Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sandra Bullock Tries Out Her Guitar Playing Skills

Sandra Bullock made a surprise appearance yesterday at the Nashville Rising concert yesterday to raise money for people who have had their lives disrupted by the floods throughout the south. Ostensibly Sandra was there to introduce Faith Hill. What transpired was Sandra showing off her umm, guitar skills and being very funny about it.



  2. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I am hearing rumors she might go back to that cheating dog???

  3. would anyone be surprised if she did go back? in all honesty i couldn't fault her because that is/was her husband and just cause he is a dirty dog doesn't mean she stopped loving him. plus we all know how much she loved his kids as well. i wouldn't think any less of her if she returned to him. i like her, and i think she will ultimately do what is best for her and her son.

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM


  5. I admire her generosity, with her time and money.

  6. Love her! But, seriously, how could she ever forgive him for exposing her to all the STD's those skanks would have????? I predict he will be run out of Austin in 3....2....

  7. I hope she doesn't take him back. I don't think he will change.

  8. I've always suspected she will take him back. Sorry won't watch another one of her movies. That is just gross.

  9. Count me in with the number of people that think she's going back to Jesse. And I'm not entirely sure she ever really left him. I think she filed for divorce as a publicity move because she was expected to do it. Staying out of Hollywood will make it easier for them to see each other without the paps.

  10. I'll say one thing for her. She's certainly not indulging in a pity party.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I also think they will stay together. I think she is doing it for the kids, not because she is still madly in love with Jesse. I think when it comes down to it, she knows Sunny has the most to lose, and she would be staying together for her. Who would fault her for that?

  13. i would def fault her for giving her children a reason to believe its ok to cheat and be anti-semetic, and still be forgiven. But then I am not a very forgiving person, when it comes to serious shit like this.

  14. I refuse to entertain the idea that she is going back to man-whore. I won't hear it.

    Love her and everyone else who took part in this to help out Nashville! Good for them!

  15. I'd fault her big time for going back to the scummy waste to flesh she married. I'd lose respect for her especially after what she said about Tiger's wife.

    Maybe she's paying Hitler Jr or Sunny's mom so she can keep in contact with the kids. I refuse to think she'd go back to the reigning King of Ick Nast.

  16. @ardleigh - what did she say about Tiger's wife?

  17. Jesse WISHES she will take him back. Him moving to Austin, Tx means nothing...that where she filed for divorce.

    Seriously, Jesse ain't all that...and ain't worth 'going back to'.

  18. I love and respect her even more after reading her sister's autobiography. A great read!
