Thursday, July 29, 2010

Amy Fisher Is Doing More Porn

Amy Fisher's three children must be so proud of her. Amy has signed up to do four porn movies. The good thing is she will be a producer too so I guess that means she can pick the guys she is going to have sex with while her husband watches. Because of the success of her "sex tape," oh, and her pay per view sex, oh and her website where she limits herself to only having sex with women, Amy Fisher decided the best way for her to really make some great money was to star in a series of four movies all with her name in them. Like Amy Fisher Goes To LA, and Amy Fisher Does A Buttafuoco. Classy titles like that.

When I see Amy Fisher now, first it is hard to believe she is 35 and the life she has had. I also wonder whether she would have ended up doing porn and making a living like this if she had not met Joey Buttafuoco. Without meeting him she would not have shot his wife, and would not have gone to jail. Would she just be some Long Island mother staying at home and living a quiet life? Because we have seen her life played out before us and the choices she has continued to make it is interesting to follow. I am also not surprised she is choosing more porn to make money. She has got used to the money and the only way she will make that much is porn.


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    She is not a bad looking girl. Can't understand why in the first place she got involved with Buttafuoco. The guy is ugly as a dog LOLOL.

  2. I definitely think we are all products of our choices along the way, so I don't think she'd be doing porn now if she hadn't gotten together with Joey Buttafuoco. Alot of people's lives would be much different if they hadn't met/gotten together.

  3. Kate, well put..but I disagree.
    I think with the daddy issues she had prior to meeting Joey - she was destined to do this all along.

  4. She looks kinda pretty in this picture. But, from jailhouse to porn star is an understanding transition.

    Yeah, it makes sense in her world.

  5. Totally agree Enty & very sad indeed. Hard to re-invent yourself after all those experiences.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh man, she's married?! Does her husband not have a job that he's okay with this? Or are they both just closing their eyes and thinking about the cash?

    I definitely think she wouldn't be in this spot if she hadn't had that bit of unfortunate fame with Buttafuoco. For some reason, when I read stuff like this it makes me think she doesn't seem that sorry about what she did to his wife. As I recall, that woman's face was RUINED.

  8. She's not unattractive, but she looks a lot older than 35. I'd sure hate to know I'd reached a point in my life where porn seemed the best way to maintain my lifestyle. I think I'd just live a less expensive life, and not be paid for sex. It's a little off topic, but do any of you (or Enty, you're a lawyer) know why prostitution is illegal, but "acting" in a porn movie is legal? I've always thought it was strange that one instance of "I'll pay you to have sex" is a crime, but the other is not.

  9. That's a good question RJ and also why is prostitution only legal in certain parts of Nevada?

  10. I agree - if it wasn't Buttafuoco, it would have been some other older man.

  11. If she wasn't the producer, I would say this is the answer to the Buzzphoto blind.

  12. She has made quite a life for herself. Wonder if she'll ever kill someone?

  13. I'm surpised she can still make money off her name. The economics of the porn industry have changed drastically in the last few years with all the free websites.

  14. I grew up with this scandal in Long Island.

    I hate her, I hate Joey I hate everyone except Mary Jo she is a saint for what she went through.

  15. I agree with the daddy issues as a cause to all of this, Buttafuoco only made it more public and if she doesn't have enough respect for herself then nothing will change.

    As for doing pr0n, I don't think I'll ever get to it. I don't know how I will be able to stand up straight and feel no shame, I would have less expenses.

  16. I think if Joey hadn't come along, she'd still be in this same situation. There wasn't anything special about him or their relationship that made her shoot his wife, it was her insecurities and daddy issues. If he hadn't come along, she would've found another married man to obsess over and likely done the same thing. I don't think she could ever be "some Long Island mother staying at home and living a quiet life". It's not who she is. Doing porn is just another example of the lengths she'll go to to feel loved and get attention.

  17. if it weren't Joey, it would have been someone else.

    and does anyone remember about how she swore Joey gave her herpes?! I mean, how do you knowingly have sex with someone with herpes....for just sex and a few bucks.

    i mean, i know a lot of people have it etc, but i mean, knowingly roulette yourself there.

  18. @RJ - that is actually an excellent question. Never thought about that before.

  19. I forgot how pretty she is.

    ...and how horrible of a person she is, too.

  20. You all remember that she's not using her original face right? She said she needed plastic surgery to put her past behind her...and I have nothing nice to say about her.

  21. So, it's Amy's turn to take a shot to the face? lol

    /hangs head in shame for reaching that low for a joke

  22. Perhaps if she hadn't been sexually molested as a child, she wouldn't have had the affair with another predator, who got off much too easily, IMO, the creep. She was pretty messed up before she shot Mary Jo and spent years in prison.

    I really hope she's okay with doing this as a means to make money. At least she seems to be doing this of her own free will and her husband seems to be okay with it - exploited yet again. It might be tough on the kids, though, when their friends start watching these flicks.

  23. Once you are numb, and feel like your existance is based on being reduced to a sex objuct, being sexually explicit makes compleete sense. If she was molested, it explains the "sex-kitten 17 year-old, which is no excuse for buttafucco to say YES, which explains the desperation, which explains the crime, which explains prison and the lesbianism , which explains the porn. Someone has to do porn, we watch a bazillion hrs of it. Guess grandmama was right, hussies have mental problems.

  24. She was a prostitute before she met Joey. Amy was on this path from an early age and being a Long Island housewife & mother served only to briefly divert her from this path.

  25. I think Buttafucco (sp) who got off lightly in my view and had a hand in his wife's now ex)shooting. I agree with others who stated she was well on this path. She might be doing porn because of her name, but she probably would have been hooking or sleeping with various husbands on Long Island. He whole identity is wrapped up in being some sex toy/sex kitten, which is really a shame.

  26. @ Henriette. As much as I loathe Buttface, Amy admitted in her televised (so-called) confrontation with Joey that she had lied about his involvement. She admitted that did it on her own without any suggestion or prodding from him.

    He's a cheater and buffoon. However, it's sheer luck his wife wasn't murdered by Amy. She more than trash. She's a sociopath.
