Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lizzy Velasquez Eats Every 15 Minutes To Stay Alive - Very Inspiring

I love eating. I think that is pretty clear. However, if I had to go through what Lizzy Velasquez has to suffer through I think even I would start to dislike food. Lizzy is a 21 year old woman who lives in Texas and is amazing. She weighs 56 pounds and suffers from Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome. Because of this disease she is unable to put on weight no matter what she eats or how much she eats. Currently she eats between 5,000-8,000 calories a day and does it in 60 meals. Yep. 60. She eats every 15 minutes.

Doctors all over the world study her. I can't imagine what that must be like. Despite what this woman goes through she seems to be the happiest woman in the world. She gets thrilled when she gains a pound. In September, a book she helped write will be released which discusses in greater detail her condition and her life. She wants to be a motivational speaker. This is a person who should have a reality show. Not the Kardashians. If you cannot or do not want to watch the CBS interview with her, you can click here and read the article in The Daily Telegraph.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Dear God.

    How do you eat every 15 minutes? Wouldn't that be more like eating constantly? Because it takes a few minutes to eat.

    OK, I'm gonna quit bitching about gaining weight.

  2. Oh my goodness,poor thing.

  3. Wow, it helps you put all things in perspective.

  4. I would pay a special tax* if it meant I never had to read/see/hear another thing about the frickin Kardashian Klan.

    *So long as the money didn't go to Scott Disick (Argh, why do I know his name!!!)

  5. I don't mean to be rude, but doesn't it look like she's had breast implants? They are just so...disproportionately large.

  6. What's sad is there are probably some anorexics out there thinking 'I wish I had this disease.'
    I cannot imagine eating every 15 minutes.

  7. Yeah I think so Gretchen...

  8. @Princess Shyness - amen.

  9. Gretchen...I thought the same thing.

  10. Oh honey, wow, what an inspirational young woman! To do all those things while struggling is just amazing. She's beautiful.

  11. Poor thing! It's wonderful she manages to be happy despite everything. Best of luck to her.

  12. Same thing I thought, SkittleKitty.

    God bless this poor lady. She is an inspiration.

    Makes me feel like such a dick, especially on days like today when I am bitching about petty, day-to-day BS.

  13. the human spirit is an amazing thing. bless her heart.

  14. i thought the same thing gretchen. it's sad how out of touch their uh "community" is. and a little frightening.

    wow she's got a lot of fight in her, that's for sure. from her chest to her hips she seems almost healthy? that's not the word, i know. i'd be afraid to even walk if i had that condition. serious props to her for her spirit.

  15. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Actually Tori Spelling looks just about as skinny. And not nearly as attractive.

  16. It's a shame they didn't show her speaking or anything in the video.

  17. I'm a total ignorant on this but I have to ask... can't the doctors get fat implanted in her? or it only works when it's her own fat?
    She must have low energy and almost no strength. It's amazing how she manages to keep smiling.

  18. Wow.

    Makes The Biggest Loser look even more like an asshole TV show.

  19. I think I'll quit bitching about how I look now. Wow.

  20. She may well have gotten a small set of implants; I'm guessing that, assuming she did, it was probably to give herself some kind of curves & not feel quite as skeletal (not to mention helping clothes fit a bit better). Poor kid--good for her that she's got the fighting spirit, and I hope she hangs in there. I just wish she didn't have to fight like that...

  21. Jess, I would imagine her metabolism is the bigger issue (not that I know either, just a hunch). It just seems like the internal might have more stress because of how hard it works burning calories. Having fat implanted might change the exterior but I would imagine the real stress is probably on her organs?
    I was a very, very skinny teenager and used to drink 3000 calorie drinks prescribed by the doctor because I was horribly bullied. It's amazing the INSANE things people would feel no shame in saying to me about being thin - almost like it was okay because I wasn't fat. Metabolism is such an interesting thing, particularly in how different we are.

  22. I actually saw her walk in a Casa Ole in Houston, and honestly, I was going to tell her straight up that my mother died of Anorexia, and she needed to face facts, but I didn't. I'm glad I didn't. The one time I would have told an Anorexic off, and it would have been someone who is not.
