Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Four parts today.

Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Taylor Lautner in GQ. Don't worry, he is 18 now. You can look.
And then Taylor Lautner cracked his skull so they decided to make the last two Twilight movies spoofs starring all of the Wayans family.
Meanwhile the other Twilight stars were in Beverly Hills yesterday promoting the movie. You know, just in case you have never heard of the f**king thing.

Kellan's new hair reminds me of a Chia pet.
The Wiggles - London
Uma Thurman back on again with her boyfriend.
Verne Troyer flashing the cash in Montreal. I would have also accepted, "Bring me a Molson with my poutine."
will.i.am & Usher - Los Angeles


  1. Must Kristen Stewart always look so damn grumpy in her photos? I would be so happy to earn the kind of money she does for so little work/talent that I would have an ear-to-ear grin in every photo!

  2. I really don't get the fascination with Kristen Stewart. She's completely average...in looks and as an actress.

    I guess we're a culture that celebrates mediocrity.

  3. Kristen is a one note actress. I found her boring.

  4. How Ben Vereen is Usher in that hat?

    I wish I could walk around town with Uma hair.

  5. Hi readers! sweet pic #1 - beautiful hair #2
    -the more I think about it, I realize that I liked Robert Pattinson when he was in Harry Potter (as Cedric) but the twilight fans are exhausting and have made me dislike him.

  6. Hi Readers! :)

    So I shouldn't have been staring at Taylor Lautner's abs all this time??

    I really like Kristin's dress in that picture!

  7. awww...love the reader pics.

    he may be 18, but i still feel dirty looking at lautner.

    uma is aging ridiculously fast. the frumpy outfit doesn't help matters.

  8. Anonymous2:25 PM

    taylor lautner is dreamy. so much more attractive than pattison.

  9. Beautiful puppy! Reader number 2 is the gorge!

    I always thought Uma was small on top, she looks much bigger (and lower) in that pic.

    I'm so glad my kids don't like those stupid shows. What is that? A lame Barney?

  10. Thank you, Chihuahuense. :)

  11. What a sweet pup, Reader #1! He should have been the top photo.

  12. Kellen Lutz is so funny looking to me. I don't get the attraction AT ALL.

    Lautner just make me feel funny to look at. But I'm sure he's going to be a heartbreaker.

    I think Pattinson is the cutest, although I've never seen the stupid movies. I have a personal boycott on them :P
    I'm SOOO excited for Pattinson in the upcoming "Water For Elephants". GREAT BOOK. I think he is an excellent choice for the role...

    I just cant look at Vern Troyer without seeing that little clip of a sex tape.. urgh...
