Friday, June 25, 2010

People Of Wal-Mart Has Their Poster Children - Couple Tries To Sell Baby In Walmart Parking Lot

If you ever want to kill an hour at work one of the best ways is to head over to People Of Wal-Mart. I'm not sure if Patrick Fousek, 38, and Samantha Tomasini, 20 have actually been inside a Wal-Mart, but they certainly are familiar with the parking lot.

Two women called police after Patrick had approached them offering to sell his newborn. At first they thought he was joking, but he kept asking them and at one point brought his price down to $25.

After the women called the police, Patrick and Samantha ran away. Police found them a short time later at their home where they were both high on meth. Samantha also admitted to the police that she breast feeds her child while smoking meth at the same time.

The parents were arrested and taken to jail and the baby is with Child Protective Services.


  1. Um, shouldn't they be the ones paying someone else to raise the kid, not the other way around? That being said, I think they would have been more successful if they had slapped one of those yellow-face-smiley price cut stickers on the newborn.

    I joke, but a very sad situation. Glad the child is out of their very incapable hands.

  2. Thank god the baby is safe now.

  3. I'm glad the baby is safe. Meth is the scourge of the earth.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Oh god, that poor baby. Hopefully neither of them will ever get their hands on it again.

    On a side note, WTF is with her face?

  5. That is so sad...I'm glad the baby is safe!

  6. Adoptive family: lie to your baby. Don't let the baby know who the biological parents really are.

  7. Her face is probably messed up because she is a meth addict. Crap like that does nothing but mess you up.

    I just pray they are never allowed to even see the baby again. It would be most excellent if both of them to be sterilized. They don't deserve children.

    They are miserable examples of pondscum

  8. As bad as it is they tried to sell their child for drugs, I'm kind of glad they did (so the baby can finally be in a safe home).

  9. What a lovely couple. Have you checked out their fb pages? She calls herself Alexandra's Mommy and he has a picture of the baby as his profile pic.

    I hope the baby is okay and never sees her birth parents again. Seriously

  10. i think i would have bought the baby and called it a day

  11. They both could have gone to Project Prevention, made money, and helped keep this world safe from procreation!
    Seriously, money for drug addicts to be sterilized. Seems like a great trade off to me!

  12. I agree Mrs. M5. Why the hell didn't they buy the baby THEN call police! Gross!

  13. 25 dollars? so sad...I'm glad they found them.

  14. I bet these folks are good friend with the parents who posted the picture of their toddler hitting on a bong on their FB.

    Glad the baby was found. These people are scum.

  15. Oh...and the foster mother of a child who has been in the system for her entire life....this child will more than likely be returned to the mother at least one or more times and will go through the court system until the child gets older and older and more and more troubled and thus less likely to be adopted.

    There should be a strict law:
    Try to sell your baby-DONE
    Do drugs around your baby-DONE

    Intentionally do harm to your child or cause harm due to extreme negligence-DONE
    Sexually abuse your child ever-DONE

    There should never be 2nd chances when it comes to children.

  16. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I could not agree more, Ice Angel. These kids need to know that when they are removed from an abusive situation that it's OVER. No going back to it. Ever.

  17. I agree completely @Ice Angel. I'd add to that: FORCED STERIZATION.

    I've thought about adopting a foster child, but am much too afraid of the responsibilty.

  18. Oh my god. I just don't even know what to say. This kind of stuff always makes me cry. My husband tries to convince me to stop reading at the first sign of child abuse, but I'm like a moth to a flame. Is it okay that through my tears, I've got this insatiable urge to kick these two cockroach's skulls in?

  19. @syko, people who do meth constantly think they feel bugs crawling or biting them, so they scratch at these phantom bugs. The keep doing meth and keep scratching and this is what they end up looking like. there is a website out there that shows how people change after using meth

  20. So my husband and I have just spent two years and tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments and were just told by our specialist, we should probably consider adoption if we want to expand our family. (We already have one son but want more.) GIVE ME THAT LITTLE BABY NOW!!!

  21. both high on meth

    NO SHIT, LOOK AT HER FACE. Before I read ANYTHING I thought "Woah, meth addict..." lol. You KNOW they just wanted the $ for more meth. Rot, you pieces of shit.

  22. sad,she looks like she was probably a pretty normal girl next door b4 drugs.

    poor baby, what a start.

  23. Dear Utah,
    I have two more people who qualify for a firing squad. I will be more than happy to supply the bullets and gladly serve as trigger woman should you need volunteers.
    Yours truly,

  24. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Thanks, skeeball. I'm so ignorant about these things, having never done coke or meth.

  25. In Colorado, if a child goes into foster care, the mother or father has 18 months to clean up their act. After that, the child is up for adoption.

  26. Poor little baby. Some kids are just doomed from the get go. It isn't fair that these 2 worthless pieces of shit can reproduce no problem and then there are other people that would make wonderful parents and can't. Makes me sick.

  27. They should be on the Faces of Meth site. That poor child.

  28. I really like the Colorado law. By the way...I am now in the process of adopting my foster daughter and it should be complete by the end of the year...just shy of her 6th birthday!!!

  29. @ Ice Angel...congratulations. Lucky little girl to make it out of the system.

  30. I would have agreed to the sale, walked them over to the car to get the license plate number, waited until they left and called the police. Let's hope they did nothing to the baby!

  31. At 20 years old, that girl's already starting to look like hell. And what is a 20-year-old doing with a 38-year-old, anyway, unless he's her dealer/babydaddy? Gross!

  32. I'd go along w/the buying the baby to get it away from the parents, but would that open you up to legal troubles of your own if money actually exchanged hands? Even if it's done for utterly altruistic ideals, I don't know how the cops would feel about such a thing. I'm guessing you're a civil rather than criminal attorney, Enty, but could you fill us in on this?

  33. It seems sick but at least they tried to sell the child. A couple near me STARVED their child to death. They claimed 3 children were too many to take care of.

    There aught to be a liscence to raise children. Bad parents piss me off!!

  34. Why is a 20 year old girl dating a 38 yr old man. Because he was supplying meth to her no doubt. Sad story indeed.

  35. @Ice Angel - Completely agree w/ you

    Sadly, this isn't the first time I've heard about parents trying to sell their kid...outside Walmart.

  36. I'm posting this on Sunday - these guys tried to do this outside of Salinas, CA. When they took the guy to county, the inmates beat the sh*t out of him! So deserving!
