Thursday, June 24, 2010

WTF? Joran Van Der Sloot Flied Complaint Against Police

In Peru, today, Joran van der Sloot filed a complaint against the police in Peru saying that his rights had been violated. He says that police acted inappropriately, that they abused him, that they did not give him an official translator, that he was confused and there was no valid warrant for his arrest.

What about Stephany Flores Ramirez' rights? Were you thinking about those when you killed her? All you were thinking about was stealing her money and trying to hide the body so you would not get caught. Oh, and the f**ker is actually asking for bail too. How long do you think he would stay in Peru if he got bail. He would sneak his way into The Netherlands and never have to answer for anything. I say the police move him from his protected cell and put him in with the general population. If he lasts more than a night alive there then he will have something to complain about.


  1. If I were a sociopath in that hell hole of a prison knowing I was eventually going to be murdered I'd be squirming too. I agree, save money and move him to the general population.

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Agree with .robert.

  3. He is pulling every trick out of his butt hole to try and get out of this. And I agree all he wants to do is find a way to get on a plane or ship to the Netherlands.

    At least his Mother is finally opening up her eyes to the monster her son is.

    I don't want a convict to kill him. I want him to stand trial and be humiliated (which he hates)and sentenced. Then he can get shanked by an inmate.

  4. Agree with .robert 110%. It's time he shut up and faced some real consequences. He didn't give a crap about Stephany or natalie's rights as human beings, why should Peru (or anyone else) bend over backwards to accomodate him? He is trash.

  5. What a pompous self entitled little bitch, lol I don't want him killed in prison, I want him to endure rape after rape after rape for years on end.

  6. This kid is gonna wind up getting away with murder (again) due to some shotty police work or any other technicality. Just watch...

  7. Since when was Peru so accomodating to its prison population? I say let the prisoners have a go at him. It might be our only shot justice.

  8. Montana...I totally agree with your comment and I'd like to edit it to also include that I think he's a "lying punk ass bitch, who's also a giant scared PUSSY and I hope he dies a slow painful death before he joins his father in hell!"

  9. He'll try to get out of prison and go to a mental hospital.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm also with Montana - rapes that damage his internal organs every time, but not so much that it will kill him. He cannot get bail. CANNOT. We'll never hear from this little fucker again if he gets bail, until he kills again (which he will).

  12. at least the Presidente came out and said in no uncertain terms he will NOT extradite Joran before he's served his punishment for Flores in Peru first.

    he'll never get out of Peru alive,especially if he keeps talking shit.

  13. Anonymous1:03 PM

    While it would not break my heart to see him killed, I would much prefer years of torture and rape, with his attackers chanting the names of the girls he killed while they do it.

    He's just beyond redemption, even his own mother is refusing to see him and talk to him. Some people need killing. This is one of them.

  14. Not to worry. He is in Peru, and he is actually hurting his case by not cooperating with the judge. Law enforcement in Peru has more than they need, so Joran and his lawyer can play their little games. The media is hyping this case for sales, and they exaggerate some things while glossing over others and shading the facts. In the end, Joran will spend a long time in a prison in Peru.

  15. Well, boo-freakin-hoo, Joran. You murdered two young girls in cold blood and they aren't serving you tea and crumpets while playing you violins every morning.

    All I can say is thank goodness the justice system in Peru seems to work much better than the one in Aruba.

    Selfish, egotistical little jerk.

  16. i think we should all pray to the psycholigist who had the sense to deem him fit for trial!!

    no fucking "not guilty by reason of insanity" here!

  17. wtf blogger spellcheck no work today?
    sorry,scuse my illiteracy.

  18. He's an idiot too. This is why the cops videotaped every damn thing, Hell, off the top of my head I can remember the translator telling him, and Joran nodding away. Not that I care if they abused him or not, but he should be charged with making a false statement, or whatever they call it in Peru. Just keep adding on charges, so he can suddenly understand that if the other prisoners let him survive, he is staring at a long time ahead of him before he gets to have his extortion trial in the US. He won't last a week.

  19. If he did make it back to the Netherlands, he couldn't hite for long. That place is pretty tiny, like an overgrown small town. He'd be more likely to get lost in Thailand.

    in any case, this guy has run out of luck. He'll get little sympathy in a legal system that considers a prisoner guilty until he can prove himself innocent.

  20. The guy is gonna walk. I hate to say it (and keep saying it). But he will. He has more international news coverage and scrutiny of every step taken here than any political prisoner could hope for in a lifetime and all it takes is one wrong move, and they moved too fast, and on top of that he can't get legal representation, which is the same thing that happened in Aruba. He'll walk. It's sick and wrong but he will.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. tenley, no he won't. i can't believe you think that. they have evidence up the ass. he has no clout in peru and the girl he killed is from a family that does. he's not in aruba anymore. he will not get off.

  23. Please Lord, don't let him get away with this.

  24. When is the trial supposed to take place? I wish they would go ahead and move him to Gen. Pop. This kid is used to A-list treatment by police/officials. I'm sure he's sweating his balls off in prison.

    He is funny though. His rights are violated. Yeah, URINE, welcome to prison!

  25. The Enquirer is running a cover stating that they have found Natalee's grave. Apparently Joran told them where it is??

  26. I agree with others--put him in the general population where he can get raped and beaten but not killed for decades to come.

  27. really, john? I cant read any of their articles over here in Europe, I have no idea why.

    Even if he gets sent to Europe, would the US just get him extradited from there? I too hope he gets to stay in Peru, but I dont think he can hide anywhere in the Netherlands
