but it is better than the alternative, which is divorce. So unless David falls in love with one of his trysts, they will stay together. David has the best of both worlds. To the public he is a happily married family guy, and in private he gets to screw as many ho's as he wants and knows Victoria accepts it. With those air tight confidentiality agreements he is so famous for, he knows no one will talk. His image is safely intact. Tiger could have learned a few things from David.

  9. If he had a better voice, he'd be the hottest guy in the world. He's up there regardless.

    I hope they don't split! Although, I hate to see anyone in a loveless marriage.

  10. .robert, yep, you can NDA a one night stand. That's what any celeb with half a brain does. For example, that's why you don't hear anything about all the women Justin Timberlake is banging while he has his fake relationship with Biel.

  11. Actually, she said that she won't be going to SA, so that side of the story is wrong
    As for DB, he is gorgeous man but a real a** for the way he treats the mother of his children

  12. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I am counting when they will finally split LOL. I have never believed they have a good marriage. She loves the attention and posing for pictures.

  13. Fabio Capello made it quite clear that he didn't want any of the wags anywhere near the World Cup distracting the team. Even though David isn't playing, the ban on wags probably extended to Victoria too, because we all know she would provide distractions.

    I just don't see the fact that she wasn't there as a story.

  14. I have always thought that they are a good match but with the whole fame/money thing in the way, they lost track.

  15. Awww..i liked them together. I don't think I knew about all the cheating rumors either? Guess I should not be surprised.

  16. That would make me sad, not that I care that much for either one, but they seem to be good parents who genuinely like their kids. Hope they can work it out till the boys are grown !

  17. It's about time. Sounds like everyone in Hollywood knows he's a compulsive cheater except Victoria. Maybe she's finally willing to accept it.
